The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Thats because that game is originally design and reference from SF4…

because those were the guys responsible also with Street Fighter OL the earlier version or a prequel of that game that was posted back in the day.

Whaaat?! That looks amazing ! For years I’ve said I’d love a beat 'em up or adventure game in the SF universe and now they make it, but a China exclusive?! Aw man, this hurts, I really am liking the presentation. They’re doing so many things that I’d do aesthetically. Like, look at that title screen with the Metro City Subway system, I LOVE that.

Also, now I consider it canon that Ken drives a flame embossed hotrod.


What we need is Street Fighter: Ansatsuken Students

aka Capcom’s version of Shaolin Monks

imagine how fucking awesome would that be?


It would be fucking awful. Just like Shaolin Monks was.


It wont be awesome at all as there were 3 students (Ryu Ken and Dan) and 7 if you include Akuma Gouken Sakura and Sean.

So not awesome.

Bison and Gill!

Since he’s likely coming and I already sort did my version of the character. Quick and dirty version of Seth. Based of my Cain (original “organic” Seth concept)



Name: Seth

Nickname: The Spectre of S.I.N.

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Unknown

Height: 6ft 6in (1.98m)

Weight: 256lbs (116kg)

B/W/H: 57-38-44 (145cm-97cm-112cm)

Hometown: Agrinio, Greece (S.I.N is located just outside of the city)

Appearance: Seth is a tall well built man with an olive complexion. He has striking hunter green eyes and his head shaved. His black eyebrows indicate that his would be black if it were grown out. Seth wears a dark blue long sleeve dress shirt with a white button up vest over top of it. There is a red ascot tie around his neck. Seth wears black dress pants. He has vermilion colored leather gloves on his hands. Seth has long vermilion leather boots on his feet that nearly come up to his knees.

Likes: Independence, Power, Fight Data Analysis

Dislikes: Bison, Shadaloo

Fighting Style: Tanden CQC (Style Constructed From Seth’s Fight Data Analysis )

Tone: Seth is an intelligent and level headed man. He is a tactical thinker.

Origins: Seth began his life as one of twenty five biomechanical back up bodies constructed by Shadaloo for M.Bison. Seth was the 15th of the twenty five bodies. Despite possessing identical specifications to the others, Seth gained sentience. He intelligence and perceptive impressed M.Bison so much, he was placed as the head of the S.I.N. Weapons division of Shadaloo.

Publicly Seth expressed adoration and loyalty to Shadaloo and M.Bison. Privately, Seth sought his independence. He did not care to be Bison’s marionette. He used the resources of S.I.N. to achieve his aims. Modifying his body beyond that of his twenty four other brethren. That was a temporary solution however. His body was still highly susceptible to Psycho Power. He needed to construct a body powerful to take on his creator. For that, Seth needed data.

Seth formulated a plan to gather him the date he required. He had found taekwondo prodigy that had been partially blinded by the hit squad Bison sent to assassinate her father. He constructed a miniature version of his Tanden Engine and combined it with a prosthetic eye. Implanting it in Juri Han, he sent her on a mission to capture Bison’s dolls. He would study the modifications the dolls were given to make them receptive to Psycho power and use it to construct a body resistant to it.

Bison was aware of Seth’s disloyalty. He confronted Seth. Seth attempted to attack his creator. He biomechanical brethren appeared and surrounded him. Bison cackled maniacally as he had Seth’s twenty four “brothers” rip him to shreds. With Seth seemingly destroyed, Bison reasserted his control over S.I.N.

Unbeknownst to Bison, Seth’s biomechanical body was being controlled remotely from his hidden laboratory in Greece. Seth had transferred his consciousness to an organic body. A body he constructed using the data he collected from his experimentation the dolls and the data he had stolen on Bison’s cloning process. It would take time for his body’s accelerated growth to reach maturity. In his brief leadership of S.I.N., he had found others dissatisfied with Shadaloo. Seth would bid his time as those loyal to him would build his new organization, S yndicate I ndustrial N omarchy, into prominence.

His Rival: Juri


Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 5 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5

900 Stamina 900 Stun


Genocide Shot – P+K : Seth picks up his opponent up by the neck and hits them with brutal axe kick that sends them slamming into the ground. 120 Damage/150 Stun

Death Throw – B+P+K: Seth picks his opponent up by the neck and toss them a full screen behind him. 130 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Cleaving Assault – F+MP – (Overhead) Seth hops forward and strikes his opponent with an overhand left punch. 28F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun, +3 on Hit, -2 on Block

Sky Demon Blade Leg – DF+MK: Seth executes a dive kick at the apex of his forward jump 60 Damage/100 Stun

Wall Jump – UB (Up Back): Allows Seth to jump of the wall at the edge of the stage


