The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Uh, probably less than is in SF5’s Arcade mode. Given that it does multiple endings per character.

A bunch of still comic book pages with some text ain’t exactly a huge resource draw.

I prefer SF5’s method, where there’s one Story Mode that has all the cinematic cutscenes. And the Arcade Mode get’s all the cheap still image endings because Arcade Mode doesn’t matter for the story, and never really has.

I’m sure that’ll be a regular thing going forward. The Story/Arcade part.

In MK, not only does it have a huge story, but the Arcade endings are done quite well.

Either way, yeah, keeping the cinematic cutscenes confined to Story Mode and just giving Arcade a few images would be fine with me. As someone that enjoyed Infinite’s Story Mode more than most, I hated how barren Arcade Mode was in that game. Only got a shitty “Thank you for playing” screen at the end. Reminded me of EX2’s “See us at our next game” ending, or whatever it says.

Whatever Capcom’s next fighting game project is, I’m curious to see how they’ll approach everything.


In MK the arcade endings still matter has it usually contains supplementary info to the game’s story.

Holy crappy flashback Batman! My sis and I loved the crap out of EX+@. It was the first game we played when we got the Playstation and we still adore the music. so years down the line when we rented EX2 and got to the end, that message popped up and I raged hah.

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Adding on, Guilty Gear Xrd makes Arcade Mode take place almost immediately before the main story, which works surprisingly well.


Actually that would be better with SF picking up sooner as where it leaves.

Character stories are generally prequels or supplemental to the main story.
General story is the main story.
Arcade Endings are what-ifs, for fun and can possibly supplement in the main story or foreshadow something in the future.

I think this format is perfect and better than MKs. I actually prefer SFV’s main story format also where they allow you to play all characters not just the good guys.

Story quality aside because it is subjective, I think SFv’s method of story telling is the best among its contemporaries as it covers all the bases.


Personally i will be ok with just individual story of each char inside a personal story/arcade path, done with ingame graphic cutscene

Ryu intro
Ryu middle (rival 1)
Ryu final rival (rival 2)
Ryu vs Final Boss (only for the “Hero”, Ryu in SFV)

Each char show his/her perspective of events and have his/her own rivals and fights

Kinda a level-up of what sf4 did, with ingame cutscene as intro and ending (instead anime) and a middle run rival before the sf4style final One

It’s a lighter model next to ASF but i will like It and i think will offer more cast equality instead have over-blowjobbed chars and almost invisibile ones

But i know is’nt what current market want

I think SFV’s approach comes with a few clear weaknesses that hold it back in my book:

  • Character stories are wildly inconsistent in terms of purpose. The ASF characters tend to hold up all right because they go back into a larger story, but the later ones have a lot of completely pointless stories (Abigail being the worst offender) or stories that feel incomplete without some supplementary material that won’t come until SF6 at the soonest (G is unfortunately the poster child for this). While this is definitely a writing issue, I think the character stories just aren’t that strong at narratively showing character progression on their own.

  • General Story format leads to a lot of interactions feeling forced (ex. Any time Laura is on screen) in order to include everyone as playable. As a narrative, this hurts the story. The gameplay isn’t all that interesting either, which turns many fights from the centerpiece of the story to filler content. It doesn’t do particularly well as a story or a game.

  • I really hate what-if endings for linear stories because they feel like a cop out and can render that whole section of the story meaningless and cast doubt on all other stories. If a character only gets 1 story, and may or may not go decades without returning, the least you could do is say what actually happens.


EX+@ and Megaman X5 are the most Capcom-ish OSTs ever made.


Joke ending and what if endings should be replace with history flashback based on team combination instead.

So a character with multiple relationship had multiple posibility of endings with the right combination.

Like what I am pointed out. I mean this is the first step to innovation that is turning ending to meaning and educational. You heared it here first and no one other FG had tried this.

Why? Because people are encourage to try different team combination to unlock different comic book like panels.

This is the right time if a new SF is Team based.

Especially after struggling to beat Bison. The most you can do is enter your initials and that’s it. Legit awful. Having said that, nothing will ever compare to the pain of playing X-Men Vs Street Fighter on the PS1 for the first time and realizing you can’t tag out. It was basically Street Fighter (round-based) sprinkled with team stuff. It stung less by the time Marvel Vs Street Fighter and Marvel Vs Capcom came out, but damn…

I love EX+@. I still remember the first time I played it. I never knew there was a 3D SF game out there, so my mind was already blown the moment I turned it on.


SFEX+a and SFEX2 was still fun to play casually nowdays. Sometimes me and my brother would still play it.

I really like the super cancelling mechanic during the early times.

Skullomania and Garuda(Stronger Variant) themes are my favorite.

The weird change on tatsu for Ryu was the thing that I didn’t like when I was young.


The trials are pretty fun.

I think EX was the first fighting game to have combo challenges/trials.

They weren’t in EX3 for some reason.


EX3 seems like they really rushed out the game for the PS2’s launch. It’s missing characters and a couple of features. The EX series did not deserve to end like that.


Glad I had my Saturn. Didn’t have to suffer that fate.


Though, I actually prefer the story quality in SF5 as well. It’s a lot more fun and lighthearted than MK. MK likes to advertise itself as being fun and lighthearted by showing all the Johnny clips in trailers, but pretty much every other character and the story is grimdark serious and melodramatic.

I think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, and the MK method where you don’t even get to play as half the roster in the story mode is a worse experience.

Tekken 7’s is the worst though. That entire story mode only has, like, 6 characters in it. And a lot of it is spent with a character that’s not even a playable character. It’s like the worst of all worlds.

As far as I’m aware, no part of ASF or the individual character stories in SF5 are what-ifs. Only the Arcade endings have those.


SFA2 best arcade mode.

I always made it a point to complete nearly every Story Mode in fighting games.

This gen? I only completed SFV, MVCI’s, and MKX’s. Never finished any other Story Mode.

I’m looking forward to seeing how Capcom handles the modes for their next fighter.

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I specifically bought the Saturn over the PS1 because of the Capcom fighters on it

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