The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I think it’s hack to have one character do it for no logical reason. If the character is actually mute, then fine, but if she is, that’s never mentioned at all. Alternatively, if you want to do visual storytelling, then don’t have any character speak. Let that be the style of story you are telling. Doing it with only one character doesn’t make any sense.

I mean, Gill is pretty damn low on my wishlist. But since I want EVERYONE IS HERE, that includes Gill.

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I’m fine with the character not talking as it doesn’t get in the way. When she can be read like a book there’s really no need.

Same thoughts on me liking the hell of SF3 X SF2 in SF5. The thing missing to me is seeing Dhalsim and Blanka against Necro.

I saw that terrible Street Fighter Alpha animated movie recently and got the idea for this. Shun everybody.

Side note: I remember being disappointed in that movie but seeing it again. I actually hate it. The fight choreography was just plain atrocious. Their was so much they could have pulled from in an Alpha movie and they went their own way. When you do that, you have to nail it. They didn’t.


Name: Shun Hoshi (Hoshi Shun)

Nickname: Fist of Focused Fury

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese (?)

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 179lbs

B/W/H: 43-32-33 (110cm-81cm-84cm)

Hometown: São Paulo , Brazil

Appearance: Shun has dark reddish brown shoulder length hair. He is well built with a tan complexion. Shun has grey head band covering his forehead. There is black “激”(Violent) kanji symbol at the center of the headband. He is shirtless and wears full length grey gi pants with a black karate belt tied around his waist. His upper forearms and his hands are wrapped in black tape. There are brown leather sandals on his feet.

Likes: His Mother, Nature, Swimming

Dislikes: His Temper, His Father

Fighting Style: Hoshi No Ken

Tone: Shun is an honorable but hothead young man.

Origins: Shun’s mother, Homura, came to Brazil from Japan just before he was born. Homura’s father was an expert martial artist. Homura trained under her father. While tradition dictated that the family art be passed down from father to son, she was an only child. So the duty of carrying on the family technique fell to her. Eventually, her father took on another student. As they trained together, Homura fell for the young man. Homura’s father and began to butt heads with his star pupil, much to Homura’s chagrin. He wished to learn the forbidden arts of the family style and Homura’s father disagreed. One day they the master and student’s conflict grew physical. Shun’s father killed his grandfather. He had been practicing the forbidden techniques in secret and was overcome by a dark power.

Homura was torn. She wanted to avenge her father but wasn’t sure if she were strong enough. However the decision had been made for her. Homura was pregnant. Even if she were able, she was in no condition to fight. Even if she did, it would mean trying to kill the father of her child. Homura took possession of all the scrolls describing her family art and fled for Brazil. In addition to being on the other side of the world, it has the largest population of Japanese people outside of Japan itself. It would be easy for her to disappear there.

As is the tradition of the family, Homura trained Shun in the family’s martial arts style. Despite being raised in Brazil, Shun is fluent in Japanese. Homura was reluctant to teach Shun. She felt the same dark power from him that had overwhelmed his father. However, she feared that without proper training he’d be unable to control his power.

Shun displayed a natural talent for the martial arts. In spite of the “dark power” that seemed to dwell within him. He was a honorable young man that always strived to do the right thing. He often asked about his father but his mother would always change the subject. Shun started looking to the matter on his own. He heard of fighter with “dark power” similar to his own. He wondered if that fighter could be his father.