Tanden Lariat – F+PPP : Seth charges his opponent and floors them with a lariat sends them spinning a full screen away

V-Skill 1:

Hawk Talon - MP+MK: Seth executes a raising knee attack that can be followed up by up to three stomp attacks, stomp attacks are executed with D+MK. Final stomp attack sends the opponent into the ground. The player can forego the follow up stomps for potential juggle combos. Can only juggle into Sonic Wake (projectile) mid screen, more options in the corner. Hawk Talon is -6 if blocked. Each individual stomp causes 40 Damage/50 stun. For total of 120 damage/150 Stun

V-Skill 2:

Saving Attack – MP+MK: Seth executes a shoulder charge that has different properties depending on charge level and hit conditions. All versions are vulnerable to throws and invincible attacks.

  • Level 1 – 21F Startup, 70 Damage/100 Stun , Leaves Foe Standing on Hit, Crumples on Counterhit, -2 on Hit, -10 on Block
  • Level 2 – 28F Startup, Has 1 hit of Armor 3F-28F, 90 Damage/120 Stun, Causes Crumple on Hit, -7 on Block
  • Level 3 – 60F Startup, Has 1 hit of Armor 3F-60F, 120 Damage/150 Stun, Unblockable, Causes Crumple on Hit
  • Can Cancel a special attack at the cost of 50% of the Critical Art Gauge
  • Can be canceled with a Forward Dash (leaves Seth -2) or Back Dash (leaves Seth -7)

V-Trigger 1:

True Balance – HP+HK : Seth gains a serene focus that allows him to extend the range of his jumping, standing, and crouching fierce.

  • HP+HK (Standing Extended Range Attack)
  • D+HP+HK (Crouching Extended Range Attack)
  • HP+HK (in air, Jumping Extended Range Attack)
  • Grants Seth access to three extended Yoga like extended range attacks.
  • 1600F Duration, Each Extended Range Attack Costs 400F

2-bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Crimson Saving Attack– HP+HK : Seth unleashes his Tanden energy to gain a Hyper Armor version of his Saving attack. Hyper Armor does not have a hit limit and will absorb attacks until Seth’s stamina is exhausted. All versions are vulnerable to throws and critical arts. Invincible attacks will not break the hyper armor of the Crimson Saving Attack

  • Level 1 – 18F Startup, 90 Damage/120 Stun , Leaves Foe Standing on Hit, Crumples on Counterhit, +1 on Hit, -7 on Block
  • Level 2 – 25F Startup, Has Hyper Armor 3F-25F, 120 Damage/150 Stun, Causes Crumple on Hit, -5 on Block
  • Level 3 – 55F Startup, Has Hyper Armor 3F-55F, 150 Damage/200 Stun, Unblockable, Causes Crumple on Hit
  • Can Cancel a special attack at the cost of 33% of the Critical Art Gauge
  • Can be canceled with a Forward Dash (leaves Seth -1) or Back Dash (leaves Seth -5)
  • 2000F Duration. Each dash cancel or EX cancel costs 500F, Each landed or block Crimson Saving Attack costs 1000F

3-bar V-Trigger


Sonic Wake -QCF+P : Seth pulls back his right arm and executes a blindingly fast back hand strike that breaks the sound barrier sending a shock wave of energy towards his opponent. Projectile speed determined by the button pressed. All versions have 14F Startup and 47 Total Frames and do 60 Damage/50 Stun. LP (Slow),MP (Faster),HP(Fastest) EX 13F Start up and 45 Total Frames 90 Damage/100 Stun LP+MP (Slow), LP+HP (Faster), MP+HP (Fastest)

Rising Dragon Fist – F,D,DF+P: Seth strikes with a vicious rising uppercut to the chin that launches his opponent into the air, as the two of them rise, Seth continues to hit his foe with a barrage of uppercuts. The player has to hit the punch button repeatedly for follow up attacks to increase the damage. LP(5F Startup, 4 Hits, 140 Damage/150 Stun, Throw Invincible) MP (6F Startup, 5 hits, 150 Damage/150 Stun, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (7F Startup, 6 hits,160 Damage/150 Stun, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (5F Startup, 8 hits, 180 Damage/200 Stun, Full Startup Invincibility)

Screw Driver – 360° +P: Seth grabs his foes by the neck, rises into the air at blinding speed appearing to teleport, at the apex of his rise, Seth spins rapidly, and drives his foe into the ground head first with a pile diver. All versions have 6F Startup. Punch button determines grab range and damage. LP (150 Damage/150 Stun, Largest Range), MP (165 Damage/150 Stun, Less Range), HP (180 Damage/150 Stun, Least Range) EX(180 Damage/200 Stun, Largest Range)

