The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Agree. Character models are wildly inconsistent from amazing to wtf. This non uniform approach is particularly jarring and makes the game look ugly. At least if they all had kenface you could argue the game as SOME art direction and cohesion

Capcom’s current art method produces the same disparate look in quality & style as when they used to jam SF3 Ryu next to DS Morrigan sprites


I agree on shitting on outsourcing, specially when the peoples you chosen don’t know or care about the source
Just one example SFV Alex is the result of either incompetence, ignorance or not giving fucks


Problem is, be sure that shit ending up in your product have coherent visual style still IS part of art director job

If he fail at that, explanation is either him not performing well OR capcom be like “shut up we will not pay them to fix that”

Essentially ugly things may not be direct faults of the art director as person, but are still art direction failures

Also SOMEBODY allowed SFV art to be touched by 99 people, most of wich should have not lol
How we got Kiki or udon people doing stuff Is still beyond me

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Kiki must be a machine because the amount of art he produced for this one game is astonishing.


Base on what I initialize posted on I don’t really think we need to tackle again SF4 and SF5 timeline or even SF3 other than SF1 to SF2 towards the aftermath because those part really needs an update and clarity.

It’s kinda art direction because of the inconsistency of the designs, art direction also handles those things to make stuff cohrent to past and previous designs as rereferences. Even in early SF2 the art varies from each other too.

You notice that Ryu age different inconsistently in modern artwork for newer games are aged weirdly like SF4 and SF5 compare that something that were established during the release of alpha and SF3 were it’s easy to see that Alpha-SF2 and SF3.


The thing is everyone nowadays wants things to be different or the sake of it, either other new artist just want to make something out of their interest of design. Or some random dude in the internet wanting other to look different visually for the sake of different or something to brag online. Or group of people being bored of something established and want entirely a radical change.

This is why we almost got this.

the only thing I like here was even just the hair.

Ken ended up terrible visually nowadays because of trying to look different which loses his distinctive color pallete and made him look different from how hd should be like in the future which is SF3. Include also those who claims to be Ken fans or those who pretends to know what they are requesting online but blame Capcom for it for being wrong even it was them that was listened in the first place.

While he was really know to be as a clone because of how he is played not by his karate gi, what he really need is to play different. Same goes with Akuma.

While for someone that knows how outsourcing works not internet claims and theories how those things are done, I have also posted the studio here sometime before everyone are talking about it. All they do is mold it to 3D models based on what the artist final art draft is. The artist is responsible with the visual and fashion of the character.

If outsourcing is to blame that would be in MVCi cased because of how the facial structure and shading of the models look like. Best example is Dante which looks terrible.

While Chun li in MVCi is a different cased, because it’s trying to change chun face based on the structure and Chun face is basic.

This is a gift for @Phantom_Miria. Sorry, but I’m waaaay behind the CD Drama translations. I’m nt even halfway of “Chun-Li’s Flying Legend”. Hope you (and the others) enjoy this:

Street Fighter II Gaiden - Cammy: Prelude of the struggle

It was discovered that the Colombian drug cartel “Neiva Cartel” - which was suddenly increasing its activities greatly - had a plan to actually establish itselft in England.
Under the guidance of MI6 Colonel Wolfman, Cammy headed to Colombia to find out what is really going on with the criminal organization.
Along with Major Warren, Cammy is conducting the spy work, and is trying to infiltrate the “Neiva Cartel” headquarters. Then…



Date of Birth: 1/6/1974
Height 164cm
Weight: 46kg
Blood Type: B

Member of the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) Department of Special Operations. Found unconscious in front of the army base, and having been rescued by a member of the Department, she was trained by the army, and thanks to her exceptional ability, she presented extraordinary results. She remembers nothing of her past, and is shrouded in complete mystery.


Date of Birth: 8/28/1952
Height 183cm
Weight: 79kg
Blood Type: A

Head of the Department’s Special Operations Training Center, he is Cammy’s boss. He baptized her “Cammy”, protects her and understands her very well.


Date of Birth: 5/25/1958
Height 181cm
Weight: 75kg
Blood Type: AB

Member of the Department of Special Operations. This time, he is Cammy’s partner, and continues his activities in Colombia. He is very competent, but has a weakness for women.


Date of Birth: 2/23/1962
Height 167cm
Weight: 42kg
Blood Type: O

Owns a Casino in Colombia, is Gómez lover. She is worried about his sudden behavior change.


Date of Birth: 12/11/1950
Height 168cm
Weight: 82kg
Blood Type: A

Former commander of the Colombian army. He is currently the head of the drug cartel “Neiva Cartel” and aims to gain political power.


  1. Prologue (5:10)
  2. In a foreign country (10:54)
  3. Infiltrating the secret base (9:42)
  4. Rescuing Warren (6:43)
  5. The combat … and after (10:21)
  6. Epilogue (2:52)

Yes very much it is. Actually it was attempted during SF4 to replicate Kinu and it was pointed out in this thread by @LOVECYCLONE, @Midgardsorm and etc for numerous occasions but the craft was early those times.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom did also celshading it was terrible it was good for it’s time also @doctrinedark pointing out MVCi art that was celshading also.

Actually this had been discussed and talked a lot of times especially with the likes of the topic regarding SF2AM, Know people here understand it already for being it talked multiple times but the thing is they internationally and obviously ignore it every nlw and then when it is discussed again like answering with misleading unrelated stuff like misdirecting it to “Esport”, why because they just dislike it.

I myself is more favorable to semi cartoonish but Im also okay with CelShading.