His Rival: Ryu

Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3

1000 Stamina 1000 Stun


Nohouzu Ikari (Unbridled Rage) – LP+LK: Shun strikes his foe with a left-right body uppercut combination followed by a flying left knee to the head. 140 Damage/150 Stun

Douaku Gekido(Fiendish Rage) – B+LP+LK: Shun strikes his foe with a right uppercut to the body, grabs the back of their head with his left hand, and slams them face first into the ground. 150 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Kyoukotsu Heki (Sternum Pierce) – B+HP: Shun steps forward and strikes with a straight right punch to the chest. 9F Startup 90 Damage/120 Stun +3 On Hit/-2 On Block

Ingou Daikama – (Cruel Scythe) – F+HK: (Overhead) Shun hits his opponent with a left question mark kick. 22F Startup 90 Damage/150 Stun +2 On Hit/-6 On Block

Sesshou Yari – (Barborous Spear) – F+MK: Shun steps forward and strikes with a right standing side kick to the abdomen. 7F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun +2 On Hit/-2 On Block

Shibugoretsu (Torn Asunder) – F+HP, B+MP: Shun strikes his foe with a left uppercut to the body followed by a right hook to the head. Knocks down. 9F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun Knocks Down, -7 On Block


Kyoubou Ichigeki (Frenzied Blow) – F+PPP: Shun hits his opponent with a violent left-right straight open palm punch combination.


Metsu Kaihou (Destruction Unleashed) – MP+MK: Shun expels the negative ki he’s built up inside. Creates an spherical explosion around his body. Attack can be charged by holding down the buttons. Aura dispels projectiles . Uncharged dispels 1 hit projectiles. Charged dispels up to 3 hit projectiles.

  • Uncharged – 12F Startup 40 Damage/80 Stun, Knocks Down on Hit, -7 On Block
  • Charged – 36F Startup 80 Damage/120 Stun, Leaves Standing, +4 on Hit, -2 On Block

V-Trigger 1:

Zetsumetsuken (Extinction Fist) – HP+HK: Shun focuses the fury of his dark power through his hands and feet. Increasing the potency of his physical special attacks. Umihebiza Zunou Kousou, Umihebiza Shippo Dasu, and Hiryuu Shippo Tsuiraku gain EX properties without expending meter. Hiryuu Shippo Tsuiraku can now be performed from neutral and backward jumps. 2400F Duration. Enhanced Specials cost 600F.

2-Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Satsubatsu Renzoku Fungeki (Savage Continuous Fury) – HP+HK: Shun focuses his dark power into his ki based special attacks.

  • Daichi Goha – LP,MP,HP Versions 13F Startup 45 Total Frames 75 Damage/100 Stun EX 11F Startup 42F Total Frames 150 Damage/200 Stun
  • Kazanha – LP,MP,HP Versions Startup Reduced by 1F, Damage Increased by 15, Full Startup Invincibility, EX Startup Reduced by 1F, Damage Increased by 20, Causes a Juggle State
  • Metsu Kaihou – Uncharged 10F Startup 60 Damage/120 Stun, Reflects 1 hit projectiles. Causes limited juggle state. Charged 30F Startup 120 Damage/180 Stun, Reflects up to 3 hit projectiles. Launches opponent into the air and causes a relaxed juggle state. (Initial juggle does not count against the juggle hit limit.)
  • 3000F Duration Enhanced Specials cost 500F

3-Bar V-Trigger


Daichi Goha (Earth Great Blast) – QCF+P: Shun pulls back his right arm, thrusts his hand palm open towards his opponent, and creates wave of ki that travels along the ground towards his opponent. Punch button determines the speed of the projectile. The stronger the button, the faster the projectile. LP,MP,HP versions 14F Startup 47 Total Frames. 60 Damage/100 Stun. EX 12F Startup 44 Total Frames. 120 Damage/150 Stun.

