The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

They did so before with MK vs DC. I doubt having gore would have made that game any better.


MK is one of the few fighting games that would be a WORSE crossover for Street Fighter than Tekken. If MK is going crossover with any other fighting game, it has to be Killer Instinct. Any other franchise will not go for the fatalities.


Something that can work is that MK to have SF parody characters lik SF having Dan that is a parody of AOF characters.

Like a tribute to Raul Julia, Vandame and Kylie Monique, as new characters but having alike SF xharacters moves set. I posted something like that before.

I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t go over well. I mean look at Kobra.


Oof. Highest of oofs.

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I don’t want to see any SF/MK crossover, but this is correct.

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To me it’s not about fatalities/violence, is that i don’t find MK design compatibile, while japanese series like KoF/TK/evenVFDoA share some genes and blend better

On other hand there are japanese series that i don’t see blend either, like over-anime stuff a la Guilty Gear or BB

I don’t want a guest, but if i must get one, pls be from SNK/TK

That’s just my opinion, but lucky for me Capcom seem to share the sentiment (as they rejected MK guy offer of collaboration)

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Most of the characters from Mk1 to 3 would actuallt be ok. But obviously need to be toned down.

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Kano would fit into SF5. What about Jax and Sonya? Maybe even Kitana.

As for boss characters, Shao Kahn or something.

Hell, Harada can put Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung in Tekken 7…

One of the earlier mortal kombat games (i think it was 5) tried to play like tekken/doa so I can see it working

What is the obsession with guest characters? Seriously? Keep that NRS guest character bullshit away from Street Fighter. When I want to play Street Fighter, I want Street Fighter characters. It’s bad enough when they stick MK characters in Injustice. There are literally hundreds of DC characters, there is no excuse for putting guest characters in that game. This is what the whole crossover genre is for.


I don’t know how the gamep[lay will be. I’m talking purely storyline wise. How would let’s say Ryu interact with Raiden storyline wise or Liu Kang. Or Sagat interaction with Shao Kahn or something…

I’d rather read Shaku beef over X-Kira bullshit than this nonsense about MK characters in SF.

MK characters in SF might as well be asking if Smash is a fighting game. Its annoying and nobody cares.


Are the UDON comicbools canon?

Nope. They’re just adaptations.


Thankfully no.
I was a big supporter early on but they are terribly written (yeah I know its SF) and on top of that they just make some weird story decisions.
They dont have a real grasp on the characters in the way Nakahira does. His shit should be canon!

They don’t have to be carbon-copies visually speaking. I mean look at when Scorpion, Sub and Raiden became guest characters in Injustice - NRS gave all of them completely new outfits to make them look more like super heroes (or villains in Scorp’s case), and NRS characters change their looks basically every game. So if there’s a purely aesthetic clash - that can be fixed easily


Overall Im not in favor of having guest characters from other companies in a main SF game. I love more background characters to be useable characters instead.

And if MK need some SF in their titles I hope they just put a tribute to Raul Julia, a Van dame inspired character with Guile liks moves and Kylie Monique with Cammy like moves. Something capcom had done with Dan as a parody of robert and Ryo

Im okay with MK borrowing Kage, Necali, Seth, Twelve, Mecha Zangief and Cyborg Monitor in their titles instead so fatalities doesn’t matter, but not the other way around with SF.

Incorrect, It’s clearly the gore and violence that makes it incompatible, not the design of the characters lol WHY? since were talking crossover titles here, not something like putting demitri, pyron and 50% of the DS characters being part in SF title.

It doesn’t mater also if it japanese x western design since the topic is a crossover possibility not a part of the title and canon.


The hardest to be paired is KOF because of KYO and IORI being flagship characters instead of Terry but not SF design can blend with other franchise easily even with MK but MK will had to throw away it’s selling point and core appeal.

@Cestus_II, you posted this a while but…

I really don’t know where Gill’s prototype name being GEMINI came from (this was mentioned before in the thread). All that I know is that Gill was meant to be black and white (like his second, unused, color in the arcade version of SFIII), I think this came from Nakayama’s article for the SFIII character concept (the one where there’s a concept art of Gill wearing his robe with a real-world Illuminati symbol).
However… there is another hint that Gill/Urien were partially based on Saint Seiya…

Check this out:

From the first episode of Classic Saint Seiya anime:
Seiya and Cassius are at the Sanctuary’s coliseum, patiently waiting for their match to begin.
The Sanctuary’s leader on behalf of Goddess Athena, Grand Pope Shion (Saga in the manga) commences his speech:
Grand Pope: Each of you faced nine warriors, and you both defeated them all.
Grand Pope: From among 1024 warriors, you two were the only ones who survived.
Grand Pope: The time has come to fight each other!
Grand Pope: To the winner, I will grant the sacred Pegasus bronze cloth as a proof that he is one of Athena’s Saints.


Also, why is everyone using the following symbol to represent the SF Secret Society? What is the source of it linking with SF? Or ppl is simply using it just like they started to call Secret Society Illuminati (although, Capcom used the term Iluminati to call the Secret Society in the english text of the SF3 ladder).

Wasn’t the red/blue symbol on Helen/Kolin’s arm meat to be the Secret Society one?

While I’m on it… I don’t know if this was discussed before, but, do you guys think that F.A.N.G. worked for the Secret Society (knowing it or not) at a certain point before SFV?
Think about it… In Urien’s story he mentions that all that’s happening (Gill’s rise to power, Operation C.H.A.I.N.S., the prophecy) was a big farce that he’ll enjoy to watch.
So… either F.A.N.G. (and the Nguuhao cartel) worked (or were manipulated by) for the Secret Society and received the Black Moons’s operation C.H.A.I.N.S. plans, or someone in Shadaloo was undercover and had the mission to put the Black Moons plans in course.
It’s just too coincidence that Shadaloo would have a plan with seven moons just like the prophecy, Gill’s rise to power, and… Urien calling it all a farce.
Just my two cents though.


There are few things that I am certain of in the SF universe, FANG’s devotion and loyalty to Bison ia one of them.