The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I was hoping and expecting Rose and Oro based on Sir_arthur but he actually seems to be agreeing with xkira now about Seth and Gill.

So I’m going in with this as my expectation and hopefully get a pleasant surprise instead.
Any of these would be awesome to me:


If Seth and Gill are revealed that means kira was on the money for once and thats a wrap on characters for the game too…
Really odd that Rose/Oro are potentially ready to go too.

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Gouken is up 2-1 on Akuma. He beat him SFIV. He’s not concerned.


This,sadly for him this

is probably coming

We seen in SFV to go deeper on his path Akuma needs to break moral barriers… unlike SFA days, in SFV he killed his diseased and old opponent

He respected Gen as fighter, but had no personal bond to him
Kill his own brother will be a further step

Will have double function of build the most deeply corrupted and dangerous Akuma ever, AND at same time for Ryu lose his adoptive father will push him at risk of fall back into SnH

Tbh like in real life a fight record does’nt ever tell the truth about a fighter’s career

  • Gouken vs Akuma I: 1-0
    Here Gouken definitely butt kicked lil brother, but Akuma still was’nt the same Akuma we know , probably did’nt got SGS either

  • Gouken vs Akuma II: 1-1
    Here Akuma in the form we know sent Gouken in death like coma for years, by far most brutal result of the trilogy

  • Gouken vs Akuma III: 2-1?
    We are not even sure of how things gone, feel more like a “moral” victory of Gouken being like a shield (thanks to MNK) that Akuma’s SGS sword is’nt able to break… but we neither see Gouken being able to effectively kick Akuma’s ass.
    Akuma fail at his target (take Ryu) and go away, but seem essentially unharmed too

Since then we seen Akuma develop new deadlier shit, and more than that we seen SFV Akuma go through Ryu’s MNK without effort

Now, SF4 Gouken probably have greater control of his MNK, both due experience and because he did’nt have an huge SNH problem going on, but if capcom want make that MNK have “levels” as protection, future Akuma is definitely going to wreck these level

Mostly because we know somebody is going to finally wreck Akuma, and is’nt Gouken

2-1 or not, for 4th fight the smart money bet is on Akuma by murder :smiley:

Wich suck because Gouken is a much greater char

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Gouken will likely die in the next encounter with Akuma, and this event will help set up the final battle between Ryu and Akuma in a post-3S future.

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You are forgetting the original SFIV endings. The original SFIV fit into an cohesive narrative. In that narrative Gouken and Akuma fought over Ryu. In the beginning SFV. Gouken and Ryu, with his SNH supressed, are training together. If Akuma had managed to defeat Gouken he would have been dead like Gen and “Evil” Ryu would have been in SFV instead of Ryu. The fact that Gouken is still around and Ryu isn’t overwhelmed by the SNH tells us who won the fight.

Side note: Akuma needed SGS to beat Gouken. Gouken vs Gouki was more lopsided than Ryu vs Ken until that point.


Yes, we know that Gouken won in 4 as Akuma was’nt able to take Ryu, but again was’nt wrecked his ass kind of win, more like a successful stalemate

MNK successfully worked as a “wall”
Problem i think is next time Akuma will bring a cannon too big for Gouken

I always assumed that explosion attack Akuma developed in his Super SF4 ending was specifically for Gouken. Then again, Akuma always looks to create new techniques.

That’s a trend they started in SF3:SI. Akuma splits Ayers Rock with Kongou Kokuretsu Zan. In 3S it was his second level 2 Super Art along with Shun Goku Satsu. In his 3S ending he uses Tensho Kaireki Jin (Heaven Piercing Sea Plowing Blade) to destroy a shipwreck on the sea floor. I was hoping for a fourth version of SF3 to see that move in action. Oh course they made it his second Ultra 2 in SFIV it looks fucking ridiculous killing mystery of what the move was in the worst way possible. He looked like the damned Tasmanian Devil and “Demon Armageddon” is no where near the correct translation for Tensho Kaireki Jin. Ah well, I will always have this.


Same. Pretty sure the technique he developed is in direct response to the failure of the SGS. We see him test out his new found strength against MNK Ryu in SF5 and he wins. Progress.


