The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Maximum barf!

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Had a weird dream last night.

There was a trailer at Capcom Cup. It showed Taskmaster fighting Zeku. Zeku kept on changing from old to young, which didn’t allow Taskmaster to get a good read on his fighting style. He eventually fled and Zeku chased after. The trailer ended and said “2021”. That was so random lol.


Having Zeku their is definitely means goodluck lol


Yeah CVS2 but with team based specific endings and multiple endings for characters that had multiple interactions historically.

The concept of a dream match won’t make sense for Street Fighter as it doesn’t kill off characters. The only characters in the playable cast that are dead is Nash and Gen (maybe Bison given the ASF ending).





wmma gif feels random

Running SRK meme. I made a post months ago that said, when I never I hear someone post “X-Kira says” this is what want to do to them. It was gif of Yoel Romero knocking Luke Rockhold senseless. Since then it’s snowballed. So it’s an expected response by me and others have started doing so as well.


Btw recent x-kira activity (like this logo) has been backed by Sir Arthur, same guy who leaked Poison/Honda/Lucia

X-Kira has a habit of latching onto people with credible information to make himself seem more legitimate. I take anything he says with a grain of salt. Whenever he gets blown up for his BS, he goes ghost on social media until the fervor dies down. Then he comes back like nothing happens and starts it all over again. It’s like the damned Sonic cycle.


Xkira had been claim this as datamine then claim it a rumor and wallpaper. It means it wasn’t a datamine after all.

Then he remove those and replace his twitter a new cover photo.

Why would you even change a legit datamine to a rumor and a speculation if indeed it is a datamine. You know the guy had been straight up lying since day one.

He was even caught by a mod here that he was copying datamine of others as his but nowdays he also copy speculation and rumor turned it to datamine claim but if he feels it won’t happend he now declared it as a rumor or speculation lol.

The guy claims before capcom fooling him by putting fake info nowadays he claims never been had been fooled by CapcoM.

Double Queen. True ancestor, Cinematic 2 with doll protoganist.

Plus everything that he got was by choosing every obvious possiblity in terms of costumes and like betting a lottery of 6 number out of 44 but instead betted on 40 number over 44. That dumb obviouly to claim that as legitimacy and credibility. Lol

Going back to more interesting things

I mean they could just had the dreammatch without no story or plot other than unique team endings.

So it still have a default boss(super omega Bison), mid boss(Secret Edge lord characters) and a secret boss(Oni or Gill).

But the ending will be based from historical events that happened between the characters that made the team.

For example.

If you had Nash and Bison as a Team in 2v2.

You get the Alpha 2 ending. Something That SFV:AE did. A flashback ending.

If you had a team of Ryu, Gen and Akuma as 3v3 but beat the game with Gen you get Akuma and Gen Alpha 2 ending. If Ryu you get Ryu and Akuma in Alpha 2. Something like that.

Nah, fuck all that. You know how many endings they’ had to come up with if the roster was huge? Even with a small roster the number for this idea would be massive.

Just a Capcom/SF only CvS2 styled game. Just something that plays nice and isnt draining resources for massive wankery

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I like how Street Fighter X Tekken did it.

The official teams (ie Ryu/Ken, Kazuya/Nina, Sagat/Sim, Cody/Guy, etc) all had complete cinematic endings.

The random teams only had text based endings (ie if you choose Guile/Jin, Balrog/Heihachi, etc) explaining what happened after the battle.

I’d be fine with them going that route.


Seeing this makes me want a better CFE. Honestly just take the CVS2 roster and replace the SNK and Evil versions with SFA/3, Darkstalkers, Rival Schools, Final Fight, Power Stone and Red Earth characters with the odd Space Gladiator/Cyberbots characters.

Though if this dream match game was a thing, would they just reuse sprites or make models for the remaining characters.

U Ism - SF1. No gimicks just big damage
V Ism - SFA3 Variable
W Ism - SF3, Parry/Red Parry
X Ism - SSF2, one phat ass bar. rapid fire chains
Y Ism - SF4, focus attack/cancels
Z Ism - SFZ3 3 bar standard

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Yeah, I was thinking about a Darkstalkers groove actually. The cool thing about CvS2 is that, even though the SNK grooves weren’t great, they offered really different gameplay. S had the spot dodges and could charge meter by holding down buttons, N had runs and short hops and could pop stocks for power ups etc.

That’s one thing which is sort of lacking in an only SF groove system. Plus the alpha series has like 3 different systems per game.

SF3 would fill in the short hops because the game has universal overheads, Darkstalkers groove could let you OTG/push block/ air block, and RS could give one of your buttons a launcher attack.

One reason to use the timey wimey gimmick is that you could literally use Roman Numerals to designate the grooves and by doing so allude to which game they pertain.


They don’t need to come up with a new one, I mean just used the old one and draw in a whole new version like they did in Arcade of SFV AE.

It’s just a redraw of the previous one. Something that tells a story about the character used rather than seeing an ending that is useless which is defeating a final non-canon boss.

Since it doesn’t need a writer or anything other than Udon doing the same thing refer the exact from the past games.

I mean it educate others what SF canon is, rather than seeing multiple variants of defeating a non- canon boss along trying to make unique dialogue for something that isnt worth it.

Plus it encourage people to try multiple combination of teams to unlock a different endings, rather than being cemented to one team. While some does only one or none.

@Pertho If we’re talking grooves for a CFE:


-Combine A-ism and V-ism for the A-groove, a single gauge split into three sections and custom combos take up 1 meter and a half. All supers will be weakened so this groove emphasises choice over power

-Sf3 system is the P-groove that allows for one powerful super only and parrying/hops. ES moves also

-A new “V-groove” that has a similar bar to the P-groove bar. “Dark-Force” allows for characters to get their own buffs in a certain area whether it be no hitstun or faster movement for a short period of time.

-R Groove which allows for assists (only available lets say 3/4 times a round) and a gimped air combo.

Red Earth doesn’t really have any notable gameplay differences but I guess imitating the EXP system where for example, Morrigan’s Darkness Illusion does more damage but only available at Lv. 3 etc. I’d include some 2/3 Power Stone and Space Gladiator characters but the main focus are the Street Fighter expanded timeline characters, Darkstalkers and Red Earth.

I do too
I don’t defend or attack him, i watch what he post and decide from time to time if believe or not
He got solid record on recent contents, so i’m inclined to believe the rest of that group he said

next being G/Poison/Lucia+stage for Holyday pack… i find possible that one
And Blanka being next Ex battle after Poison
These were part of a list he did, wich he got untill now

Lot of other stuff i don’t