Kazanha (Volcano Blast) – F,D,DF+P: (Anti Air) Shun strikes the ground with a powerful left overhand punch that causes a pyre of fiery ki to rise up from it. The height, startup, and strength of the blast is determined by the punch button. LP(4F Startup, 110 Damage/150 Stun, Throw Invincible) MP (5F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (6F Startup, 150 Damage/150 Stun, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, 170 Damage/200 Stun, Full Startup Invincibility)

Umihebiza Zunou Kousou (Hydra Head Bite) – QCB+P: Shun dashes forward with left straight, right straight, into left straight combination. Distance, startup, and strength of the attack determined by the punch button pressed. LP (8F Startup, 90 Damage/120 Stun, ¼ Screen, -2 On Hit/-4 On Block) MP (11F Startup, 110 Damage/120 Stun, ½ Screen, -1 On Hit/-5 On Block) HP (14 Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, ¾ Screen, +1 On Hit/-6 On Block) EX (8F Startup, 150 Damage/150 Stun, ¾ Screen +3 On Hit/-2 On Block)

Umihebiza Shippo Dasu (Hydra Tail Strike) – QCF+K: Shun slides forward with a right sweep, left sweep, into right back sweep combination. Must be blocked low. Distance, startup, and strength of the attack determined by the kick button pressed. All versions knock down. LK (9F Startup, 90 Damage/120 Stun, ¼ Screen, -5 On Block) MK (12F Startup, 120 Damage/120 Stun, ½ Screen, -6 On Block) HK (15 Startup, 140 Damage/150 Stun, ¾ Screen, -7 On Block) EX (9F Startup, 150 Damage/200 Stun, ¾ Screen, -4 on Block)

Hiryuu Shippo Tsuiraku (Flying Dragon Tail Crash) – QCF+K: (In Air) Shun descends straight down to the ground from a forward jump with a vertically spinning somersault kick. The attack impacts the ground as full front split kick. LK (9F Startup, 90 Damage/120 Stun) MK (12F Startup, 110 Damage/150 Stun), HK (14F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun) EX(11F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun, +4 On Hit)

Critical Art:

Kazan Tenpenchii (Volcanic Cataclysm) – QCFx2+P: Shun strikes the ground with a powerful left overhand punch that generates a large pyre of fiery ki that engulfs his foe, and lifts them off the ground. He then strikes with a right overhead punch to ground that makes a larger fiery ki pyre that keeps his opponent aloft, and sends them flying away with a massive pyre of fiery ki created by a final light overhand pun to the ground. 3 hits 350 Damage (1x100, 1x110, 1x140).

Reasons to be in SFV:

Shun enters the world martial arts tournament seeking his father or information about him. This warrior with dark ki only challenged the best fighters in the world. With all of them grouped together for the tournament, he would surely make an appearance.

Side Notes:

  • Shun’s father isn’t Akuma. I purposely left it vague like he could be but he isn’t. Shun’s father was killed by Akuma though. Akuma felt his Satsui No Hado energy.
  • Ryu is his rival because Shun senses a similar Ki within him.
  • I gave him the Hoshi surname as a nod to the Alpha movie going with the Shun is Ryu’s brother angle and people thinking that Hoshi is Ryu’s surname.

Shin Gouki/True Akuma was supposed to be the secret boss in Third Strike, but Capcom chose Q instead in the last minute. They left Shin Gouki n the game though!!!

Sounds good dude, I like the bait and switch approach to your story and moves. Yeah, I remember being psyched about the alpha movie when I first heard of it and saw countless amvs, but overall it was so-so to me and had so much potential to be more.

I liked that Birdie got some chances to shine, this was was before I really, really dug the guy in SF5. I’d always liked him, but he was never a top fav)

Rosanov is too cool to be relegated to just this. I’d keep the design the same, but rework his backstory.

Sadler wasn’t much to write home about, but I liked his look and getting more focus on a rogue Shadaloo scientist. I’ve repurposed him in some fan work

I was always curious about the production of this, it just seems like it came out of nowhere. No strong links to the alpha games or Shadaloo. I thought there’d be more parts, but then Generations comes by much later and was totally unrelated


Youtube actually has Alpha and Alpha Generations available for free to watch. That’s how I saw them both. Alpha Generations was better than I remembered. Alpha was the opposite.


The best part of film and the best birdie told story.

Alpha generation some kind of aesthetic and fresh and different. While Alpha was for purist in terms of the art style because it tries to be like the in game art which is more im into.

