The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Ryu is fucking awesome. It aint SF if he’s not in.

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Sonny Chiba would like to have a word with you.

As Spoonman said, i like to think him more as the FACE of SF

I don’t want every fucking new Boss interessed in Ryu and Ryu having to shoryuken him to save the world

Ryu will forever be SF posterboy, but does’nt need to be involved as main hero in every story arc, he can just keep do his Ryu things, while somebody else handle the central role

I can totally see it works, otherwise you have a redundant Goku Ryu spammed over and over


Ryu has an important role it’s not the redundant thing. Ryu being Ryu is awesome Ryu SF2, SF1 and SF3 is the best Ryu the rest were just Ryu trying to be someone else forcing him the trends.

His Fighting game character that doesnt need anything more than his motivation and new special moves or super moves in some occasion.

Ed Boon did it first (Reptile)…

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Okay, this right here? I’m absolutely in favour of that. I don’t want Capcom in the future to have Ryu become so powerful that’s comically broken and a dead end storywise. I never thought of it like this before, but yeat, that can be a way to grow him up without making him some boring invincible endboss hero or writing him out of the series. He can be there, strong, mature, evolved but sharing his knowledge with those who want it.

I’ve gone back and forth about liking Ryu over the years and do currently like the guy. I feel he works best when he’s a notable person in the SF world and inspirational, but not the designated hero 100% of the time. I’m currently going through the SF novel with the Murata art and I am liking how Chun Li talked about his pure enthusiasm for learning through his fist.

It’s less “OH NO BIRDIE, WHAT DOES THE shadalooSCOUTER say about his HADOU LEVEL?!”


and more "hey, this guy’s a scholar of martial arts, he gets the philosophy and what it means to be a fighter better than anyone else, but he’s not some invincible demi God. He can be beaten, but most likely scores of people will lose because they don’t see things through his perspective and wisdom.

That I can live with and even enjoy.


That’s not correct. Baki was first published in 1991, while Akuma didn’t show up until SSF2T in 1994.


Yes. And it doesn’t change things.

Akuma was to represent official Shenglong. The whole Gouken and Akuma had no parallel to the desperate claims.

But Akuma had lead were different and his inclusion to Super Turbo. The backstory and the early material has no parallel to Yonjiro. Gouken and Akuma along with Ryu and Ken along with Sagat and Ryu had clear different stories don’t force it for the desperate attempt to be bias and save cestus ass once again.

The guy always needs saving for being the snowflake that can’t handle his ass and being official Jagi of HNK in this thread that needs help multiple times then everything he spews is character design, animation and 3d to avoid being criticized and explaining. I handle myself like man solo even against a dictator, gang and crowd. Against kira swarm and other pile of goons and thugs while he plays the victim card from being the aggressor.

Man his desperate ass is even settling for kira nowadays to deperately obviously provoke and trigger me, i don’t mind it, it just show how weak he is, how low he can be for using kira and hoping gullible people would save him.

I know he doesn’t like and hates vagina and loves skinny opposite.

The coward that like to provoke but ends of the loser of the thread. Reacent like the guy talks about kira multiple times and post a gif of someone rapidly typing lol his deperate and low. The guy tries to provoke lol but all he do is expose himself.

He even demands capcom not to listen to anybody in the character thread else than him because he knows what his talking and the rest is not legit so shouldn’t be entertained about and the rest just want vagina.

The guy claims old enough to play sf2 when it was release in arcade in a pizza place but probably the truth is he isnt or probably just been starting to learn either to talk or walk. The guy like to manipulate others and when caugh wrong creates fake explaination of how 3d and animation works by using terms he heard. Probably this guy didn’t even had a regular creative job that he claims to be working in a prestigious art company. What he does is copy my words and others that explain and teach hìm then used then to sound relevant but in a wrong way, but still wrong yet still convince the unfamiliar. The guy is the second biggest fraud we had here in the thread for fake claims of how things work. But it save because he shills your fanfic wishlist of skinny teen italians. Let he and kira serves each others ass, don’t include yourself because of italian reasons. I respect your hardwork in translation ans japanese reference dont low yourself.

