The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

    As said before i hope (and think) it will trigger some mechanic/power-up when in combo with VT2

  • Ken CAPvsSNK kick it’s very ok

  • I must watch again the trailer, i’ve not clear what this parry change from the VS2 seen in the trailer

Yeah lately i was more into G being a lone crazy player (possibly Illuminati current/previous President) but seem that my very first theory of G being Gill’s fire just as Kolin is Ice was likely closer to the truth

The reasoning was like your the west and east thing (as sign of global control above the two superpowers), but not only that
They’re specular in so many ways, i remember to have done a list in first G months and was kinda long ass list

Kolin female, G male
Kolin humble, G full of ego
Kolin want to follow, G want to lead
Kolin secret, G under the spotlight
Kolin indirect sending people, G smashing people by himself
Kolin speak with soft voice, G is loud
Kolin read old books, G play with modern tech/social media
Kolin serve a cause almost nullifying her individuality (commie?), G want all power in one (capitalism?)

And list was longer i think :smiley:

BUT one interessing fact about Gill two new moves

Gill VS1 ice (0:38) remember a Kolin Special
Gill VS1 fire (0:52) remember a G Special
Maybe a sign both learned theyr element techniques from him

Another detail likely already discussed

Gill at trailer begin say something about “People of the world”… sound familiar? :smiley:

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Yeah, it makes everyone look a bit off. Why should he be any different?

Ugh, I assume it’ll give me Kage though, which I specifically DIDN’T want to give Capcom any money for.

Maybe Gill’s aura emanating from his body is making his hair like that.

Somebody told me about Gill:

hes based off of the antichrist and symbolizes duality red and blue are opposites and his stage in 3s is called secret society headquarters, if you beat gill with gill youll see also use alex and beat the story then youll see what im getting at

In regards to Seth, maybe he managed to transfer his consciousness to another clone body and he’s back for revenge.

Tbh while potential it’s there, they will just talk shit to each other like two try hards, these Boss on Boss interactions typically go

Gill win, Gill version of “you thought to be badass but you are fool, weak and small dick compared to me”
Bison win, Bison version of “you thought to be badass but you are fool, weak and small dick compared to me”

Technically somebody already did

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All VS2 so far








Because Gill’s hair is a pretty big component of his silhouette. The same applies to others (cough cough Necalli), but it’s been 4 fucking years and they can’t be bothered to at least model upcoming characters around it. I legit couldn’t tell at first if his hair was supposed to be floating or not.

Like, this isn’t even a business or design choice. This is just incompetent in the same way NRS animations are.


Hate to be the grinch, but if the Palazzo Mistero people speak about is this (second from top-left)


they’re watching new xmas stage, suffering some kind of vertical mirror distorsion

You can spot the snowman with his red/green scarf on the right, also same floor texture

Tbh i never got the hate for Urien/Gill “thong” design

They’re designed to be wannabe ancient greek, who fought naked and praised/aimed at the human body athletic perfection
Theyr design well reflect that

Closest modern parallel can be 90’s brazilian vale tudo guys before MMA became mainstream, they did’nt looked much different tbh

Ken and Bison new Vskill looks good.

But Gill and Ryu is kinda another of those, kinda average.


ZEKU IS kinda Galford, not a fan of it

The strider alt could have mechanical


Yet they should have go on with Hawks with bombs instead.


They are not learned they are honored given to those that were deamed worthy to carry those or part of their important agenda.

Exactly. Well said.

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Yep just looked at what I did. Capcom did a much better job with Gill. Kudos to them.

Name: Gill


Nickname: The New Age Messiah

Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Unknown (Greek?)
Height: 6ft 10in (2.08m)
Weight: 311lbs (141kg)
B/W/H: 56-36-44 (142cm-92cm-107cm)

Hometown: Unknown (Mediterranean?)

Appearance: Gill is nearly seven feet, over 2 meters, tall. He has long flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, half of his body is red, and the other half blue. Gill has a blue/green jewel in his forehead. He is clad in simply almond colored robes with sandals on his feet. Although sometimes he fights in only his underwear.* (U+LP+MK+HP)*

Likes: Order, Utopia, Loyalty, being called Savior
Dislikes: Disobedience, Urien
Fighting Style: Secret Society Secret Arts

Tone: Gill believes he’s the worlds savior. Everything he does is to achieve “Utopia”

Origins: Gill, along with his brother Urien, was one of many candidates trained from birth to be the possible perfect leader of the Secret Society. Although they are near physical equals, Gill’s won out of his brother. Gill possessed an even temperament, mastery of fire and ice, and bore an exact resemblance to the prophesied savior.

His Rival: Urien

Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 5 Range: 5 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4
(Gill only has 800 stamina, but has 1100 stun)


Guilty Bomb – LP+LK : Gill picks up his opponent and drives them into the ground with brutal sit down power bomb.

Guilty Bomb – B+LP+LK: Gill picks up his opponent. turns around, and drives them into the ground with brutal sit down power bomb.

Unique Attacks:

Palm Upper – B+MP: Gill strikes with a lunging left punch to the face

Impact Claw – B+HP: Gill grabs his opponent the neck, raises them into the air, and chokes them will slowly freezing/burning them before tossing them to the ground.

Step Kick – F+MK: Gill hits his opponent with a lunging step kick to the mid section

Burning Sky/Frozen Sky – F+MP, F+HP, B+MP+MK, MP (Target Combo): Gill strikes with lunging left punch to face, followed by an overhead right, and ending in his V-Skill.


