The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Even if that Gorilla man influenced that other character as well, obviously. Then Akiman took hints from other three characters for Blanka’s moves… And these were Rocky Joe’s Harimao, Tiger Mask’s Lone Wolf and The Amazon from NES’s Pro Wrestling.


Cool call on Harimao, never thought about It but i can see It lol

About pro wrestling Amazon, was’nt that inspired on fish man (or was piranha?) ever from TM?

As pure design visually i think they started with Gorilla Man, then they fallen in love with HnK Madara

Kanzaki’s manga lifting from that manhua is mind-blowing!

Unreal to see such a thing


It is, right? I’ve been a huge fan of Kanzaki’s Manga since I was a kid so I have many of his panels imprinted in my mind, so imagine the shock while I was calmly enjoying looking through the manhua images, I almost spit my coffee lol.



Tbh when it comes to Japan i usually see it as a tribute rather than just steal to take advantage of somebody else thing

I mean is not like he could’nt have designed a decent/good/maybe better Ryu v Rog, he probably just really liked that scene and wanted to integrate it to his thing


I mean, lets be real here. The manhua is stealing Street Fighter in the first place. It’s only fair to take anything cool they might do with it and steal it back.


Reference to reference, it’s not just manga and anime it’s everywhere in hollywood and hongkong media take inspiration to each other.

That’s why seeing new better things are always the best.

Quick question: Which version of Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie (1994) soundtrack do you guys prefer? Japanese or American? And why?

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American cuz KMFDM and others.


American because of nostalgia really. It’s what I grew up with. You know that may not even be it. I grew up with the Faulconer soundtrack to DBZ, yet I prefer the original Japanese soundtrack despite hearing it much later.

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American is one of the rare animes where the dubbed version is superior in almost every way to the Japanese.


Regarding SF2TAM, Japanese soundtrack all the way, that’s how I first knew the movie and how I repeatedly watched it via a Fansub VHS during childhood/teenage years. About a year latter of me watching it for the first time, a friend of mine was gifted the American VHS version and when I watched it with him I was appalled by the soundtrack.

I am more than thankful for the Discotheque Blu-Ray release that features Japanese tracks alongside English ones, heck, they went one step further and even included a mix of their own featuring the Japanese score with the English voice acting; that’s my preferred way of viewing it as of late,

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Neither. Every time I watch, I turn down the volume during the fights and play the appropiate SF2 music to go alonh with the encounter.

So for example, when Vega fights Chun in her appartment, I play the Chun stage music because its her home so thats her stage.


American dub, music is more to my taste, and the dubbing is way better than the japanese one.
the japanese voices sound worse in recording quality and i think the eng dub added more life to the characters by adding more grunts and fight sounds in general.

or at least thats how i remember it, its been a while.

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I prefer the Japanese soundtrack. The music used in the American dub isn’t my cup of tea. The dub itself is excellent. I love the song that plays when Ryu and Ken fight Bison in the Japanese version. It was used in Alpha 1 when you do a dramatic battle against Bison with Ryu and Ken.


SF2V anime has a decent sound track too

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Ooh, good question. Surprisingly I’ve never actually listened to the Japanese one. I think I’ve heard brief comparisons, but never the whole thing. I LOVE Ryu’s meditation theme and the opening scene’s track when Sagat realizes he has the scar and goes berserk is still so incredible to me. I don’t know what music plays during those scenes in the Japanese version, but it’d be hard to overtake my nostalgia of these themes.

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Guys do yourself a favor and get this from, it was released by Discotheque. It has excelent video quality, cool extras and a pletora of audio options.(English/Japanese).


This is what SF6 needs to look like!


Complete with long hair ryu