Like saying his STOPing liek you did before and because the fact he isnt he even posted the gif of rapid typing after a series of kira post hoping i was gonna take that and reply but i ignore. The thing is he really wants and crave for it because he knows others are dumb and fool to save him for something he started after hiding away again… his Jagi.

Quick question about Seth. This quote in particular to Gouken:

“Men like you who seal their power deep inside are an impediment to evolution!”

Is Seth referring to Gouken suppressing the Satsui no Hado?

Random question, but I just thought about it.


I’d say that’s what he meant. As the SnH seems to be an inherent presence to users of that fighting style.


Damn, that novel sounds hella interesting then, might have to pick it up now. I guess Ryu Final would be right up your alley then, there they come up with an important realization regarding Ryu’s main strenght which I think you may like (unless you want me to spoil it).


Heh, it’s a pretty interesting novel so far. I hope I haven’t oversold it, but that, the discussions here all have made me see Ryu in a different light compared to when I was younger. The Ryu stuff in the novel is pretty interesting since so far we see him fight with Akuma and his SNH struggles, but during a crazy fight with Elena, Chun Li thinks back on Ryu’s pure enthusiasm and lack of malice. So that, combined with his old famous “what’s the answer on the otherside of my fist”, plus other things made me look at Ryu as less of a boring protag and more of a guy sticking to a particular theme and growing. Not one to base every aspect of the series on, but a guy who embodies one of the core themes of the series. If that makes sense hah.

I’ve wanted to check out Ryu final for along time. I should actually get off my duff and get that and the Sakura and Cammy mangas from ages ago. I missed out on those when I was a kid.

Anyone else read the novel? Did you guys like it?


Ok Shaku, I’m going to make my last attempt to reason with you, despite the fact you just called me gullible, dumb and fool. And I admit I may be so, since I believe I can reason with you.
I don’t care about “saving Cestus ass once again”. I remember another instance when you even insinuated Cestus ASKED me to defend him; that was untrue then and still is now. As far as I know, Cestus doesn’t even read your posts, having put you in his ignore list. Maybe that’s one of his lies and he constantly reads your posts… Again, I don’t care.
What I care about is that you deemed me, in order: biased (about a conclusion you drew), gullible, unfamiliar (with what?), skinny Italians lover (WTF?), dumb and fool… Thank goodness you respect me. I can’t fathom how would have you defined me otherwise.
Let’s set the record straight: Cestus said that Akuma is a cancer for SF as Yujiro Hanma is for Baki. It’s YOU that then concluded that Yujiro has inspired Akuma. Doing a comparison is not the same as stating that one has influenced the other. It’s simply saying “I can’t stand Akuma exactly as I can’t stand Yujiro, for the same reasons”. You jumped to conclusions and a part of them was even incorrect. I just highlighted that part, it’s simple as that.
Would you like to point out when and where I showed interest in “skinny teen Italians”? No, REALLY. What are you talking about? :no_mouth:
And stop talking about Kira. You’re the only one here who takes him seriously. Well, you and Cestus…


Tbh that “Master Ryu” WILL be powerful af, consider that to reach that point he will have to defeat Akuma at his peak… SFV/3 Ryu already is in the very strict “A tier” of SF universe, post-Orotraining/post-Akuma Ryu will be VERY strong char, essentially final Boss like

But that’s not the point… more like keep walking the path, without the arrogance to think to be the only one that MUST be involved in everything happen lol
He will have faith in humanity, let others grow, let new fighters the chance to do same steps he did

Just as distant as Oro is from world’s trouble/treats (Oro never bothered to stop Bison), but with different spirit
Oro stay out because he distanced himself from humanity
Ryu will stay out because he TRUST humanity*

Another Gill will rise, another Alex will stop him**

Meanwhile Ryu can stay outside main story/Boss events and “just” train some new kid that will be with Mel the next generation of Ansatsuken style duo, i will like that

Then sure, at some point Ryu can be again world’s trump card when nobody else can (what SFV did in a clumsy way), but i hope it does’nt happen in next story, neither in the one after