Arctic Blaze – F+PPP : Gill grabs his foe by the throat with his left hand, freezes them, and then sets them ablaze with a powerful punch with his right hand. Opponent is sent a full screen away


Pyro Geyser/Cryo Geyser: Gill punches the ground creating a pillar of flame/ice beneath his opponent’s feet. Sending them skyward and allowing them to be juggled. B+MP+MK (right in font of Gill), MP+MK (mid screen), HP+HK (full screen). Performing a juggle combo increases the V-Gauge built.

V-Trigger 1:

Resurrection– HP+HK : Gill makes use of his powers of rejuvenation and unlocks his true strength. Gill recovers half of his health (400 stamina) and increases the damage of all his attacks Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis gain increased durability (2 hits). Saber Lariat gains armor on frame 3. Moonsault Knee Drop gains projectile invincibility, and Psycho Head Butt gains full start up invincibility. Gill cannot gain Resurrection from taking damage alone. He has to build at least a bar of V-Gauge. Does not auto activate. Activation has to be initiated by the player. 4-Bar V-Trigger Permanent

V-Trigger 2:

Restoration – HP+HK : Gill taps into portion of his rejuvenative abilities and recovers 20% of his health (160 stamina). Gill also takes no white life damage for the next 10 seconds. 3-Bar V-Trigger


Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis -QCF+P : Gill summons a ball of fire/ice and shoots it at his opponent. LP and MP travel horizontally. LP (slower speed), MP (faster speed). HP travels at a 45° angle and causes a juggle state.

Saber Lariat – F,D,DF+P: Gill charges his foe with burning/freezing clothesline attack. Knocks down at point blank range. Leaves foes standing at a distance. Punch button determines the distance traveled. HP version causes a hard knockdown at point blank range but is -6 on block at that range.

Moonsault Knee Drop– HCB+K : Gill jumps into the air, flips backwards, and dives toward his foe with a burning/freezing double knee attack. Descent angle determined by the button pressed. LK (straight down), MK (60° angle). HK (45° angle)

Psycho Head Butt – QCB+P: Gill hops forward striking his enemy with a freezing/burning flying head butt. Punch button determines distance, flies over low attacks, gain invincibility on frame 3. EX has full start up invincibility and enhanced juggle properties.

Critical Art:

Meteor Shower – QCFx2+P: Gill focuses his ki and rains down orbs of fire and ice. Rapidly and repeatedly freezing and burning his foe.

V-Trigger 1 Only

Sephirotic Wing – QCFx2+K: Gill floats into the air, manifesting six angelic wings, and sends out continous shockwaves of divine energy. (Cause 400 damage or significant white life damage if blocked)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Thanks to the machinations of his most loyal servant Kolin, Shadaloo and M.Bison has been removed from the world stage. Gill now sets the stage to begin the construction of his Utopia. He seeks out those worthy to reside his new world and will cleanse away the unworthy in purifying flames.

Side Note:

  • Tried to figure out a way to make Gill playable, balanced, but still formidable.
  • His V-Skill had to be a good attack since unlike every other character in the game. He is not guaranteed a V-Trigger 1 purely by taking damage.
  • 800 stamina is very low for a high damage game such as SFV. So his V-Trigger 2 also grants health recovery. It’s 3-bars to ensure that it only can be used once per round. The player has to forego the permanent offensive buffs of V-Trigger 1 but is guaranteed to have one V-Trigger per round.

Urien: “… Wait… What? No! This is not what is supposed to happen! I am the lord and god of Street Fighter! The King of Fighters! The King of Iron Fists! Fists that directly controls others, Dead or Alive!! The Soul Calibur!! SRK!! I DEMAND FOR EACH OF YOU KNEEL BEFORE ME WHEN IN MY PRESENCE! GILL IS-”

SRK Commentator: “Will you shut the fuck up? Gill has arrived and we need to collect data for formating the SF narrative and get some new information on how he will play out in competitive tournaments!”

Urien mad as fuck


Another hint Seth may be next, the choice of name

SFV Champion Edition

Last time “Champion Edition” was back to SF2 days

SF2CE allowed to play the 4 SF2 Bosses (even if was more 1 Boss+3 sub-bosses)
SFVCE may allow to play the 4 SF saga Bosses: Sagat, Bison, Gill, Seth

Well, considering he was a total Bison wannabe, i can see he had some escape-death body change body in case shit gone wrong :smiley:

Maybe he just jumped in one of these behind before be destroyed

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See? Look at Bison.

Bison ain’t having none of Seth’s shit. I can see Bison strolling on down the assembly line of Seth’s to deliver a nice, wonderful, painful death to each and everyone of them.

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It scattered everywhere one is with Zangief, Juri and others so chances are there are many of them.

So we got Ryu’s fist of the wind and Ken’s wheel kick back?

Very nice.

Also gotta say that Gill is looking good


Geez… That Ken wheel kick animation looks like a fucking mess. It’s sad because I always wanted Ryu and Ken to have donkey kick and wheel kick respectively in the same game, but the animations for those moves have been fucking butchered.


The donkey kick probably re-design and altered not something of a mistake.

I don’t think that’s the case… but even if it is, it still sucks.

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Yeah, I expected to not be interested in him as much as I am right now. Well done Capcom.

Bison4ever though.


What if we don’t get Seth… what if Seth’s dead really and it is Cain disguised as Seth. Where is Cain?!

On a more serious note, all Seth-generation of human incubators from SF4 should’ve been destroyed according to Urien’s character story.

I am not in favor of bringing back Seth without a serious makeover and change in direction. Maybe he is Bison’s next body and the “his body” Bison was referring to in his SF4 prologue was Seth and not Ryu. This would mean Bison’s statement then wasn’t a plan so much as a premonition, foresight.

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