The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

We can assume that Guy has something that can repel Psycho Power or make it difficult for Bison to harness it, but it doesn’t assure instant victory.

Something like how the 3rd hokage threatens Orochimaru with the
Dead Demon Consuming Seal 封印術・屍鬼封尽, Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin

It can be dangerous for the likes of Bison but doesn’t mean it has guarantee to seal his fate and destruction. It seems fair and interesting for both Guy and Bison. It also doesn’t outclass Bison.

Okay I imagined it like somehow similar to how many in-visioned and confused it to be the real Shun Goku Satsu thing before many updates that ended and concluded to be only just fast strikes.

Gameplay wise SGS has a different execution and need the right distance to successful hit.

I think that privileged and entitlement for such interesting ability should be with Guy(more suitable role) instead of Akuma. Since Akuma has nothing to do with both Rose and Bison plot wise.

I think that can work as a narrative way to make Guy a relevant threat for that exclusively but it doesn’t assure anything to be easy to setup or lead Bison to such traps.

i found smart how they made Guy treating directly the plane and not Bison himself.
It mean that Guy is good enough to destroy it without Bison be able to stop him in time, but at same time that is clear Guy is no match for Bison (and approached that power difference with the strategic mindset of a Ninjutsu user, rather than with the “dumb” pride of aclassic martial artist)


I still think that power levels discussion are boring and silly and better left for Dragon Ball.


Agree. That’s why those two like Guy and Cody should never be level up because of spiritual and aura thing, but probably from resourcefulness, techniques, shrewdness and etc.

Guy could have a special ancient technique to counter the likes of Bison but it doesn’t mean his better in every aspect in combat and force. He might be better in deceptive style of combat practice and agility.

Something like a Kryptonite to the likes of Psycho Power user, because it doesn’t counter by power to power, force to force or strenght to strenght.

While Cody is just the most non-gimmick fighter, unorthodox, innovative, resourceful/adaptive and the complex fighter from different angle of situation and limitation among the rest of the SF cast.

And it’s all good, except even if set on blurred lines, in SF universe they clearly exist

If anything any time an inferior tier fighter manage to inflict a loss to an upper one, Capcom often offer an “explanation” for it instead left it as “it’s a fight anything can happen”

Like it or not, unoffcial power levels are integral part of SF narrative

The thing is in SF we cannot justify things in number and a singular DATA as an all out advantage and representation, because there are significant variations.

DBZ is a battle for force and SF isn’t just force and ki energy combined alone, SF is diverse from techniques, skills, agility and strength.

In DBZ the usual is when the Z warriors (cast) found new upgrade everything went up from durability, agility, strength and fire power. They ignore the power level practice long time ago which fits their new narrative of variation and diversity of opponents especially in the new DB animes.

Some basic general levels obviously exist, Sagat is a bigger deal than Blanka for rather self-evident reasons.

I just find it silly when the discussion on power levels gets too convoluted and starts forgetting about the most important part: the actual narrative itself.

SF has some sort of DEPTH and diverse in counter reaction and encounters to each other which makes thing interesting not just in game play experienced unlike DBZ saga.

You cannot create anime fights with Goku against generic anime characters in the 90s because of power levels it becomes narrow and predictable. That’s why it always Superman.

Unlike Ryu can go still give some sense of probablity in match up and what if.

Again, in SF story narrative and power levels are’nt spearated as you seem to think, if anything they support each other in an indivisible way

It’s all over years and years of SF canon lol, the food chain is a thing

Frankly, I don’t think “power levels” and story are so interwoven in Street Fighter. In some instances, for some characters in particular, sure, that’s true, but most of the times I don’t think that’s really the case.

That’s just how I see it though.

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The only thing that is obviously about power levels was Oni…

That’s because large majority of the cast fit into that huge “middle tier” box where everyone can beat everyone

The real food chain applies to very few chars, who happen to be story wise often the most important ones though

In Cody case he never got big importance (ever got a “guest” vibe as story approach,at least until SFV) but he’s definitely not a middle tier char and sure af he’s not going to lose to one… and if happen capcom will as usual feel the need to give an explanation

I’m not even the one calling them “power levels”, i call it simple understanding of SF universe

Peoples not getting it tend to be butthurt over things like Ryu being the one to fight Bison or middle tiers getting jobbed or minor tasks

That’s how SF roll

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To all the dads, uncles, and grandpas out there: HAPPY FATHERS DAY


On one hand I love that we got to know the season 3 characters right away, but on the other hand, it has taken away all the char discussion and speculation that was incredibly fun




Like I said earlier the diversion of skills, techniques, resourcefulness, deceptive, charisma and eloquence are not part of the so called or assumed power levels justified by numbers.

DBZ has even abandoned the idea long ago. It’s hard to make DBZ something as an example after he turned into a Super Saiyan.

If we want something that can see how power level is full integrated and a definitive part of the narrative (for now) as a measurement and also as a major concern that strongly affects the interaction in that story progression would be this anime…

Yet techniques and magical attacks that are tricks can change how the battle do work despite the power levels but not as a counter to counter.

The beauty of it’s narrative is the skills and techniques are defined and elaborated from consequences and technicalities like how the speed force is a plot device which is an actual system that has some rules in the DC universe unlike what Marvel had.

They work in Seven Deadly Sins anime because they were written and designed as a strong and important role as plot device in the narrative unlike DBZ that ended up temporary.

Another thing is type of categorizing isn’t about the uninspired power level… something more direct and interesting which is about “Class” rather than numbers used in Yuyu Hakusho Anime.

I think it’s more applicable to SF in narrative rather than what we are used to “label” things as power levels like DBZ which is even obsolete and long time abandoned in narrative.

What make it work as a plot device is it is introduced in the near end of the series conclusion so it will justify and cement whatever the series accomplish in following the protagonist journey of Yusuke… Not something to introduce a sequel or to expand a series.

Shonen Anime had this kind of usual problem because it all about raising everything at the same time without any narrative consistency, making things about just concluded with muscle advantage and ki blast advantage is meh in a well written narrative.

What Yuyu did made is more interesting in categorical design… than using numbers in data… it’s like comparing the life counter in Magic The Gathering and Yugioh that is more confusing. It even have leave a space for ambiguity for the sake of not easily anticipating a background and outcome of a battle.

In the end SF isn’t about just muscle, body mass, ingenuity, gears, weapons and Ki blast not even techniques like traditional anime we are accustomed in the past because even situation and environment do affect decision making because quick/critical thinking.

So what ever label of categorization won’t justify and conclude the advantage of a character to conquer another unless they are fully elaborated in narrative or cinematic like those ninjas that Bison beat or the dolls that Birdie beat.


Vega’s Stage is coming to smash!!

@Cestus_II but Rosso’s girlfriend/potential wife is dead. So I don’t get the joke? He’s probably infertile too so…

The Mafia got no heirs, Rosso quaking in his tide pod-looking suit as we speak.


I get the joke, just being sarcastic, I know someone is dumb enough to actually believe me

I’m actually a bit annoyed that Arika’s game won’t have any real story to it. I would’ve been good with a text-based ending like EX3 over nothing.


Agree, Just a single comic panel illustration would have done wonders like Capcom did in Arcade mode in SFV.


Wait seriously? I’ve been out of the loop for a bit, there’s nothing?! Augh…