The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


@bakfromon Thanks so much!!!

I guess now would the best time to share the Rockman X4 RAWS:!L0cCyShK!nmfSrN_br3e1SlWYK9FfAg!btVGxaqa!xQlLfjtKpEEUQ27scT6-EQ!L5UQ3K5K!B2QNzZs7T_nQPrzpUTFB_Q


Sorry for the double post but this popped up in my notfications:

It has that classic Sakura sound but is somewhat focused. Would fit the older PE teacher that Sakura will become by her SF4 ending.

Yep, I have both Volumes of Ryu Final via Udon’s translation.

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Yea bad choice of wording on my part now that I look back on that, first time posting in a while.:sweat_smile:

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Behind the scenes of the George Romero directed commercial for Resident Evil/Biohazard 2 with makeup by Screaming Mad George. I think this was a JP only ad. From Tumblr user SpaceLeech who has archived scans of alot of Japanese pop culture magazines.

Also may or may not make a sequel to that short Ibuki story from Christmas, might not even be about her necessarily.


Thats terrible.

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Only gullible dumb fools would call you such a thing. You are wonderful. :heart:



Hey pal daemos came without the tag/mention of cestus, usually if cestus lose an argument or being contested with his claims he start with this in his later comments pal daemos in mention, maybe they learned to use PM nowadays since tatsuroko(xkira dummy account abused by spamming me to delete a quoted comment that contains xkira fake datamine claims).

The only gullible, fool and dumb falls for dummy account of tatsuroko being innocent, kira is legit because the twitter guy said so and those who defends fake claims like character design and animation arguments while the OP sits while eating popcorn leaving them to come out with ridiculous explaination, being considerate to those while having a strong grudge with Vasili10(i didn’t tag) that continuously tags/mentions him even he was away for year(s) probably because of not favoring and supporting most of his bison fanfic. I know the guy has some issues too but it’s too much for someone to mention someone not already persisting his claims anymore and leave the thread.

Wait cestus is now stopping again being nice now… wait till he act and stop again then rinse and repeat. Feed his ego, like xkira is also the same he might be making me look against everybody but both egotistic people like that only view other as tools then shift later as the other is gone.

So going through the X4 RAWS they are some very interesting plot elements in. The “3rd” volume wasn’t even published until 2005 due to delays and Imamoto feeling like he rushed X4 and did a bad job of it. For example Dragoon and Owl are killed in a matter of panels, General’s fight is off screen and the Colonel’s attempt to rescue Iris from Zero and the hunters are skipped. Marty (X’s mermaid girlfriend) doesn’t appear at all due to Capcom’s request so it seems that Capcom were really stringent after all the liberties he took with 1-3.


Iris is willing to commit suicide to stop Colonel and Zero fighting, of course this becomes a very important plot point later on.

What’s interesting here is that Peacock supposedly speaks with pronouns used by media portrayals of Trans people in Japan. Coupled with his motif and mannerisms, it appears as though Peacock may not have a defined gender in this adaption. A similar thing would happen to Bolt Kraken/Squid Adler in the Japanese version of X5, something the English translators missed out on. Peacock later infects Iris with the Maverick Virus which is why she’s locked up in a tube.

The element that this adaptation is most known for (and possibly why Capcom stopped Imamoto) is X’s slow descent into madness. It starts in X3 where he overloads his body to destroy Sigma and now driven by desperation after Buffalo’s murder by Frost Walrus equips the Ultimate armor which completely changes him into a remorseless monster having murdered all of Slash Beast’s men and cut Beast himself into multiple pieces. When Zero confronts him, X tells him to not get in the way of his “revenge”, lest he be killed. I think this kind of interesting since in the game, X beings to fear that he may turn maverick one day so this is quite a nice look into what a more evil X would be like prior to Copy X.

Body horror!!! Yay!!

