The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Defeat has changed Bison and Akuma in more ways than people give credit for. These characters represent more than just themselves but schools of philosophy, forces and aspects of life itself. I would like to see their journeys continue forward.

Has Akuma had any canon defeats? I can’t think of any.

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The first time he fought Gouken he lost. Heck based of the SFIV endings he’s down 2-1 to Gouken. Gouken and Akuma battled over Ryu in their SFIV ending with the winner taking the Ryu. Gouken is alive in SFV.

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There nothing to invest in if the characters don’t grow. Akuma could fight or lure someone else to the dark side who isn’t Ryu. Ryu had the same fucking story with the dark hadou for three games now. He needs a new conflict to overcome.

I hope that conflict to overcome isnt daddy issue, romance, marriage or parenthood.

Yeah that dark hadou thing should stop, SF2 and SF3 ryu without major conflict but looking forward for new challengers in every newer games like Alex, was the better Ryu. Ryu in SF2 and SF3 were the best because those were not about Ryu in drama.

They Pop culture characters and fighting game characters. Those are the priority.

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Sadly, that new conflict is just going to be his old conflict when Kage finds a body and comes looking for him.


It’s better that Ryu just inspire new protoganist that hell bump into like with Alex. Still the roaming guy. Thats the better story.

And Akuma sdiscovering a new super move that would be a new super of his.

While for the dead bison without a body ia better than haunt people that in nightmares and memories.

Thats why having a shun like character is so good for ryu. It is a bit cliched but at least he has something elae to fight for/protect/mamuru


He lost to Gouken in when he was ‘Gouki’, and then again in SF4. The score for that is 2-1 like @Darc_Requiem pointed out. After the first loss, he went into the SNH and came back, killed Goutetsu. After his second defeat he developed new skills, and went deeper into the SNH to the point that he finally kills Gen when once he wouldn’t. Yet, just before we think he’s going to go insane he spares Ryu’s life and changes his and Ryu’s fate once again (like in A2 ending).

Random things on recent discussion

  • I think Ryu being Akuma’s son is something capcom people chosen long ago and it’s more about when/how reveal it rather than if

  • About evolution of Ryu/Bison/Akuma

RYU- he does’nt need to “evolve” much, his reason to exist is being the incarnation of the martial artist ever humble and open to learn (and he’s AMAZING at that), i hope he will keep doing his Ryu-thing as long as possible.
The whole SNH/Evil/Kage thing is crap though, glad from now should be a thing of the past

BISON-Bison should continue haunt SF world in a form or another, i’m open to see him change and evolve in new directions. Said that SF can stay for some arcs without him as Boss though, capcom consumed his credibility on that role. A Cervantes(SC) like role will suit him perfectly tbh, wich is what they did in SF4

AKUMA-Akuma is a fucking cancer for SF universe just as Yujiro Hanma is for Baki world… capcom fallen in love with it at the expense of better solutions. Problem is’nt much Akuma itself, wich could have been a good done differently, but HOW capcom try to sell it. Fuck that hope we see him end as soon as possible (i doubt)

He’s 1-2 vs Gouken but you really never see him get his shit kicked, only thing close to that is first Gouken fight, but we know it just from lore.
SF4 felt more like he could not harm Mu-sponsored Gouken and left pissed off, rather than Gouken actively beating him up

Essentially they will keep Akuma NOT getting beat-up until finally Ryu andonlyRyu is ready to do it.
Wich again hopefully will happen in 6 so we can finally move over that crap where no Boss can feel legit as him lol

Pls no

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I think Bison has in him at least one more “the whole world is at stake” game in him if we don’t reboot, but it will be a while for that. Until then I completely agree that a Cervantes-esque role would suit him perfectly in the next game or two.

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The issue with Ryu being this way is that he makes for a lousy protagonist. It makes it so the game’s story can’t resolve around him and they’ll need someone like Chun/Guile/Cammy to push the story forward.

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Best way to carry forward with bison imo is just to have him in a new body. Same name, just different body/moves. That way you essentially get a new but familiar character whilst still keeping bison in a reasonable way.