Forgot reply to this, wich is an interessing way to show some kind of pattern wich started there

From theyr first clash, each time the previous loser came up with something new able to top what defeated them

Akuma got defeated by Gouken → developed SGS to surpass Gouken
Gouken got defeated by SGS → developed MNK to surpass SGS
Akuma got defeated by MNK → developed techniques to surpass MNK (already worked on Ryu’s)

So yes at their very start Gouken was superior (either due being older big brother or being simply better), but considering Akuma will probably kill or at least wreck Gouken, i think whole thing will end 2-2 with Akuma ending on top

Ultimately Gouken path will emerge superior in the form of Ryu, who will somehow rep the 5th clash of that long war

LOL the beyblade kick was terrible :smiley:
I’m a defender of SF4 but had some incredibly bad ultras lol (next to some epic ones)

While talking Akuma’s new techniques i think we’re understimating this

"Akuma’s new move Houten Seikengeki literally means “Crashing-the-heaven/sky fist thrusting attack”

I think this is the spear that will pierce through Gouken’s MNK next time


Let Akuma and Gouken moved on with their lives like Ryu move on to his.

I want Akuma just seeing Gouken as a waste of time and not an ultimate challenge.

Gouken being spared and ignore is the betted Akuma. Akuma having grudge makes him a backward character and less as interesting than his 90s counterpart.

Let Gouken just go on with his dojo and lived with ordinary boring life as what Akuma would see.

So making him technically irrelevant and boring to Akuma. Making this Akuma puts him in a better pedastal in appeal.

While keeping Gouken on the sideways for a character that can be revisited for the sake of just meeting of Ryu or Ken. Gouken is a unique character for his playstyle and technique, same as how interesting Gen was also gameplay wise in sf4.

It’s a waste to throw and appealing character that has interesting gameplay just for boosting the appeal of another clone edge lord character in a very wrong way.

While Akuma is just a clone in both ways but had a large amount of fandom so. Making him see himself in the highest without technically engaging of defeating better aged characters in sf is better.

Look at the two.

Akuma looking for validation that he needs to prove himself to others makes him a meh characters. That is in doubt of his own self.

I wonder what plan and technique Bison will develop in response to the events of ASF. The world is in for a treat*!

*More terror and despair

Hum. Yes, the names came from that article. Gotta find the source of the sketch… Probably AASF3.

Yeah, I remember that. Capcom wanted Gill to have 2 different colors so they could show the graphic power of CPS3 where he wouldn’t swap colors side no matter being on 1P or 2P side. They took one step further in 3rd Strike when he went all shiny.

That’s… not totally true. The Grand/Great Pope/Master can be:
1: Whoever goddess Athena nomeates (like it was with Shion himself. She could have chosen Dohko instead. And bear in mind that Shion was a bronze saint before being promoted Gold Saint);
2: The Pope can choose, between one of the 12 golden saints, one of his successors;
3: The Altar silver saint can replace the Pope while he’s absent from the Sanctuary (cited in the SS Encyclopedia) and could also act as a double for the Pope in case of an ambush. In case of the Pope’s death and a new one wasn’t designated or the oldest Gold Saint can’t take the seat (like in the Poseidon saga where, although not physically in the trone, the Golden Saints all accepted Dohko’s orders), become the new Pope (like in Gigantomachia, although that’s not part of the main canon).

Lol! They look almost exactly the same!

Well, the SS could have more than 1 symbol, just like Shadaloo that have the winged skull and the lightning that resembles an “S”.

[quote=“Cestus_II, post:5614, topic:586509”]
Yes, we know that Gouken won in 4 as Akuma was’nt able to take Ryu, but again was’nt wrecked his ass kind of win, more like a successful stalemate

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Willing to bet its…yet another clone of himself.

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Dictator and Gill would fit well in the MK Universe

That’s like step 1, there are hundreds!

I’m in favor of releasing a non-lethal but horrifying biological weapon on unsuspecting populations. The weapon is made up of a self-replicating nanovirus that causes people to be sick with tremendous dread and despair (plus diarrhea).

Once a person is infected, Bison will gain access to their mind and using a secret subterranean global network of nodes, we will relay all that juicy negative energy back to Bison’s primed vessel.

Everyone will take the poison but only the strongest will survive this extinction level event! It will be glorious!

Are you me or what?

I almost completely endorse your list, only thing I don’t want Rose, I want Necro, he was my main for SF3 and he’s one of my favorite SF characters ever, gameplay-wise.

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I want them to save Eagle for SF6