The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Another china exclusive SF beatem up, they did something like this pre SF4 era which i posted before and never went to the west, but this time it’s team based like KOF Allstars.


I wonder if characters should have a secondary Critical Art as well.

The problem is that having a secondary Critical Art might be pushing it a little too far.

Because, there is already a VTI and a VTII.
Now we characters each having two V-Skills that switch out between matches.

If Bison for example were to have a secondary Critical Art, his would probably be something to offset his first one: He would utilize something that would augment his range. Like a projectile of some sort. Possibly something along the lines of SFEX Plus where he had a odd yet cool-looking projectile super.

But, the problem still lies. A lot of people might not want the game to get “too” wild with their move sets. So, it might not be wise to just simply wish for this sort of thing without some sort of context, offset, or a cost. Not to question anyone else’s intelligence.

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Secondary supers at this point are just fluff. It’s been almost 4 years and the core issues with the game still haven’t been fixed. It’s the same reason why secondary V-skills are meh. Hell they’re not even trying to hide that some VS2 are just going to be reused specials, such as Chun’s Hazanshu

I always thought that her outfit there was just a little TOO narrow in the thigh region. It’s just plain distracting there. Like, at least cover the WHOLE vagina!


I’ve always wanted Capcom to do a SF mobile game like KoF All Stars or FF Dissidia OO where I can play as characters from the series. Hopefully this comes over to the west (with some SF3 characters pls).


Stages for every character would be nice. Even if some are derived from others and/or a random places like the shadowloo carridor lol


We already got lot of ASF stages that exist but we can’t unlock, some are cool too

Same for alt version of current existing stages

Here’s who i spotted in the trailer;

Chun Li


Man they are fighting oni statues in the trailer. I hope to see secret society twelve and cyborg monitors too.


DAmn, I would play and spend a shit ton of money on a game like that. Hoping for a US release.


A video of the first 10 minutes or so of the game’s story


So it’s Ken and Sakura as the default character, then you took the Ryu in a first person perspective.

The meh about it is that it tries to be persona 5 in some areas.


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I actually like looking at the footage probably more than I actually should…

EDIT: Why does Ken look so dern cool??? I was about to compare him to SFV Ken, but besides the character select screen he looks pretty cool in game.

EDIT 2: I sincerely hope the current UI is a placeholder. We don’t need Atlus coming after anybody lol.


Chinese people find blonde people appeal more than asian people.

Even most of their ads and commercial hire russian to be mistaken as westerners. So called white monkey jobs.

Yet compare to SFV and SF4 his looking too good

They could just go with SF4 Ui which is more akin and still memorable to modern SF series compare to SFV.

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it seems most of Gill’s data is going to be unknown

the 4 profile pre-match points are


Of these only third seem to have something (“Secret Society” i guess), rest i guess is “unknown”

Is strange because we used to have info on him, maybe this is sfv showing Shadaloo’s perspective

The whole CFN profile and website is a Shadaloo gimmick thing obviously.

Look even those that do interview and speaks about things like character color and website information dress is represented with shadaloo soldier icons

Nothing yet about Secret Society still.

Or they might probably change a bit later on for future games.

Bruh China has no fucking shame lmfaoooo. They ripped off Persona 5 so hard I can’t hahahaha


Too bad it should had been better with a different ui. The game could had a chance with the west if that were different.

Fun thing lol

Not sold in that art style BUT if that is what china like, i hope it gain power because i still prefer that over the westernization of SF

Still nowhere cool as SF3/SFA art, but i doubt we will ever see a proud japan style Capcom thing again

Fuckers need to learn Ken it’s NOT blue eyed though, but to be fair Capcom in the past committed that crime first lol

I was thinking of this lately color and the other mono one earlier, I kinda feel it’s just plain. I remember few of my early few ideas back in the day.

The color would had been interesting if it had some sort of vibe and effect that can change the way some game is played.

I mean they could have made the color pallete have flavorful and sensible appeal to the gameplay exprience not just visual appeal but it’s too late now for technical development.

Like turning it to some Twelve or Eleven army mimicking a street fighter in the character intro and defeat.

Like something SFEX 2’s did with Special/Extra Random Select that change your character every round randomly.


Or how the Vampire Savior 3 add flavor with Marrionette that imitates the current character it fights or the Shadow that imitates the last opponent you defeated.

Then turn them into a special select not a character to give a new breath to play the current game modes available, than just colors.

It doesn’t make the game unblanced and complicated also because it just either random, copy the current opponent character or copy the last beaten opponent. It just create another variation to play the existing current modes.