I believe he can do it once again, but imho

  • very in future

  • capcom going all investing on other Bosses before that, without old back to blowjob Bison/Gill/Akuma or making the new villain feel filler material

  • He should no more return as classic himself a la SF2/SFA/SFV. No more “but is a different body” (that more or less looks like previous ones) or “in this new machine his psycho power is over9000”
    He should feel at least 50% NEW (visually and conceptually) while still being recognizable as Bison, not easy task but doable

  • His return to the top of the food chain should feel “earned” by canon events and not shoehorned to push up a popular character because “it’s Bison turn again”

  • Bison should be reinvented, built up, and hyped in a way that get also not-die-hard-Bison-fans to WANT him to be Boss again

Do all that and i will not bitch if we get Bison as SF8 or SF9 Boss

Do less and tbh they will feel just unable to offer a credible alternative


Tbh i don’t care, i’m ok with him NOT being the current chapter protagonist.
And Ryu is my favourite FG character, not only SF fav

His concept itself to me is quality enough to exist, let somebody else have to follow current arc anime plot.
SF3 was great at that.

Alex did the protagonist/anime hero thing
Ryu did the Ryu thing
Alex found a Dragon to fight, dropping an holy light justice headbutt
Ryu found a new Master, ending under a 3 ton rock with Oro over it dropping old man farts

Ryu’s evolution should not be much related to “story” development, but to going deeper and deeper on his concept path

Of course in the middle at some point he will be again (i guess one game yes, one game not) SF Anime Hero throwing dat ultimate holy technique on dat ultimate powerfullikenobodybefore Boss… defeating Akuma for example

But as evolution that’s not what he is, more what he does

As evolution i expect and hope something much more minimalist: Master Ryu

But not the Master Ryu in the childish “SF7 ultra istinct Master Ryu can shot one-hand triple hadokens and got laser holy shoryuken” way

More like Ryu is ever Ryu, a disciple of Life… but since due his level no “Master” can teach him anymore (not even Oro, the pinnacle at that), his only way to keep learn is to become a Master himself.
His next “Master” being a 10 years old disciple
If they can sell that “Master Ryu” is not his LV99-reached end, but a whole new begin in a way more difficult path, then they evolved Ryu in the best way possible

Anybody had to teach to a class of kids understand how you suddently feel first day white belt all over again LOL, you can be confident at sparring vs a huge scary dude and still feel intimidated by having to teach a bunch of kids the first basic punch… and best part is, teaching them you learn it all over again, but from a new perspective

LOVE when SF speak through martial arts feels, it’s best SF when they do

Ryu is about values not about achievements, wich indeed may make him a “lousy protagonist”…

…wich is why i’m fine with Alex and others after him can carry the save-the-day “Story” torch

As Ryu fan, if was for me Nash+friends will have ended Bison in SFV
Nash is definitely a “story” character, he could have got a great development/conclusion doing that Sword of Light role, instead disappear like a fart in a tornado lol


Had this one sitting on the shelf for a bit. Finally decided to finish SF3 Kolin.



Name: Kolin (Olena Kovalenko)

Nickname: Phantasm of Snow and Ice

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Ukrainian (?)

Height: 5’6”(1.68m)

Weight: 143lbs(65kg)

B/W/H: 36”-25”-37” (91.5cm-63.5cm-94cm)

Hometown: Kharkiv, Ukraine

Appearance: Kolin porcelain skin and blue eyes. Her long blonde hair is styled in an asymmetrical updo with high ponytail. She wears black long sleeved suit jacket. There is a white collared dress shirt under the fastened suit jacket. Kolin has a black tie around her neck. She wears short black skirt that leaves her muscular legs exposed. Kolin has black high heeled shoes on her feet.

Likes: Gill, Reading, Book of Miraha, Butterflies, Winter

Dislikes: Urien, Soldiers, War

Fighting Style: Systema

Tone: Kolin is cold, manipulative, and fiercely loyal to Gill.

Origins: Kolin, born Olena Kovalenko, comes from military family. Her grandfather, father, mother, and brother were all soldiers. Olena followed their lead. Per her family’s customs, she was instructed in combat training as soon as she can walk. Olena excelled at Systema and was also an expert marksmen with small fire arms Over time Olena lost each of her family members to war. Her grandfather was killed in combat when she was small girl, her mother was barely a teenager, and her father shortly after her enlistment. In the frequent battles to maintain her countries sovereignty, her family always seem to pay the price. In her final combat action, she saw her brother’s fall.