For Sadler and Rosanov

As we talked before with this, Im okay for them to have a canon equivalent or be represented in a game but not the exact story of what happened on the movie.

As for Shun, not something that should happen and Ryu relatives or connection should be never be discussed or focussed, future SF should never be about Ryu anymore especially of him being a family man. Lol

Story wise both films were pretty shite. But im comparing them to sf2 tam so i dunno


Alpha animated movie was nasty. That big guy final boss at the end split Chun’s legs so hard she lost conciousness

Alpha Generations at least had Sakura bath scene


Alpha Generations had a small concise story arc. It was more like an hour TV show sans commercials than a movie. It was no where near SF2:TAM but it was solid. The Alpha movie was too obsessed with zooming in on Chun Li’s crotch to tell a decent story. Birdie was actually good though. One of the few good things in that movie.


Generations was good. The intro with Goutetsu is iconic and they handled the Ryu is Akuma’s son angle well.

I would be okay with Capcom absorbing it partially into the canon.

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Ryu Akuma thing fanfic speculation should end and everything that makes the whole SF ryu relationship stuff.

Ryu and Akuma are always been better in Alpha game and SF3 without those stupid cliche.

Warrior to warrior no other meh like the Mishima and starwars.

I rather like it to be like Scar and Simba thing the evil uncle. No Drama for Akuma it makes him weak and meh.

I see no issue there /s

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It was ridiculous man. She’d be having a conversation and its zoomed in on her crotch. No subtlety at all.


Ryu being Akuma’s son is the only thing I didn’t like about movie. They clearly implied it. I appreciated that Assassin’s Fist, despite clearly being inspired by Generations, changed that aspect of the story.


Because people already hating Ryu and Akuma more and more. Same as hating Bison for those creating drama then being the center stage.

Classic SF is just the best of the best and being better and stronger. Ryu, Akuma, Sagat and Ken are made for those roles not some family mess.

Akuma is just better to be a jealous brother that want the fight to that death and believing SNH is the way.

Ryu is better to be the wandering warrior that strive to be the stronger and seek new challenges. Not a guy who is dedicated to saves the world and all of his encounter were just part of his path not something of a life goal.

And Bison would still be the guy that transends his humanity using science and mystic arts but still finding better ways to have a perfect human body to hold his psycho power even it would cost the doom of humanity.

Those fanfic and speculation were cringe and force in year 2k that wasn’t even invision in the past and the ground up.

Why do you want for those characters to be so damn stagnant until the end of times? Ryu, Akuma, Bison, among many others in the SF universe, have been doing the same fucking thing for nearly 3 decades already, it’s time for a change

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Well, because that IS their character. Like, none of them are the types to suddenly change their goals or methods as those things are literally their entire existence to them. Akuma isn’t just going to one day go “Hmm, I’m bored with my single-minded quest to achieve more strength. I think I’ll sell Blanka-chan dolls now.”

And one could argue that repeated defeat/failure might prompt Akuma or Bison to alter the way they live their lives, Ryu considers defeat to be PART of the thing he’s doing, so even that isn’t going to motivate him to do something else.


It’s like a can of worms. This batch want this and that then another set of generation wants this and that.

Then in the end as Capcom tries to please this multiple batches what kind of Ryu we will end up? Is that the Ryu you still like or this batch are just tried of seeing Ryu being the center of the world. Plus it doesn’t STOP there.

I mean no one really knows what the best of those character future yet we all know the best of them now and their prime. For the people hating Ryu being Ryu and everything is told about Ryu then go with the a new character that can go with the ever changing current trends with those fans that cannot be please.

They are fighting game characters that is only release twice in a decade or after 5 years or more. Even the MCU universe isnt that far from each other movie that is release twice almost a year.

Count me in the camp that likes SF Alpha Generations except for the Akuma and Ryu father and son implication; Id love it if Capcom released a Blu Ray version editing out that part.