The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Esport is relevant regardless how many trivializes it nowadays. Esports is what making thing worked on competitive games nowadays.

Many competitive games with bigger brands and famous characters died out because of not appealing to the competitive crowd.

Basically Kira current twitter cover photo along with the previous claims lol. Nice one new kira from apologist to minion. Doing Tatsuroko job on the thread while the other one is on the other thread. Elite people that pretends to be fans but also claims to control and oppress Capcom by braging their wishlist and speculation as datamine or facts to happen and misleading others using mis-information.

I like how X-kira keeps coming up with these absolutely out of his ass percentage numbers to “prove” how much he got right (as if he’s a fucking fortune teller or some shit)


That was terrible lol
Problem is the same since begin, he does actual datamining but rest of the time mix it with his bs

Example with Honda/Poison/Lucia update he did actual datamining on next dlc contents that so far has been spot on: got chars of the halloween pack and the fact we got another halloween stage, got Kage being next having extra battle (Asura) and the one after Poison(Lady), got the 3 chars getting special redbull color.
What’s left of that specific thing are Blaka being next after Poison and the holyday pack being G,Lucia and Poison iirc (+another xmas stage iirc).

That above can’t be by luck/guessing so given that most has proven correct, i find probable at this point rest to be correct too

On other hand he keeps add his bullshit hoping to be correct and say “i told you”
He said Gill/Seth will be next char in Nov without back it with facts, then stopped and started some other bs
He CAN’T know it as all he see is what he showed on same file mining, he got only Z+a number
Same way he called Kage/Poison getting ex mission costumes, but could not see they were going to be Asura/Lady, because again all he got was name of the char+a number

My personal translator when i check his twitter is that rare times he support stuff with actual datamining showing the file he found, it’s worth read, the rest he’s talking out of his ass

Different is Sir Arthur, dude who specifically called Honda/Poison/Lucia
Now that’s an actual leaker, even if i think whoever gave him these info will not say anything else in future
I’m assuming he know/friend of a source as he got public account with pic and all, will be a bit job suicide move if he was directly involved

Great artwork


I’m listening to the Vesperarcade vid on the Ono interview and the guy has some awful hot takes.



Will love that stage, even if i was more fan of

Even if it had no sense LOL

I’m tempted. What did he say?

Personally I agreed with several things he said.

Tbh no update in early 2020 can be exactly same scenario of 2019/Season4 lol

I can understand why, but he chose to misrepresent some of the things Ono said to put them in a bad light. I get he doesn’t like SF5, I don’t like it much either, but its pretty silly to do that in a vid.


That is AWESOME, where is that from? Teppen?

Amazing how cestus switches sides and ditch the fake fraud out easily after promoting and defending him lately in the thread…after tatsuroko(kira/edcarlos dummy account) being in the background for a while.

Typical user lol.

What Capcom said is what Capcom said as basis of expection where in a more realistic sense rather some kind of online douche and asshole with dumb claims like Capcom fear. Lol

Any idea where we can get more hi-res Teppen Cards art for non-game characters like Ryu.

Watching the SFV parasites realize Capcom isn’t going to improve SFV past mediocrity like

He’s 100% right on Capcom needing some kind of challenge because the brand is enough to carry even SFV to decent numbers. 2D 1v1 fighters that approach the pace of SF are pretty damn rare, and because of that you can only see partial migrations to other games (which already happened). Depending on how Riot’s effort goes, Capcom my finally have to get their shit together.

No idea, came across it on my twitter feed, but clearly the guy who posted it isn’t the original artist.

which is why Ono saying that this year they’re gonna have season 5 on lock for most of the year because of the Intel Tournaments is bullshit, since the exact same thing happened with season 4. Excuses.

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Didn’t take it that way at all. Doing balance changes in the middle of season is unfair to the competitors. Based on Ono’s comments, from here on out major SFV updates will happen during CPTs off season. So if you dumped all your time into mastering a character, you don’t get the rug pulled out from you mid season.

Its not like the old days but it gives the game time to breath. That said, if this is the way they are going to go. They better nail the balance updates, I don’t see that happening. I see them over nerfing top tiers and not buffing low tiers enough as usual. Some upper mid tier characters are going to get some modest buffs and end up top tier because the previous top tier characters got over nerfed.


I think people’s main gripes come down to a few things:

  • Online is terrible in the US/EU, and this confident attitude about online tournaments is unbelievably tone deaf. If netcode was at least polished up to the level of MvCI I might see the potential, but as is Capcom is setting themselves up for embarrassment.

  • People want system changes to open up the game a bit more. This is becoming a shared sentiment between people who hate SFV and the people who play SFV, and I think a well thought out design pass could really help the game for what is supposed to be its premier tournament phase.

  • There’s definitely an air of uncertainty of how the game will fare if Capcom wants to make SFV as it more or less is now the definitive version of the game. A lot of people put up with Capcom’s bullshit for years because they expected something closer to 3S/USF4/ST in terms of gameplay depth by the end. Live service games typically see a drop off when the content flow tapers off, and SFV’s numbers outside of stream views aren’t that inspiring in the first place. If this is the end of the road in terms of mechanics, I can see a not-so-small portion of the playerbase having the same reaction and moving on to greener pastures.


May add that they can just keep last new characters banned/locked from competition untill IT ends, but avaible for training/arcade/friendly match… will also offer some months of testing before they become avaible

Ultimately i think they found S4 method of release have been profitable as dlc schedule and they’re going to replicate It

Hopefully they will follow very same path with 1st S5 char on december, so we get 3 char instead 2 before the long famine starts lol

Just pray it to be not as crap addition as Kage, but only way they can touch that low again will be Decapre… wich is not impossible lol

“We’re adding Violent Ken! But we’ve renamed him Rage and given him horns.”