Disillusioned and distraught, Olena simply wondered off into the wilderness. Her comrades called out to her. She walked across the frozen tundra, ignoring the bitter cold. The bitter cold wind whipped across her face and she paid no mind. Her grief had numbed her to any pain. After days of walking, without eating or drinking, her body finally gave out. Olena staggered, stumbled, and finally collapsed to the snowy ground. As she closed her eyes and waited for death to take her, a voice called out to her. She looked up to see a striking, heavenly figure call out to her. Was it a mirage? An illusion, she thought to her self. The figure glowed with a warm white light. Rays of a light from the figure seemed to call out to her.

Olena somehow to find the strength to raise to her feet. She made her way to the figure on unsteady feet fall just to her knees just short of his location. He reached out his hand to her. Olena grabbed hold of it and suddenly felt rejuvenated.

Gill was his name. He promised Olena a world without war if she would follow him. A divine being awaiting her in the frozen wilderness. Olena was enamored. She had lost everything and would happily do anything to ensure a world without war. Olena died that day. She never got up from the frosty earth. Kolin arose and she would serve Gill faithfully and bring forth his Utopia.

Her Rival: Urien

Stamina: 1200

Stun Bar Length: 64

Stun Bar Recovery: 20F

Forward Dash/Distance: 15F/1.5

Back Dash/Distance: 15F/1

Normal Wake Up: 75F

Quick Stand: 50F

Taunt: Ice blades cover her hands, increases the range of her next punch normal. Can be stacked up to 4 times.

Throw Range: 25


Pressure Ridge – LP+LK: Kolin grabs her opponent, hit them with a left knee to the stomach, places her right leg behind both their legs, and sweeps their legs out from under him while using her right arm to slam them to the ground.

Sublimation – B+LP+LK: Kolin grabs her opponent, hit them with a left knee to the stomach, and shoulder throws them behind her.

Avalanche Lock – LP+LK: (In Air) Kolin locks her foe into an aerial arm bar that she releases when the pair slams into the ground.

Unique Attacks:

Blizzard Heel – F+MK: (Overhead) Kolin hammers her opponent with a two leg wheel kick. 15F Startup 120 Damage/8 Stun -2 On Block

Icicle Stamp – D+MP (From any jump): Kolin double jumps creating an frozen wave of ki in the same of an icicle’s tip. Wave descends behind her at a 60° Angle. 40 Damage/5 Stun

Frost Spike – LP,MP,HP: Kolin pummels her foes with a left jab, right straight, into left back fist combination. 70 Damage/5 Stun

Whiteout – MK,HP, F+HP: Kolin hits her adversary with a standing right knee, right backfist, into left back fist combination. 80 Damage/7 Stun

Tundra Pike – LK,MK: (In Air) Kolin strikes with a flying right knee, left flying kick combination that leaves grounded opponents standing. 3F Startup 80 Damage/7 Stun, Can Cross Up


Frost Touch – QCB+P: Kolin intercepts her opponent’s attack and responds witha powerful counter strike. Punch button pressed determines the counter type. All versions have 34F of Recovery on Whiff. LP (Low Counter, 2F Startup, 225 Damage/16 Stun) MP (2F High Counter, 2F Startup, 200 Damage/16 Stun) HP (Anti Air Counter, 2F Startup, 200 Damage/16 Stun) EX(1F Startup 29 Recovery Frames on Whiff, High/Anti Air Counter 270 Damage/19 Stun, Low Counter 290 Damage/19 Stun, LP+MP Low Counter, LP+HP High Counter MP+HP Anti Air Counter)

Parabellum - QCF+P – Kolin generates blade like frozen ki auras around both of her fists and rapidly strikes her foe. LP and MP versions leave the opponent standing. HP version knocks down. LP(9F Startup, 80 Damage/10 Stun, -4 On Block,) MP(14F Startup, 100 Damage/10 Stun, +2 On Hit, -6 On Block) HP(18F Startup, 120 Damage/10 Stun, -8 On Block) EX(9F Startup, 120 Damage/10 Stun, -4 On Block, Launches The Opponent)

