The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I will respect your stress of first Gill days, even if i tried to warn you since SFV launch :smiley:


Rest assured, that everything is going according plan… The spotlight will come back to the real star of the show soon… >_>

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Gill’s coming to clear the trash before SF3, I love it.


I doubt sadly, Arika holds V.Rosso rights

Thanks for the kind words guys. Wasn’t really needed, just trying to say why I am still doubting buying that upgrade, since it’s a freaking bargain and I think guys like me, who didn’t spend a dime on this game except for the initial release, should really go for it. But I appreciate it!

Hey, if SFV’s story taught me anything is that beating yourself up too much you’ll just end blowing yourself up and acomplish nothing. :joy:



  • Sodom
  • Necro
  • Retsu
  • Victor Ortega
  • Akira Kazama
  • Goutetsu
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What we would actually get (if we’re really lucky):

  • Shadow Lady
  • Decapre
  • Noembelu
  • Classic Nash
  • Violent Ken
  • Sean with shitty animations


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Ken VSkill2

I think they will do It daily, i guess Chun li tomorrow

Still not a fan of the artwork… Hopefully they do justice to Bison.

Classic Nash was along their already costume, maybe you mean Shadow Nash one in the extra challenge.

Sean and Noembelu is still better pick, yet you might consider replacing those with Mech Gief and Oni instead lol

Classic Nash would be Nash with the classic Alpha Charlie moves and inputs (and outfit, idle stance, etc.). Very similar to Guile, but maybe different Critical Art and V-System.

Yup that was like Shadow Nash in extra battle.

Not quite so.

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Oh man, it’s been awhile since I made a seasonal wishlist for this game…

I guess these days it would be:

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Well… guess here’s mine too:

Dudley, because he’s awesome;
Necro, because we need that Dhalsim match-up!
C.Viper, because we need some SF4 rep,
Abel, ditto and Seth without Abel doesn’t seem right, plus I want to match him up with Alex.
Fei Long, because wattaaaaa!!!
Guy, because we need to see what he thinks of the new Cody.

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What I’d like.

T. Hawk, and,
Dudley - both these to tempt a friend back into SFV, he loved both chars. Bit of a cop out, but still…
Guy - half-mained him back in SFIV and yeah, it’d be great to see the new Cody interactions, never thought about that angle. Give him a godly izuna, elbow drop and runstop fun.
Gouken - always just found him fun as hell to play
Viper - I want a super-jump cancel character, and another former semi-main
Makoto - she really, really deserves to be in.

Edit: Crap, forgot about Rose. Maybe swap Gouken for her, but erf, that’s a hard call.

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My dream list at this point of SFV will be

Fei Long - Jet kune do
Abel - Sambo
Elena - Capoeira
Retsu - Shorinji Kempo
Remy - Savate*
Tom - MMA

*Remy heavy redesigned SFV style

What i realistically expect if S5 have 6 char
Rose - Oro - Sodom - Makoto - Sean - Yun/Yang

Wich could be a good list anyway, even if i will much prefer mine lol


OK, so I expand and explain my wishlist.

  • Sodom. He’s one of the most unique characters ever to appear in a Street Fighter game, his gameplay was incredible and I think he can really bring much to the table with his take on the V-System. Also, he’s the only Alpha guy not to reappear yet.
  • Necro. I love his gameplay, he’s fun to use, and I think Dhalsim’s replacement should arrive as soon as possible; also, it would be cool to be able to make Dhalsim fight Necro.
  • Retsu. My favorite design of the Street Fighter One guys, and we need more SFOne guys. He’s a monk so something very different in personality and design. They could also give him a bo as a weapon or something, could be like Makoto simple yet solid gameplay.
  • Victor Ortega. One of my favorite characters in the SF/Capcom Universe, his gameplay is brutal and cool, I’d love a huge, super strong fighter to be able to use (no, I didn’t). Plotwise he’s a legendary wrestler, so the stakes would be high. Too bad Capcom doesn’t seem to have the rights to use him.
  • Akira Kazama. Every Capcom fan loves Rival Schools. And I think Akira is the coolest, more well-rounded and more accessible character to cross over. This could gauge the interest of the people in the game, but mostly with her tai chi, could be a lot of fun to play. I love her.
  • Goutetsu. Another legendary character, I’d simply love to see him fight for once.
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C Viper