The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

By everyone, do you mean TVTropes? They are insistant that every character have a flag(even the ones from ???), and that’s the one they picked.

But yes, that’s the only reason why. Because they were called the Illiminati in NA, and that’s the pop culture symbol for the Illuminati.


In regards to the symbol, I think previously the SF world didn’t have one till SFV? I could be wrong though since the cultists masks resemble that symbol a bit.

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But such devotion and loyalty was after F.A.N.G. got a taste of Vega’s Power that murdered Nguuhao members. Initially the plan was to pledge allegiance to Vega and Shadaloo, just to overthrow him.
My theory is that, after turning sides, F.A.N.G. used the plans for the Black Moons in Shadaloo’s benefit, knowing that, with an upped Psycho Power, Vega would be able to destroy any organization that tried to go against him. Including the Secret Society.
Also, F.A.N.G. seems to know about the Secret Society in his quote against Urien: “You… You’re not a member of that cult of an organization, are you?”
But all of this could be just coincidence…

SF wikia uses it as well. Thanks DarthEnder.

That’s pretty much the case. Mad Gear also only started to have a symbol now, it was revealed in “A Visionary Book II”.

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Tbh, i think MK visual kind of design fit DC/american comic universe (Injustice) much more than will fit SF

Yes, you can “force” Capcom stylization on MK characters… back to good Capcom days they did it to Marvel characters in XmenCotA, MvC1 and MvC2
They did great job at it, and still Wolverine does’nt feel a “SF character”: it will have looked out of place in a SFA game, despite sharing exactly same kind of stylization

You can capcomize MK characters, you can capcomize Danny De Vito too.

It’s not that’s impossible stylize anything into Capcom style, is more that i don’t see the point of do it when the character will still feel a “deviation” from capcom’s way of create a concept… wich for some maybe is the cool thing of get a “guest”, definitely not for me

Closest attempt could be maybe a Jonny Cage, but even there i think Capcom can just create a better-fitting-SF JCVD wannabe if they want lol

On other hand series like KoF or Tekken share same character design dna of SF, you can mix their universe without break the overall theme/vibe
Ryu punching Terry or Heihachi looks as legit as him punching any other SF char, mostly because Fatal Fury and Tekken are straight Street Fighter sons

MK universe with KI series? Now that can work much easier, for similar reason

To be clear: this is’nt to deny that i strongly dislike MK character design and i find it incompatible/inferior to Capcom’s character concept tradition, i clearly do, but points above stands if we need an explained argument :smiley:

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I remember reading it for sure here as you said


But i think to remember(i may be wrong) to have read it somewhere else before

I think they considered these 4 names in that order and “Gemini” became a temporary/placeholder name (kinda like Bison/Vega was “Washizaki”) when they moved from generic greek fighter to Saint Seiya’s character as main inspiration.

I think the last “Ajax” (like the Iliad hero) could possibly have been considered as actual name, who know… personally i will have took it over “Gill” lol

Yeah iirc ultimately they said to have picked bright colors like Gill’s red/blue or Ryu’s bue hair to “boost” visual impact. See also Remy not having dat terrible green hair in concepts lol

Original white-black original Gill will have linked stronger with Saint Seiya’s Gemini too, who in the manga literally switch between white/blond hair (good) and black hair (evil)

Cool, effectively it feels lot like candidates elimination
Another it’s the Great Pope selection itself, where the candidates are even more elite/selected/special group (being the Gold Saints)

This interessing piece imho show a lot of parallels that gave Capcom ideas for Gill (and his relationship with Urien):

Before the Sanctuary Arc, Saga was one of the most beloved men of Greece, in fact, a favorite of the Pope after Aiolos. When he becomes patriarch, he is considered near godly.
He is one of the first Gold Saints of his generation (without considering Dohko Libra and Aries Shion), always a wonderful, kind, and generous person.

Definitely Gill marketing at work LOL

Only his twin brother Kanon knew about the evil that existed in his mind and tried to convince him to take over the sanctuary.

Here Urien as evil(er) twin not buying his brother messiah shit :smiley:

However, the evil side of Saga had not yet taken control of him, so he decided to lock Kanon in a prison located in Cape Sounion.

Here is a much looser parallel, but still may have inspired Gill’s soft approach on contain Urien’s ambitions intead kill him

Confirmed in Episode G, Deathmask did know the intentions of Saga, and even consented to his plan for the conquest of Earth, since according to his philosophy: “Justice is in power!”

Gemini selling dat Utopia of the strong

Saga murdered Pope Aries Shion some time after learning that he was not chosen to be the next Pope, but Sagittarius Aiolos. He hid his body in Star Hill.