Hailstorm – F,D,DF+P: Kolin summons a ball of icy ki above her foe that descends at a 70° Angle. All versions do 60 Damage/6 Stun. LP (7F Startup 37 Total Frames, ¼ Screen) MP (7F Startup 40 Total Frames, ½ Screen) HP (7F Startup 40 Total Frames,3/4 Screen) EX(6F Startup 36 Total Frames, 120 Damage/12 Stun LP+MP ¼ Screen, LP+HP ½ Screen, MP+HP ¾ Screen)

Crystal Slash – F,D,DF+K: Kolin manifests a frozen aura of ki around her right hand and strikes her opponent with an advancing over hand right chop. Attack leaves the opponent standing with Kolin at advantage. If Crystal Slash makes contact with a physical attack. Kolin counters spinning upward left hand chop that knocks her opponent down. LK(10F Startup, Strike - 50 Damage/7 Stun, +1 On Hit, -4 On Block, Counter - 100 Damage/10 Stun, Knocks Down) MK(13F Startup, Strike – 65 Damage/8 Stun, +2 On Hit, -6 On Block, Counter – 130 Damage/12 Stun) HK (15F Startup 80Damage/9 Stun, +3 On Hit, - 8 On Block, Counter – 160 Damage/ 14 Stun) (Version of the Inside Slash, SFV V-Skill)

Frost Edge – HCF+K: Kolin manifests a frozen aura of ki around her left fist dashes back towards her foe with a left punch. All versions do 125 Damage/12 Stun, Knocks Down -6 On Block. Kick button determines the startup and distance traveled. LK (8F Startup, Projectile Invincible 4F-16F, ¼ Screen) MK (11F Startup, Projectile Invincible 7F-19F, ½ Screen), HK (14 Startup, Projectile Invincible 10F-22F ¾ Screen) EX (7F Startup, Projectile Invincible 1F-15F, 150 Damage/12 Stun, ¾ Screen, Kolin Dashes Through Her Foe, Reverses Direction, Dashes Through Them Again, Causes A Crumple State.)

Vanity Step – QCB+K: Kolin spins 360° backward away from her opponent. The backspin is strike and projectile invincible. The properties of the back dash are altered by the kick button pressed.

LK (34 Total Frames, Spins A ½ Screen Away ,Can Be Canceled Into One of Two follow ups)

  • Silver Edge -+P : Kolin manifests a frozen aura of ki around her left fist dashes back towards her foe with a left punch. Projectile Invincible 8F Startup 125 Damage/12 Stun, Knocks Down -6 On Block
  • Silver Scythe -+K: Kolin manifests a frozen aura of ki around her right foot dashes forward with a right back sweep. Must be blocked low. 7F Startup 100 Damage/10 Stun. Knocks Down -8 On Block

MK(43 Total Frames. Spins A ½ Screen Away and Then Slides ½ Screen Forward, Can Be Canceled Into Any Grounded Normal Attack or One of Three Target Combos)

  • Cold Low-D+LK, D+HK -Kolin hits her opponent with a low left kick into right double sweep kick combination. 9F Startup 120 Damage/12 Stun -8 On Block
  • Brincile -D+LK, HP – Kolin strikes with a low left kick into upward back fist that launches her opponent into the air. Cause Juggle State 7F Startup 100 Damage/12 Stun, -2 On Block
  • Snow Grain -D+MP,HP -Kolin hits her adversary with a low right punch into standing right back fist combination. 8F Startup 100 Damage/12 Stun, -6 On Block. Can be canceled into LK Crystal Slash.

HK(34 Frames Until Airborne, Spins A ½ Screen Away and Then Jumps ½ Screen Forward,Can Be Canceled Into Icicle Stamp, Any Airborne Normal, or Avalanche Lock, Travel Distance Can Be Altered by Holding B, or F)

  • White Spear – LK, MK – Kolin strikes with a flying right knee, left flying kick combination that leaves grounded opponents standing. 3F Startup 120 Damage/13 Stun, Can Cross Up

EX Vanity Step

  • LK+MK - 29 Total Frames, Spins A ½ Screen Away ,Can Be Canceled Into Silver Edge or Silver Scythe
  • LK+HK -38 Total Frames. Spins A ½ Screen Away and Then Slides ½ Screen Forward, Can Be Canceled Into Any Grounded Normal Attack. Also can be canceled into Cold Low, Brincile, or Snow Grain.
  • MK+HK – 29 Frames Until Airborne, Spins A ½ Screen Away and Then Jumps ½ Screen Forward, Can Be Canceled Into Icicle Stamp, Any Airborne Normal, Avalanche Lock, or White Spear, Travel Distance Can Be Altered by Holding B, or F

Super Art 1:

Frost Tower – QCFx2+P: Kolin strikes with a frozen, advancing, knife edge back chop that sends her adversary spinning into the air. Kolin tehnspins around causing a large spike of frozen ki to rise up from the ground to strike prone foe.

