The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

This, when It comes to SFV the problem is 3d models work more often than not
From there the fault goes split on art direction (lack of higher standard/stylistical choice) and 3d modellers (lack of knowledge or fucks given), i don’t care with wich %
Can be 90% modellers, i will still blame art direction to let It happen, as the director Is supposed to have the last word

Alex Is another one, Bengus sketch was legit and had understanding of the character, 3d model does’nt

About Ken i liked this Kandoken piece done in Kinu style (and based on old Ken Kinu piece)


Its the teeth man. The teeth. Its a bit like like weird ass sonic movie pic with sonic having teeth. Maybe the eyes too… And the hair…

Who in their right mind wouldn’t like that?


Rarely mentioned factor is the skin color
That forced tan they tried to give him in standard (and retard “SFV Pink” for the story/alpha alt), make him look off

Great CPT alt nailed much more the skin tone, and suddently you get an improvement

Probably same people who don’t want guest characters in SF, aka people that don’t like fun



Wait, huge depend WHO is the guest

Give me 10 names for SF

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  1. Kazuya (Tekken)
  2. Maxi (Soulcalibur)
  3. Jam (Guilty Gear)
  4. Naoto (BlazBlue)
  5. Mila (Dead or Alive)
  6. Oswald (The King of Fighters)
  7. Kim (Fatal Fury)
  8. Johhny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
  9. Orchid (Killer Instinct)
  10. Enkidu (Under Night)

I could think of other example who would fit nicely too

Obviously left out all the weapon users

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SFV Ken has the same issue as few other characters. He looks weird in certain spots. I don’t mind him in gameplay but he looks like shit at the character select screen. Ibuki looks fine until her victory screen smile. Sakura looks has huge eyes on the 2P side of the character select screen. Poison has similar victory screen issue as Ibuki but not quite as bad.

  • Kazuya (Tekken) - YES
  • Maxi (Soulcalibur) - no
  • Jam (Guilty Gear) - no
  • Naoto (BlazBlue) - no
  • Enja (Samurai Shodown) - maybe but no
  • Oswald (The King of Fighters) - yes
  • Kim (Fatal Fury) - YES
  • Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat) - no
  • Orchid (Killer Instinct) - no
  • Enkidu (Under Night) - maybe but no

Stats say 3/10, would not risk guest, at least not from you :smiley:

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we talked about this before and it had fuck all to do with:

I don’t need SF titles, which already have a lot of characters I do like, wasting resources putting characters I never wanted in it.

If the choice is some Final Fantasy character whose gameplay is never coming back again or a legit character people already love, I’d rather SF buck the trend of putting randoms in the game.


Thats had been talk a lot and I talked that also just 2 months ago and everyone like it. So we all need it.

Ken default is still bad even with better face because the top isn’t something should had been there.

The top is just a trend and brand that won’t last and die out, plus it’s inappropriate for Ken to where those because SF5 isn’t set in a modern day era.

I mean those that is into Ken didn’t like that and it takes away Ken main iconic color pallete.

It’s obvious that it was just put their out of nowhere other than a pick because of trends yet the timeline isn’t fitting. It doesn’t add character progression or makes it meaningful. Its just there for the sake to be just different unlike sim and etc.

Even nash and birdie in sfv that dislike by many had meaning on their changes other than just for the sake of change which had been ken in sfv.

Like bakfromon said even ken dislike it.

Take note Cestus that prefered it doesn"t even like ken and hates ken same as he dislike sagat and make fun of always of both characters for volcano rosso. Like rosso getting eliza pregnant and sagat being stomp by rosso. Those weren’t random those were his favoritss post.

The thing is he doesn’t really care about those things other than turning them into something his into like UFC and modern trends.

You know it’s a bad idea specially saying to actually change sagat moveset to actual mu thai like a fighter that is bald that he likes and ditch his iconic playstyle. Thats terrible because people ain’t playing Sagat for being mu thai they play him for his movesets. Unlike those into Sakura and Bison. Then claim it as character design so that no one would argue with him even it obviously not and ignorant about it then claims everyone that argue with him is just a guy in the internet that was before he encountèr me lol. That expose his ìgnorance and being a fraud by his own words.

I like guest chars as long they fit the game, i don’t find the ones i said “no” stylistically fitting

It can goes both ways, i offer you 10 guest i will welcome and maybe you will not like them :smiley:

That’s the problem with guest, if you like them it’s all cool, if you don’t it feel really an eyesore in the cast cage

Take Tekken7

i seen Geese

i seen the walking dead guy

Same for the FFXV sasuke lol

At the end of the day get Guest it’s huge hit and miss imho, the chance of get a Geese it’s not worth the risk of get walkingdedguy to me

At this point i prefer give the slot to a missing SF char, good or bad at least he deserve to be there lol

guest i can chose > no guest > guest i can’t chose

This is pretty easy. No. To all of them. Outside of two them, I can play them right now in the games they originate from. If it isn’t a crossover title. Screw guest characters.


Yuri Sakazaki as guest character.

Uh…aside from a new art style, that’s pretty much the only thing I ever ask for.


Guest characters outside of crossover games can go fucking die.


Y’all are no fun

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We are most refined.