The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

we all agree that Cody should be no where need the level of Oni, because Cody being able to take on Oni doesn’t make a lick of sense.


I like the concept for that Alaskan huntress.

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Rashid just treated himself to a huge feast to celebrate.


I think we know what happened to his friend :wink:


So…no pointers to my question here? Throw a fellow SF fan a bone here, c’mon :stuck_out_tongue:

“What Udon comic issues have those Cody moments? Like the one mentioned were Ryu notices Cody’s abbilities to fight multiple foes? I’d highly appreciate some pointers there”.

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It’s been a while since I read the issue, but I did some digging, it’s either Street Fighter II Turbo #6 or issue 7. Cody’s monologing while wailing on Ryu before he SNH stomps him.

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Sorry man, I missed your question and I didn’t remember the issue number. Thanks Shock.

OMG That’s right! I forgot our birthdays are right next to each other. Amazing.

Regarding Cody, I firmly do not like “Meme” Cody. No secret power…no stupid shit like that. Dude is just a top-tier world warrior probably near Ryu’s level (since Guy is Cody’s inferior and is about Ken’s level)

@Shockdingo Thank you very much, will make sure to check them out!


His deviantart profile says he’s Mexican.

Yeah, close to Ryu sounds about right

As i said the “Nash tier” fit well Cody

Keep in mind in SFV Nash had a “friendly” fight with Ryu where they clash on equal level

Ryu special boost is dat “anime hero” power up that make him super powerful when he truly need it to stop the evil boss, save the world etc
Essentially Ryu can fight at his true full potential only on desperate circumstances

In that he’s designed to be superior to Nash or Cody
But for a friendly/normal match i can see them fight more or less at same level, with Cody/Nash winning some out of 10


Don’t forget Bison is supposed to be afraid with Guy’s Bushinryuu

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I agree with @Cestus_II on Ryu having that “animé power up” because I honestly always saw him as a slightly above average fighter normally only becoming strong in desperation. If he’s already uber-tier strong then what’s the point of his entire character arc.

For Nash+Cody, I always though of them as people who were just naturally born to be that strong. They really didn’t have much discipline and training like Ryu or Chun-Li needed to get to where they are now.

@mikros He’s Mexican, then it proves my point about cosplay still seen as weird in the mid-east/ (then again it’s still seen as weird in most places outside the west+Japan).

I disagree on this, i think there’s fuckton of difference in terms of discipline between them imho

To try explain think Nash as “free” and cody as “raw”

Nash is free as both as martial artist and as a man he’s not under the discipline of anybody else, be it the US Army (like GUile) or a martial style Master.
But he’s the master to himself, both as life values or martial arts.
And he’s probably an incredibly demanding one while at it.

This does’nt mean he have no discipline, if anything require an even greater discipline to be your own guide, instead having somebody else holding your hand on the correct path.

As martial artist he created his own very refined martial art, even including new complex concepts (sonic moves/energy) that he was able to teach to somebody else (Guile)
He gone to the USA martial arts championship probably with the spirit of a scientist that want test his theory, and won it twice.
Then as soon he was require to something more important (SFA days) he instant left the potential selfish martial artist career (as USA Champ x2 could have lived on that easily) and gone to hunt Bison.
He followed his ideals with great dedication, giving life twice for them

On other hand Cody is raw, natural talent that does’nt bend to any kind of discipline, not even is own
Maybe now (SFV) we’re starting see Cody reluctant recognize the idea of duty, wich require discipline to be followed

Is clear at begin he got some kind of traditional training, all his FF1 moveset come have clear martial arts roots (boxing, karate, judo), but he stopped there with the “disciplined” path

From there he let his own style grown uncontrolled, by the simple straight experience of fighting.
He did’nt developed a “system” he let himself fall in every brawl he could, and from every scrap he learned something because he’s talented as fuck and born for that.

He did’nt got into fights to improve, perfect his style or learn new things (a la Ryu), he got into fights because get into fights it’s what Cody does lol.
He improve as natural consequence of him getting more fight experience and more variety of situations (vs many, weapons, dirty tricks etc) combined with his natural predisposition to learn.
He started integrating street tricks and even instant adapting to a new condition (punching while handcuffed), but all that is just him just following the flow of his own talent wich is the negation of discipline

If you give a disciple to Nash, he will train him strictly and at the end you obtain a Guile
If you give a disciple to (pre SFV) Cody, he will say to him to fuck off and go out picking fights with the biggest, meanest fuckers he can find lol

Overall i consider Nash and Cody equally insanely talented, and more or less equal as fighters… Nash may have superior techniques and movements, but Cody is way more impredictable due his complete refusal of a code

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Both Cody and Guy has a sense of superiority. We can assume that Guys has something that can repel Psycho Power but it doesn’t assure instant victory.

While Cody is pure skills and talent. A Genius.

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Dont be silly. Bison is fear itself! He just likes his plane and He got what he wanted from Rose. He also had other errands around the base and he cant be late.

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We can assume that Guy has something that can repel Psycho Power or make it difficult for Bison to harness it, but it doesn’t assure instant victory.

Something like how the 3rd hokage threatens Orochimaru with the
Dead Demon Consuming Seal 封印術・屍鬼封尽, Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin

It can be dangerous for the likes of Bison but doesn’t mean it has guarantee to seal his fate and destruction. It seems fair and interesting for both Guy and Bison. It also doesn’t outclass Bison.

Okay I imagined it like somehow similar to how many in-visioned and confused it to be the real Shun Goku Satsu thing before many updates that ended and concluded to be only just fast strikes.

Gameplay wise SGS has a different execution and need the right distance to successful hit.

I think that privileged and entitlement for such interesting ability should be with Guy(more suitable role) instead of Akuma. Since Akuma has nothing to do with both Rose and Bison plot wise.

I think that can work as a narrative way to make Guy a relevant threat for that exclusively but it doesn’t assure anything to be easy to setup or lead Bison to such traps.

i found smart how they made Guy treating directly the plane and not Bison himself.
It mean that Guy is good enough to destroy it without Bison be able to stop him in time, but at same time that is clear Guy is no match for Bison (and approached that power difference with the strategic mindset of a Ninjutsu user, rather than with the “dumb” pride of aclassic martial artist)


I still think that power levels discussion are boring and silly and better left for Dragon Ball.