The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Agreed 100%, keep that BS away from SF please :face_vomiting:.


Guest characters are great when they make sense, giving people a different take on their game without completely derailing it. Geese/Akuma, for instance, are cool in that they answer the question of “how exactly would 2D characters translate to 3D” with characters that would actually make sense in the Tekken series without the backing of their own IP. Noctis/Negan are nonsensical to the point of comedy and their gameplay should have been used for a real character (if you could make their playstyle make sense).

That said, dickriding the integrity of a series that throws out half-baked characters that feel like rejects from their intended game as their own is pretty funny to watch. I’d rather see an actual KoF character in SF than some generic derivative.


100 % this.

Guest characters never take slots out of stellar characters, people are always going to have their Ryus and Chuns. They almost always have great production values in contrast to the Kages and Abigails they replace and, given the reception, are still a great return on investment. I may not see the same guest again but having their awesomeness once is completely worth not seeing the suckiness of homemade derivatives twice.

Negan and Noctic are meh

Tifa could have been slightly better.

Noctis and Negan were just trendy personality of today but would later fade away.

SF guest? I would prefer an actual asura decendant than the actual himself. Like I said before. Same as they did interestingly with Zeku.



Even with decent face the top is a disaster. It’s like Akuma having leather black jacket in Akuma Origins. Lol

Obviously SFV vs tradition SF Ken in terms of default its not an improvement it’s just some guy wanting bragging rights to make random change.

He brags it in the thread as his legit accomplishment as a character design lol. And said fuck Ken fans lol.

Man the guy just learned from me the term art direction, animation principles and same as the importance of iconic color pallete when I started talking how important it is.

His using the term wrong he blames the face then you got this answer the thing is his just doing sound bytes like picking new words learned and heard from legit people and use it to make him sound credible but used it entirely wrong like the argument on using a Mod of Dan skin in SF5 about 3d.

Man when I was debating with this guy for the first time he used that style of calling me some guy in the internet and his legit because he knows character design but it ends up his fake.

While calling the rest that he can’t go toe toe argument wanting characters because they had vagina in character thread while everything he shills is because of desperately wanting italian with dicks. The is obviously just started even walking or talkinh when SF2 was release or probably didn’t even still exist.

Instead of confronting argument he resort to that nowadays he won’t argue because he usually ends up expose with his own mouth of what really he knows and even with animation. Like 3d argument and sagat changing moves sets.

Same thing like the argument Bison vs Ryu should have been done because HNK done it lol. Obviously his just routing thing to his liking like HNK and modern trends ufc.

Take a look at the comment…

He just used terms to sound legit

And it’s Ken top still in the end is the problem.

I won’t correct this but obviously what?

Ken’s design is great in SFV. His character model is just terrible. The under-armor style top is perfectly fine for the character


it’s a brand thing not something essential to him and something part of a certain timeline, and also not should be used in his encounter so it’s terrible as a default.

Its not just the face but the entirity of it.

Here the better Ken is the classic Ken.

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Has something been done to his face because that doesnt look good either.


From KoF? why not


As i said the ability to pick the Guest (or even just the series he came from) make the guest thing far more intriguing

Problem is you can’t, in a scenario where you just have “guest yes” vs “guest no”, risk of crap like the walking dead guy in T7 make me vote no lol

Smash is better Ken the problem isnt just the face but the whole change at all it’s out of character and not necessary for Ken.


Good thing that underarmour is thrown away because it’s not comfortable with ken and his ways.

The elephant in the room is that in mainline SF games, Ken only looked good in SF3 and the Alpha series. SF2 Ken was either Owen Wilson or a victim of Joker’s laughing gas. SF4 looked more like the prince of Eternia than Ken, they didn’t even get his eye color right.


Big improvement there, a pc mod I guess?

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Since I’m not a no fun having heathen these are the guest characters I would have in Street Fighter.

Ohma Tokita - The main character of Kengan Asura. The manga had a good crossover story with Street Fighter and it’ll be cool to see that in game form.

Karla Kure - another character from Kengan Asura. She doesn’t get the chance to kick ass since Kengan is male only. Capcom association doesn’t have that problem.

Asura - In the street fighter DLC of his game his fight with Oni ended in a no contest. They fight for a century only to become stone statuses? Nah, they need to finish the fight.

They can put a guest character in SF AFTER they’ve given me my “Everyone is here!”


They can put guest characters in SF after they name it CvS3.


They can put guest characters in a Street Fighter Versus game. Take characters from other franchises put in game with Street Fighter style game play. Make it the “Smash” of traditional fighting games.


Yes its some guy on deviant art

To fair with the SF2 team, they just started and picked up things from what had been in SF1 had left where both Ryu and Ken look real random Street Fighters.

Take not that them looking like that in SF1 was intended not because of technical problen.

They change and reinvent everything from CE to Super were the faces improve, radically change and were they are liked that became iconic visual standard as pop culture.

SMASH Ken is heavily early SF2 ken not super if you compare him to the to the sprites but with mix of few HD remix.

While Storm Collectibles action figure is exactly SSF2 Ken portrait but with a bulkier body.

I like Ken’s regular outfit in SF5. Feels like personality wise its a move in the right direction. He is definitely the sportier of the two and is a millionaire, so him having a more modern look makes sense.


Man if were talking man about a shoto wearing something sportier and commercial brand that is all about impression and trends but contradicts the traditional reccomendation to be better on it.

That would be exactly this person/shoto with a MCDOJO, money and profit.

First of all it’s not an improvement because even their master of the said practice wear light and loosely clothing like the karate gi which is an opposite to the likes of underarmor which is very tight. It’s not an improvement because it’s not helping it.

THIS is why Ken is uncomfortable with it in SFV and probably why Ken would abandon it in SF3.

It’s out of place because it’s out of existence and time. Probably also out of ken character. It’s kinda random and just done because of current trends and for the sake of the character being different.

Except that Ken has been shown competing in tournaments outside of SF. He also has the more emotional, less traditional style of the two.

So it makes perfect sense that now, when they can differentiate the characters better, they’d show how Ken lives a different life than Ryu.

Additionally sporty doesnt mean vain. Ken wins championships, Dan wants to look lile he wins them. Thats the difference. If you look at BJJ, you can see where tbe inspiration came for Ken’s shirt. Even they acknowledge that gi is too traditional and comes with drawbacks to it. So yeah, Ken is always doing something modern with his style whether it be in the fighting or where he takes his fighting style.