  • Damage: 410

  • Stun: 18

  • Bar Length: 120

  • Stock: 2

  • EX: 6 uses

Super Art 2:

Diamond Dust - QCFx2+K: Kolin twists 180° backward as she kicks her left leg upward and then slams foot into the ground creating a frosty wave of ki that travels along the ground. Attack must be blocked low. Damage is modest but the attack causes a juggle state and freezes the opponent’s stun bar on hit. If Kolin stuns the opponent while in this state, they freeze in place, This is similar to dizzy state with the addition of DOT (Damage Over Time) until the opponent breaks out of this state. Effect if nullified if Kolin is hit.

  • Damage: 225

  • Stun: 24

  • Bar Length: 80

  • Stock: 3

  • EX: 6 uses

Super Art 3:

Absolute Zero - QCBx2+P: Increases the range of all punch attacks, the size of hailstorm projectiles, enables a full screen “skate dash”, allows Kolin to Frost Edge through opponent’s during a “skate dash” and cancel into second Frost Edge after landing one from a dash. EX Bar converts into a Timer Bar that drains over time. Once empty, Absolute Zero ends.

  • Damage: N/A

  • Stun: N/A

  • Bar Length: 100

  • Stock: 1

  • EX: 2.5 uses

Reasons to be in SFIII:

Kolin is a fervent believer in Gill. She rarely seen without the Book of Miraha in hand. Kolin has become aware of Urien’s machinations. She will no longer tolerate his undermining of Gill’s leadership. Per the tenants of the Secret Society, the penalty for subversion is death. Kolin put a stop to Urien…permanently.

Side Notes:

  • Not a fan of Capcom having “Unknown” origins. So I have Kolin a Ukrainian background.
  • I thought a military background would explain her combat proficiency. The lost of her entire family to war would explain her hatred of soldiers.
  • Kolin’s frost based ki ability was always present. Gill simply unlocked the ability. Her natural ability and her survival when the entirety of her family had fallen is what drew Gill to her.
  • The name Kolin is implied to be the name given to her by Gill. Helen was an alias. So I decided to give her a Ukrainian name to match the origin I gave to her.

SF6 without Ryu? How would people take that? Alos, wthout Ken…

Ryu perfect evolution is SF3 it brings him back to SF2 Rýu and SF1 as we know that seeks better challenge. The prime Ryu is the ryu without DRAMA but is about betterment and just getting better.

The moment Ryu is linked to marriage, discovering parents or brother is the moment a reboot will came in and people will just hate RYu more.

Along with this guys that pretends to care and like Ryu and repeat his mythos but the truth is they never liked the best RYU which was SF2 and SF3. They just want Ryu to be changed either braging rights in this trend or either they are bored with Ryu and never liked Ryu as a protoganist and never know the important of his role in a FIGHTING GAME other than an ordinary fighting game protoganist.

No they didn’t.

Baki is a later manga. Akuma existed before baki

Akuma was intended to tribute sheng long from EGM 90s and was added quickly as a bonus for SSF2 to have something new before chrismas that was release fast.

And Ryu is spared because of Akuma wanting to see SNH warrior believing it would be his equal because he believe that SNH is the sole parmth to become the ultimate warrior.

To weak, the A2 ending. Akuma was merciful to the weak in the 90s game.

As for Goutetsu and Gouken sees them as his equal. Gen wss spared to that includes the kid with an apple.

No it was not because it returned prepares Ryu to became SF3 Ryu again the wandering world warrior and no more SNH stuff anymore.

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It’s fine if that’s what they want from Ryu but he’s the main character. A character like that shouldn’t lead a series that likes using larger than life villains with global criminal organizations with sci-fi tech. He could work as a lead if the plot was basic like your standard pokemon game.

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I guess you could say Ryu is more of a posterboy / face of the franchise rather than a protagonist in the purest sense / plot sense. Still my favourite character though, I like what he represents and strives for.