The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Gill and “Seth” are Season 4. We don’t know who Season 5 will consist of. Probably won’t find out until this time next year.


I mean, they never said there’d be 5 seasons of characters. Only that they’d support the game until 2020.

With the last CE characters coming out in 2020, I’d say it’s entirely possible they might be technically finished with SF5.

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Its unlikely but what are the chances that the whole 40 character thing was a fake out and they reveal an odd number of characters at capcom cup… Say 3 or 5?

Im just hoping it isn’t a another version of Sakura.

I was also expecting Gill but not as playable character never thought this would happen but overall everything of Gill turns to be better of him.

Some how it was said that the UK version isn’t Championship Edition but as Definitive Edition instead. So were expecting the last of it’s cycle.

The way they are marketing it and rumours both suggest Seth is the last addition.
There is no season 5 - bet on it.

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Not saying there will be season 5 characters. Just saying we won’t know until about this time next year. Ono already said they are “locking down” the game for the year because of the Intel Open that’s tied to the Olympics. Which honestly I prefer, mid CPT balance patches are not something I was a big fan of. I thought it would have been to better to drop all the characters at once in December. Use December, January, and February to evaluate where the characters are. Tweak the balance, let them rock all CPT, then do the same thing the following year.

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Yeah. “Artwork”.


Alright, so here’s a question for y’all. Maybe there might not even be an answer for this but since Akuma has been in the game, I’ve noticed that his Tatsu is actually the old school SF2 version (where on the 1P side he winds up going counterclockwise and then the kick itself is clockwise) but Ryu and Ken (except HK of course) specifically go clockwise a la SF3. Any rhyme or reason behind this?

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In an ideal world, Capcom will unveil a new cinematic trailer for CE after CPT and it would tease the S5 characters.


What if final character is Dan lol. Wouldnt be totally against it tbh

Vskill 1 - Yahooo!
Vskill 2 - Autograph
VTrigger 1 - Continuous taunts
VTrigger 2 - shungokusatsu move from mvc

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Don’t forget MVSF and EX2 as well. As for Darkstalkers, I recall they made 2 sound the way it because gamers in Japan though the OST of the 1st one was far too depressing. Hideki Okugawa stated that the aim was to made more livelier but he got some complaints for Demitri’s theme because it didn’t sound serious and supposedly more Middle Eastern than Romanian. Though I like 3’s too. Really fits the Majigen. Tower of Arrogance is probably one of my favourite Capcom tracks.

3S is also terrible IMO. I don’t understand what went on considering Okugawa also did the other SF3 games. I always thought China Vox fit Ryu more than Chun Li. MVC sounds horrible but has good tunes. There’s no excuse for Alpha 3 when youtubers have made better original themes than A3 itself.

I agree w/ Cvs1 being bad but I loved MVC2, it always gave off the impression of prestige, that you were fighting among the best of the best.


In a perfect world that I hoped since S1 but would never been.


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Im satisfied with Lucia as replacement for Maki fot an aged tough chick for SFV.

Same as having Zeku as everything I wanted for a new character S2 a Master and Mentors rather than apprentices and servants.

To bad the Delta Red, Xianyu with Jianyu and Noembelu could have been a better finale for addition tidbits for the Shadaloo Saga Ending.

Especially a better closure for THawk. To bad it will not happen.

Same thing with Delta Red crew never seen in action ever again other than the cartoons.

And my dreams of a nostalgia tribute to dramatic battle from A3 with Xiayu and Jianyu will unlikely to happen. It’s finish because it’s 2020.

RIP my SF5 wishlist. See you in SF6 and Zeku be there!!


Time for some V-Skill2 speculation :smiley:

Some i think may happen

  • Cody: SFA dodges? Kinda like Gill got parries

  • Zangief: Banishing Flat (sadly :frowning: )

  • Alex: Headbutt grab/Sleeper hold… could be cool former doing lot of stun, latter gray damage

  • Honda: Throw Salt or his short SF4Omega tackle

  • Urien: can buff his next Metallic Sphere (fireball) into a Temporal Thunder (SF3 SA)? Only missing sf3 move

While at it, anybody remember this?
Maybe something from here will get a second chance

For how Ono put it, it seem they just don’t want release new characters in mid-run esport bs

Wich essentially could just be a year pretty similar to the one we just passed: entire S5 starting at August (or whenever esport tournament end), with only difference from S4 being we got Kagecrap in advance… no big deal in terms of difference

I think we will get one last season in S5, we got time before SF6 and SFV will keep being profitable in the meantime

I got so many other -more variety helping- characters i will get before the shoto parody guy
Will have preferred Mr. Dan over kage crap for sure, zero sarcasm
Now idk, they essentially already stole lot of Dan moves to make kage… give me a Dan alt costume/voice for kage, and call it a day lol, i will sure permanently set Dan on that slot :smiley:

Champion Edition specifically states you get all 40 characters.
They wont release a season 5 after the fact as they would have to give those characters to the CE owners for free or face serious backlash.
Seth is the last character for sure.


No. You pay for what is being sold. CE is everything up until Feb 2020. Everything released after is fair game to sell separately.


Haha cestus is so bitter and desperate on hating Kage despite being a successful replacement to SF4 Evil Ryu and being fun to used than Dan.

Kage did a wonderful job replacing SF4 Evil Ryu that Evil Edgelord fans like him. his unique. Both storywise and gameplay wise. I don’t mind Kage totally replacing Evil Ryu for good unless Evil Ryu would be just a alternate Ryu costume.

CE buyers can just buy stuff released after 14 feb just like anybody else

CE is not just “everything ever”* thing, is more a way to get new people that will not buy SFV with a scary 4 years backlog of contents

Of course SFV will keep release DLC stuff, it’s their way to keep making SFV profitable

*Even now it does’nt give ALL current stages/costumes

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A re-release, as decried as they usually are, always results in a spike boost in profit. There will be a bunch of new players getting this edition, add the fact people who already own the game might want to buy the upgrade too, since it’s some excellent bang for your buck, and I think there’s NO way the game is not getting another season. Or at least some form of support, outside of patches. A fair share of new players to milk, reinvigorated new ones due to the upgrade and the new V-Skill… it all makes sense.


The problem is that it is restricted to sony and whatever contract terms and condition it had on an agreement. Many fail to realize this.


Look at this one stays with Nintendo and be always with nintendo. No chance of other port other than another nintendo product. SFV is under a special cased on this one with Sony. So it’s under sony if they are into continuing SFV support ny giving more to Capcom more.

And probably Capcom had a vice versa argreement that they cannot sell or port SFV without Sony’s go signal. Since they co-agreed which each other.

That’s why the shilling of F2P SFV is unlikely, unless Capcom and Sony would agree on it or surrender eveything to Capcom, If Sony said SF6… it’s SF6 or if they felt that SFV isn’t going well compare to other mainstream title then Capcom would just proceed with SF6.

Look again. The tower is a part of it. See the tower going up in the center of the building?