*I think this is what will make Ryu left Oro at some point, despite all the power/knowledge he holds
Oro is powerful, but he is’nt walking the “Life” path
Not even him training Ryu is a sign he changed heart… he just realized he’s dying, and pass his knowledge is some kind of last “immortality” attempt

He did’nt chosen Ryu because he’s a great human being worthy of hold a such powerful gift, but only because Ryu have the power potential to bring forward his “sennin” path after his death.
Win quotes imply he could have chosen Gill despite Gill being a giant piece of shit and that with added “Oro-power” he will have been even more dangerous treat for humanity
For Oro either Ryu and Gill were suitable candidates, is even possible he chosen Ryu because he meet him first lol

He may no more be able to teach Ryu new as martial Master, but Gouken will forever be Ryu’s model of how a martial artist and human being should be

**my 2cent
Alex win was fake, as Gill very likely let him win, but Alex successfully DID stopped him.
My guess is Alex’s hidden “ability/power” is that Gill can’t just resurrect/regenerate from his strikes like usually does, forcing Gill to stay in the regeneration capsule and postpone whatever next step


I didn’t call you those things, Look cestus had been silent most the time and he knows even he’ll call blue and red, his confident others would reason for him and while his silent out the eating popcorn for people defending his arguments. Looks who ends up the foolish there? Playing egotistic people playing victim card like kira and cestus. Lol who being used by whom?

Wait what it’s cestus been talking kira and posted gif typying hoping i would respond.

I wouldn’t care in the first place other than his dummy account tatsuruko that stalks me send me weird pm even before his post in srk, so i find it weird plus i felt responsible because some of the speculation originated also from me that is being used to fool people and be misinformed for giving wrong expectation.

Tatsuroko also not attackinh me later in srk but also in discord after me blocking him and also attacking people on twitter and steam.

He does he even posted multiple times because he wants me to get triggered i also mention i dont care because its near 2020 already but he likes people cuddling him.

He post this after being ignore multiple times, That he even posted this after ot means he want it and asking for it even being ignore because like kira he wont be accountable for what he said regardless of it being true or false and people will defend him playing victim.

You did care because you mentioned before his stoping so i should not criticized his fanfics and misinformation, but clearly he isn’t and the fact that cestus wasnt a fan of kira either to begin with, but changes just to because of being expose, he even started hating shinkiro art after me posting a new year card based on shinkiro.

Wait what? Are you born yesterday?

Do you even believe that? Its like tatsuroko claiming to block me, when I was the first one the block him, while he still responding to my post that doesn put a mentions of his name and in a different thread.

The guy response and tries to twist argument and post theories of how animation like pasting dan skin and other things.

Nowadays he won’t because the way he argues like just ending up argument calling other shouldnt be listened too because he know it and other just want this and that for vagina. Because the guy clearly doesnt teally know how those work.

Nowadays he acts nice when being confronted to show im mean lol. I mean for those that spreads misinformation.

Just let cestus settle for his words and claims. I people shouldn’t discourage criticizing him like you did before because some falls for his victim card or worries about crushing his ego. He even tag daemos multiple times when losing an argument and debunking his claims. Me look at me im handling everything solo even being gang up. I don’t even critisize cestus when thing he post are just reinstating things.

Definitely, as Darthender said, Ansatsuken and SnH are deep linked

-copypasting from wiki lol-
Ansatsuken (暗殺拳? lit. “Assassination Fist”)
Satsui no Hado (殺意の波動 Satsui no Hadō ?, “Surge of Murderous Intent”)

Aside that, Seth was looking for Ryu’s SnH, so was probably disgusted af by the idea of Gouken having the potential to be a very powerful SnH user but chosing to close that door.

Seth care only about power and did’nt known about Gouken’s MnK (wich in same game prevailed over Akuma’s SnH)


Speaking of that, is there any way to read beyond the first chapter? I wouldn’t even mind raws TBH.

There’s an official translation from Udon, the volumes can be find on Amazon and Ebay but may be overpriced due to the fact that they’re out of print and old.

I have those.


Cammy: “And, I have you.”



I have a link to the Raw viewing!AkwWH4J9yBDnhSDAAWJ6ZGYV2n3x