Another loose one, but in someway similar way tried of force himself as the prophecy messiah as soon he realized the prophecy does’nt point at him… similar mindset if you want

Idk the SF wiki have it but they got lot of udon bs too lol, so i don’t know how much legit can be

Visually it looks to me a mix between this

wich is actually a christian symbol, but has been often (and mostly wrong) associated with Illuminati/Freemason
Secret of blue water Neo Atlantis stylized eye

While at it for many things i think the whole visual style of SecretS/Illuminati owe a lot to SotB Neo Atlantis
(plus SF3 Elena being Nadia, but this is another story lol)

Fun thing also SIN symbol is ripoff of Neo Atlantis symbol

I ever took it more a symbol of her loyalty to Gill himself (his colors there) rather than whole Illuminati org

While at it months and months ago we discussed Kolin’s origins, i discovered a possible link to Ukraine Kiev thanks to that symbol, wich possibly is a redesign of Kiev’s coat of arms
In addition being this the symbol/protector of the city further explain how Gill’s first encounter (a Berserk ripoff :D) got on her such powerful impact

Interessing theory
I think Fang himself just meet Bison’s requirements to be one of his generals, tbh Bison could have just killed him too
But the technology itself?
I ever had the impression Urien got some links with SIN, but we don’t have much to guess on

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Misleading argument, you claim that it isnt the gore and the violence and it’s the design is the problem.

The case is about a crossover title not something that would be canon. When your talking about crossover title it doesn’t matter from what genre it or what theme it is because it’s crossover title.

And clearly the issue here is gore and violence of MK that doesn’t mix with other titles like SF.

Wait what the fuck? MK and DC works because it is a crossover title that disregard the violence and gore of MK. Not as equal in design. You never really know what extent NRS did just to make it work other than the removal of gore. If it would have been just SF crossover. it would be just removal of gore the rest would work

Clearly your misleading and misdirecting context. Saying DC fits MK world lol.

Cestus logic lol DC fit MK lol and crossover restriction. Crossovers are crossovers lol.

You can easily drop in Johnny Cage as the American actor rival of Fei Long that is the main actor in those gory Mortal Kombat movies. This way you can have a MK representative without introducing half-dragons, realms, ripping heads and so in SF.

What about the other way around? Who do you think it will fit best in MK?

(obvious “no body because blahblahblah reasons” mandatory response included in this post, this is just to hear your ideas and for fun)


Nerco, twelve, a feral Blanka, Guile, Cammy, Abel off the top of my head

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All the “weird” characters like Necro.

Twelve can work since there’s a character with morphing mechanic (Shang Tsung).
Blanka is a feral beast man, you can picture a fatality he’d do eletrocuting others to death. Akuma and Bison are pretty violent dudes by nature, I’d love to hear back-and-forths between Bison and Shao Kahn for example.
Gill can get in since elementa magic has been in MK since forever. Urien too, his attacks are at times brutal.
Balrog punching the fuck out of people, let him go all out like it’s a life or death match in Hajime no Ippo
Vega seems perfect due to his personality, nature and weapon choice - slice motherfuckers up with that claw
Decapre since she’s kind of a violent person (pre-SFV), uses a lethal weapon and has a gimmick with the teleports

That’s probably it

Street Fighter had been the most widerange and flexible FG franchise that can crossover with other franchise easily that for the weird and various style of characters clearly seeing it’s restricted to crossover to KOF crossover is a backward mindset, same thing thinking DC is exact fitted with Mk. What the fuck is cestus is smoking lol.

SF had bizzare characters from SF3 that feels more like KI and GGX than something more akin KOF. It’s clearly the gore and violence that restrict MK to do a crossover franchise.

And it doesn’t mean that DC is western made and MK is western made therefore fitting in design lol. That’s poor analogy and racial base not looking to the actual design.

MK is not western it has alot of O R I E N T A L influences on it.



How is a oriental design exactly fitting this

SAMSHO is Japanese not SF because SF had various pop culture influence.

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The hardcover version of UDON’s #BreathofFire: Official Complete Works art book arrives May 2020! Pre-order now on Amazon! :fire:

That was a cool scene.


Happy b-day!


I would like to see Vega interact with Edenian characters. His obsession with beauty would make him a natural enemy to Kitana and Jade. He has a thing for blood so he give Scarlet the attention she carves.


Click to see vid of costumes and new stage

PS: new stage looks fun, Santa G is godlike lol

PPS: Cool that some new stages are considered “alt” of normal ones, wich make them cost 40K FM instead 70
Still i want NEW stages, specially nostalgia ones… but i guess at least one will come with new characters

Santa G is god like. :+1:t5:


SANTA G?! AW, YEAAAAAAAH! I’m getting that for sure.

Christmas Bunny Lucia?

You better not watch out
You better not cry
You better Rise Up, I’m tellin you why
Santa G is comin to town
Santa G is comin to town

He’s made a tier list
And checking it twice
He’s gonna rage quit
if you play on WiFi.

Santa G is comin to town
Santa G is comin to town

He grabs you when you’re blocking
He has Oki when you wake
He’s knows if you’ve been Ed or Shid
So Light Em Up for G-Ness Sake

You better not watch out
You better not cry
You better Rise Up, I’m tellin you why
Santa G is comin to town
Santa G is comin to town


Even just do this

was worth the trailer, will look even better in the other xmas stage

Btw i like new stage, imho got more personality than Halloween #2


G seem alright for santa but Gouken is still the best.