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Quantity is not quality though

But if was only that i will not be bothered, ingame it’s something almost invisibile aside SFV Path endings (wich are not even the worst, considering some others made by udon)

I don’t like they let him/her have a chance at alts, wich generated a group of alts that i find to be a step or two below and not much “Capcom”

Not on the level of some halloween crap we got, but still

Damn, not in my top5 or even 10 wishlist but i will love get SF2 Cammy, It will become my standard look

No redesign ever surpassed It, all stopped below

Also Wolfman looks like somebody that SHOULD have been and official SF chat at least once but never did
The fact that use tonfa rise his potential uniqueness too

Lol hating Udon artist. Udon artist isn’t that bad.

Is it a trend of bandwagoning to hating Udon? Is that making you sound legit? Lol.

Take a look how they are doing casual wear Chun li in most of their past comics compare to your ideal SFV Ken.

The problem with Udon is the story lately like Akuma Origins which started decent but later kinda meh and integrating characters like the one with the yoyo skinny teen along with how the likes of Fang and Bison tremble it’s like a kid show lol.

As for talking like that to kiki, as if your a guy that is really know what you are talking about, You probably just started to learn to walk when SF2 was even released lol. You just want to change and brag into the internet base on your requesting and demand them pretends to everyone that those were legit character design 101 even when they were not when theh are contesting your opinions. Then get offended when somebody dislike it and mislead the argument to something else.

For of the characters are already establish like whats with CFN. They weren’t designed from scratch so it’s not really that critical for someone like him in that level.

Most of the new alts costumes and defaults had been already based from characters history, culture and experiences, so it’s not that crucial to think about.

While for the season costumes like christmas and halloween its more on what can easily work and reflect the character.

The UDON criticism has been around forever but it always seems directed at one of their artists. Alot of people, me included, like the artist who did the SF v DS stuff and their recent stuff. Otherwise their stuff looks like those “how to draw manga” books you see collecting dust in the library.

Honestly if his ideal SFV Ken isn’t some balloon steroid tapeworm veined looking monstrosity then I’d take it over UDON or current Ken.

Agree with you there but then again, UDON wasn’t really a masterpiece in the first piece.


Not really terrible, Udon artist especially those that were later that took over after image were doing great like alvin lee along the early years. Their art is akin to the source material mostly rather than being experimental but the problem was really in the story mostly for being conflicted with the ever changing canon of SF that they never adopted.

I used Chun li look most of her non-default Sf2 costume and non-game in udon comics they mostly stayed were the character identity sometimes even better than some alt costumes we had from Sf4 and Sf5.

To be fair with them they started before SF4 where the times and possibilities were different regarding the story.

Obviously we dislike it based on how people reacted in the thread pointed it out without BS. But thing is his misdirecting it to the face when it’s clearly the clothes and it’s not just the thread but àlso those that into Ken’s Character even Max hated it. That includes merchandise collectors of Ken they do dislike it and like the default return.

It’s like those that tries to modernized or westernized the thing that ain’t a problembut becomes a problem because it’s change that throws mainly the main color pallete of the a popculture character.

Yes but to be fair compare to the manhua, sf2v manga, brazillian comics and tokuma one. It’s on the top of those even how you dislike it in terms of story and design it’s the closest and better.

Which? Would be better. I do love those too but Udon is better if were talking of character portrayal and canon so is the character casual wear.

The only thing that can best it was the SF2AM comic book along with the Gaiden, yet still not akin to the canon.

The only thing I didn’t like about UDON is when Capcom hired them to do the sprites for HD Remix.


To be fair, I enjoy UDON’s overall story (Except for Akuma Origins) better than the supposed Capcom “canon” which to be honest I am not even sure what it is at this point, heck I don’t think Capcom even knows or cares anymore (at the extent we suppose they do). That’s why I never condoned the shitting on UDON, as for me they were at least trying to make sense (as much as they could) of the whole story in a comprehensive way; they did seem to care.


Thank you. This is arguably the biggest issue of the Street Fighter series as far as anything non-gameplay stuff is concerned

Like we had Alpha 1, with its own endings. Ok, great.
Alpha 2 comes, pretty much same as A1 with new charas added. Great.
Alpha 3 comes, suddenly it overwrites A2. Wait, why is Charlie here? Didn’t he die in A2?
Then SFIV comes. Oh, nevermind, A3 literally doesn’t exist. Or not all of it anyway.
Now we have SFV and it covers entire series, and it has endings of its own for each game. So do we automatically assume these are all canonical? Or do previous titles take precedence still? Or a mix of both?

I feel like Capcom either needs to pull a History of Hyrule and just make a massive lore guide to establish the definitive timeline, or add a smaller story mode to SFV prior to SF6, or, as some people suggested, refine the lore and make that the centerpiece of next game’s story (while also potentially moving into/beyond SF3 era), cuz this just can’t keep going.

This is why we end up with shit like Vasili’s plot guide or the SF wikia where people come up with stuff or merely draw conclusions because we do not have a concrete outline of what is canonical and what is not


The Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2, Turbo, Super Street Fighter, and Unlimited series were all fun reads for me. The main thing I enjoy about the canon from the games and guides is that it allows us to give our own interpretations on how the events unfold. A lot of that is why the discussions are so extensive. If everything was clear-cut, probably wouldn’t be much to discuss.

Overall, I’m good with the UDON series. Their Darkstalkers stuff was fun to read as well.


What Capcom needs to do is just keeping the relevant history and experience of a character journey along with it’s motivation and personality.

Like I recently said it’s ever changing but atleast keep it coherent, less complicated and flexible rather than the change is trying to make it trendy and modern this what happens with Akuma Origin. Let the modern and trendy stuff be for the newer characters.

That is why I want to see a compiled CFN book with profiles update even without what they up to now other than the data and the previous important events they have been part with.