The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

it all has to do with a quote from Oni. which I think now might have been misinterpreted.



Want something else freaky?

Cody releases 2 days after my birthday :smiley:


Those where the golden moments in Udon comics.

Better quality images of cover from SF annual by Robaato


What Udon comic issues have those Cody moments? Like the one mentioned were Ryu notices Cody’s abbilities to fight multiple foes? I’d highly appreciate some pointers there.

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Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, dude’s on top and a beast, it’s just that I don’t want him to be elevated to a “level beyond” due to some McGuffin power long hidden. I like Cody strong and crafty, I just don’t want to get into hidden power stuff that comes out of nowhere (not just for Cody, been afraid of the future Anatsuken bros getting into this as well).

With him now having a clear head and motivation, he’s probably stronger than ever, but, like I said, I don’t want him getting a power up and one-shotting GillKumOni fusion King all of a sudden :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes. Capcom US could’ve also translated that quote better. It should be like that:
“If you do not show your true power, you will unquestionably be quickly destroyed”.
And if that theory were correct, that would mean Cody is stronger than everyone in SFV, which I really doubt would be the case in Cody’s Individual Story and 2nd possible General Story.

See, my theory that Capcom stalk @YagamiFire still stands. Kind of sad that I share same birthday as Aprilé’s brother :cry:. But at least #Leobestzodiac

@Shockdingo I always thought that his strength should come from his experience of “Street smarts”. It’d really annoy me if Capcom listened to the fangirls and made it canon and all because of a mistranslation. I know he held back in Alpha 3 and SF4 because he was demotivated but I hope that he doesn’t become this OHKO character.

As for Ryu+Ken, I highly doubt it, Capcom ended the whole E.Ryu arc in ASF and he is still seen as a average fighter only he uses special abilities to give him a edge as of SF3. Ken is unlikely unless Capcom decide to do something to stop his character from becoming stagnant (I have a feeling they might try to revive the V.Ken idea from SVC and the recent UDON story in a future game).

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from what I know Cody physically is state to be able to breakdown a 50 cm thick concrete wall with his fist. which physically puts him on the level of Balrog strength wise. not any where near the level of the strongest characters in Street fighter. Elephant’s commonly use their skulls to knock down trees this means they can withstand a force of 10,000 pounds ( 5 tons ) of force.

this is means in order to kill a elephant in one punch Balrog would had have to generate a force of over 10,000 pounds ( 5 tons). this puts his punching power many times over the strongest punch ever record from a real life boxer which is 1,420 pounds of force . the record is held by a retired boxer name Frank Bruno.

now compare that to Cody breaking a 50 cm concrete wall with his fist. in order to break Concrete in the first place Cody would have to generate the necessary psi which is over what a human in real life can generate. with a punch. so no a real life human can not break through a concrete wall with his fist. Real life human couldn’t even break though a standard concrete wall by punching it.

a real life human attempt to break through concrete wall all that would happen is they would end up either breaking their hand and maybe even their entire arm. they are videos marital artist breaking concrete slabs but that is not the same as breaking though a concrete wall especially not one that’s 50 centimeters ( 1 feet and 8 inches) thick .

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For how i see it Cody’s place is very high in the SF foodchain, just not bullshit high

Cody place imho should be around Nash height: phenomenal talented fighter even for SF standards

Is also known that he’s slighty superior to his sparring partner/friend Guy, who’s a very good fighter of his own (probably around Ken’s level)

What’s not his place is the walking chuck norris meme SF4 quotes tried to sold us, with chained bored Cody impressing supersayan Oni-Akuma and shit

Normal Akuma telling SFV unchained Cody that his brawling shit does’nt works on him, sounds about right tbh

Example i’m going to like A LOT if he will be the one that defeat G, as long G is more a filler Boss (i’m thinking Seth) and not sold as Gill/Bison/Akuma level of treat

SFV new approach literally rewrited the perspective of entire past parts (like BisonvAkuma), let alone english translated quotes

If SFV perspective somehow rewrite Cody “just” as an insanely talented fighter/great brawler i’m ok with it, it fit actually his previous FF lore

SF4 meme Cody should have destroyed Mad Gear Gang with a fire fart from his home
 when instead we know it took him team up with his 2 friends and slowly brawl through the streets to reach Belger.
Is also true that as far we know (except sparring with Guy, and maybe Hugo) we don’t got a record of him fighting/defeating very high level characters, his FF run has been DamnD, Edi E, Belger

Essentially, before SF4 we seen none of that SF4 quotes bullshit, wich from what i understand and if iirc was on it’s own an homage/wink to some other Udon (lol) bullshit

I like Cody like few other characters (going to become my 2nd main in few days) but i will prefer 100 times a SFV “integrated” canon Cody over the sf4 meme one

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He releases 1 day after mine

Move over Jessica!

I think the SFV CSM rendered these kind of feats as not all that big a deal. Chun and Karin broke down huge steel doors like they were paper.


The only thing I hate is that he keeps the handcuffs for a long time despite his many amazing feats

So because of this
 I want Capcom do something in a story that Cody just wanted it around with him for whatever reason like

  • Stylish Accessory
  • Wants to have a handicap because of boredom (something like Oro)
  • Wants to discover/invent variant of fighting style because of boredom
  • Simply because he wants his previous opponents to be confident to fight him and take advantage of the handcuff
  • He wants to be underestimated in future fights because of the handcuff.

I hope Capcom had decent rational excuse for those.

I don’t also like the idea of another hidden energy powers it will get things more complicated. More super secret and higher power and energy that are dormant will make the narrative more confusing and conflicted.

What I prefer for Cody is to be just a strong fighter from physical and mental because of experienced and straightforward without those gimmicks of spiritual, mystical and aura enhancement in SF universe.

He becomes the non-gimmick fighter, unorthodox, innovative, resourceful/adaptive and the complex fighter from different angle of situation and limitation among the rest of the SF cast.

Cody deserve the title of being a true genius fighter that is not limited and devoted to a particular type of combat practice other than what’s the situation demands for mix with what physically and mentally he is capable of than the rest.





notices that @Chun-Li_Forever hasn’t made a post about celebrating Eid
Something’s not right here.

Wait, what? what’s Eid? Did I miss something?

@Chun-Li_Forever Oh, it’s just that I was joking about how how you always post celebrations with a SF picture (usually Chun-Li). Today is Eid-al-fitr, end of Ramadan (when Muslims fast).

I just found it wierd that nothing was mentioned but it doesn’t matter.

Oooooh, okay.
Well, I am not Muslim nor do I celebrate Ramadan, (although, I do have 2 coworkers at my job that do,)

I usually do it with holidays I celebrate but I dont discriminate.


@Chun-Li_Forever It’s OK.

Now for some Darkstalkers trivia I forgot to mention. The end of Felicia’s story in the 3rd game might seem random but I found out that there is a sect of Catholicism in Vegas called the “felicia nuns” that go on to this day:


I get that the lady who looked after Felicia was a also a Catholic nun called Rose and Felicia was a religious woman even prior to this but I though it was a fun little joke.