Tanden Echo– HCB+K : Seth places his hands together at chest level, connecting his fingers and thumbs together forming a circle, he then generates a small rapidly spinning ki sphere that resembles the Tanden Engine from his mechanical body. This sphere sucks his opponent toward him in a prone position if they are not blocking. Kick button determines the range and start up time. LK (20F Startup, ¼ Screen Range), MK (23F Startup, 1/3 Screen Range), HK (25F Startup, ½ Screen Range) EX (22F Startup, ¾ Screen Range)

Hundred Rending Leg – QCF+K: Seth kicks his opponent, spinning them 180°, with their back facing Seth, he strikes them with a swift barrage of kicks. All versions cause a knock down. All versions are -10 on hit. LK (12F Startup 130 Damage/120 Stun) MK(14F Startup 145 Damage/120 Stun) HK (16F Startup 160 Damage/150 Stun) EX (12F Startup 130 Damage/200 Stun, Causes Juggle State)

Tanden Shift– F,D,DF+K: Seth claps his hands together a disappears. Kick button pressed determines the location he reappears. All versions 55 Total Frame +5F of Recovery. 1-3F Attack/Throw Invincibility, 4F-26F Total Invincibility. LK (Above and in front of his foe), MK (Above and behind his foe) HK (¾ of a screen away in front of his foe)

Critical Art:

Tanden Mirage – QCB+K : Seth rapidly Tanden Shift’s around his opponent striking them at a pressure point each time he appears before shifting one final time and nailing his opponent with massive blow to the sternum. The final blow causes a massive shock wave and sends his opponent slamming into the screen. 33 Hits 330 Damage (32x5, 1x170)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Seth seeks to fill the power vacuum caused by the fall of Shadaloo. He organizes a world martial arts tournament to draw out Juri and C.Viper. He wishes to pay them back for crossing him.

Side Note:

  • Seth’s organic body resembles his previous biomechanical body.
  • Seth’s body is constructed using the same techniques used to create Bison’s organic “back up” bodies with a major difference.
  • His body has been specifically engineered to be resistant to Psycho Power to prevent any chance of Bison usurping his form.
  • Instead of “Psycho Power”, Seth is a master of Tanden Energy.
  • Seth’s body naturally harnesses Tanden Energy to prevent the obvious vulnerability his Tanden Engine caused.
  • A Normarchy is province of Greece. Seth purchased one of the poorest nomarchy’s in Greece for well above its actual value. This gives him a small region under his complete autonomy which allows S.I.N. to remain under the radar.
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If Seth end up really in, will be cool have him as Vskill being able to steal one opponent’s special move and use it once

Think like Rogue was able to copy one ability from each char in MvC, but without the kiss part lol

The vacuum abilities is something I’ll like to see with Seth, as something that expanded to his character potentential.

It’s somethung unique with his character gameplay that the rest of the SF characters same thing with Urien’s Aegis Reflector.

It can lead to several interesting set ups.

Or Kirby

Bitch you better say sike

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That game was bad! What’s wrong with you?

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You are on an island with this one. Shaolin Monks is well regarded by most.


With @DarthEnder on an island I guess… :heart:


I’m sure SM was good at the time but I played it the first time last year and couldn’t beat the first level. Deception is still the GOAT PS2 MK game don’t @ me.


That’s a question I should be asking you instead

"My perfection does not require training" -Gill

Let us discuss this unique statement. Gill is the first fighter IIRC that doesn’t seek to self-improve, breaking away from the overarching theme of the universe that every fighter adheres to, including the primary and recurring antagonists of the series. You could argue that Seth is the same but he literally just downloads fighters like a computer so definitely he has that desire to become greater and stronger.

Gill on the other hand believes he is already perfect, simultaneously his greatest strength as it has charmed his followers into believing him divine, and his greatest weakness in that his arrogance may prevent him from seeing his own mistakes and adapting to his enemies.

While the statement is thematically befitting someone with a Messiah complex, it is also quite telling of Gill who will ultimately not succeed because unlike Bison and to a lesser extent Akuma, Gill is delusional in thinking that his perceived perfection can be retained without suffering.

I will have more Anti-Illuminati propaganda prepped for you in the coming weeks… Brace yourselves.

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Saying he does not require training doesn’t mean he does not train. You are drawing the inference you want from that statement.


Gill is so because at young age (23?) and without much trouble he’s -in Oro’s opinion- just good as SF3 Ryu and still did’nt faced defeat (as far we know)

Of course he does’nt feel the need of “evolve” beyond his current state, when everybody he know is below himself, Urien included

Wich is not crazy to think when the only two clear superior fighters in SF world seems to be Oro and Akuma and he did’nt meet them (Akuma SGS on Gill is not confirmed canon from what i understand)

Defeat eventually will fix that, possibly even whatever he discovered in the Alex fight may already have changed his mind


Cody and Poison VS2