This leads into the big reveal, that Iris is connected to Colonel. If something happens to Colonel, Iris will be affected and vice versa. Since Colonel’s left arm is cut off, Iris’ left arm also begins to rust. Zero later kills Colonel by cutting him in half, rendering her unable to walk and with little time to live. So she decides to use her final moments alive to murder Zero and the other reploid scientists.

Basically Iris elaborating on her backstory that she and Colonel were to originally be one reploid the perfect Megaman but since the two personalities couldn’t be reconciled, they were separated but linked together in order to support each other. This is in the game also but it is never explained by anyone which really damages the game’s storytelling. Yes, the characters are aware of classic MM as Vile wants to kill X to prove he is superior to both Megamans but not much is said about it.

Body horror part 2!

Mech!Iris looks far more menacing and cooler than the in game one. Too bad it also only lasts a few panels.

Zero punches X across the face. Why? Zero confronts X and his recent shift in personality and also angry at X for his lack of emotion. Zero just murdered Colonel and Iris yet he couldn’t cry at all. A big plot point throughout the manga is that X is the only reploid who can cry and this is ridiculed by Zero in X1 but now Zero grows to appreciate this ability and wishes that he could cry for Colonel and Iris too. However Zero is reassured when he sees X looking on at him sadly.

The motif of a “Nostalgic future” pops up again. This is frequently said throughout the manga and I like it more than “fight for an everlasting peace”. It seems that X and Zero are ready to fight Sigma (who is not seen at all apart from a mention by Double, who is the main villain of this adaptation).


Daaaaaang, well done dude. I really miss Mega Man X and this just makes me want more adaptations. There were some crazy departures that you mentioned, but it overall is something I’d love to read one day. (Ever since I was a kid, I wanted an OAV or even series of MMX, still hold on to that hope hah).

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@Shockdingo Yeah, the MMX series had the potential to be really good story-wise though it is a hot mess thanks to constant screw ups but the most biggest is how the Repliforce were handled. You always see people parroting in about how “EvErYoNe iS dUmB AF” but the Rockman Perfect Memories book state that:
-human trust in reploid was at an all time low after DopplerTown.
-If Colonel did disarm, he and everyone else would have been slain like cattle to calm everyone down.
-Anyways, putting down your weapons showed to the RF that the Maverick Hunters have no faith in them at all and is disrespectful.
-Colonel was created so that he could not surrender as he had the warrior side of X while Iris had the peaceful side
-Iris combined her body with Colonel and so could not be repaired
-It was only Owl and Stingray who actually committed crimes

And that’s just X4

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Man that is some interesting stuff.

I’ve played Megaman X4 more than probably any other non-fighting game game.


Whoo, many, maaaany months of work later, I present to you:

G & Q: Fool’s Gold!

This is my follow up to my previous pre-release G speculation video G & Q: The Golden Question.

I was nervous to do this, because the last video unexpectedly turned into quite the runaway success. Not to humble brag, but it’s currently at 41k views when most of my stuff barley breaks 100 hah. Anyways, I’m pretty happy with this, even though G didn’t have a lot, if any revelations, I took a look at how my last video’s theories stacked up, I looked at the alternate costumes and what they referenced, I jumped into the Tarot connections and what that could mean, and for fun, I looked at the Social Media stuff from Rashid and G’s story modes. I also sharpened the text in G’s Foo Tube videos, I’m surprised they’re actually legible and not just placeholder text!

Anyways, it’s yet again a long bit of me rambling, but if you like it, let me know and maybe tell a friend! If you didn’t like, let me know why, I’m always trying to improve


LOL at Lupin Cody


Love all the G appreciation and good timing since my country going to have an election next month. #nogoodcitizen

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Gotta say, man, the voice over is FANTASTIC. Such a great “radio” voice. 10/10 vid


If anybody want grab an av :smiley:

immagine immagine immagine

While at it i add a wallpaper i did a week ago for my ps4
(click for fullsize)

this is the base, though i had to adapt it to the console requirements


Those perfect proportions in that wallpaper. <3