The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


SFV has netcode? :thinking:

That screams “dogshit optimization and lack of QA” if true. Considering how many NPCs they can cram onto some of the CPT stages, server load really isn’t much of an argument. More likely, it’s just harder to sell stages when costumes can be directly selected by the player and cost way less to do.

As for the Fang stage that was said coming for almost 4 year don’t forget also the russia stage for Kollin that was used ASF(cinematic storymode) for scene with her and gill.

It was even showcased with free roam camera tool in xkira former deactivated youtube. Same as with fake shadow lady extra battle.

I don’t dislike person because i don’t oppose everything they talked about, i dislike the act being a fraud and spreading fake stuff, cestus just started just fine before it went terrible while the other is obviously not for obvious reasons.

Is this a more recent statement? Because Ono said 2020 back at launch.


The 2022 is just a rumor and speculation. The official statement is 2020 and they won’t be doing any “Super” SF5 thing according to them.


I mean, I’d argue that AE WAS a “Super” thing but…

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Anyone know if they ever released the non video ‘trading cards’ for Lucia Poison and Honda?
So annoying how they couldn’t even be consistent with these basic things. CFN profiles are still woefully incomplete too.

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I believe it was everything that is was supposed to that has all that were part of a “Promised” from the vanilla release that didn’t come with it.

Those weren’t speculation or rumor anyway. Unlike the other things that were spread online.

Microsoft stated that Windows 10 will be their last OS. What, in 2020 or 2022, there will be a Windows 11 or something…

Also check this:


Thats a difference case in terms of a fighting game SF2 lasted the longest because of both trends and popculture it surrounded but the rest is a different case like SFV.

We still get continues re releases of KOF98 and 2002 same as ST and SFA3 because they were the popculture titles of their genre.

But yes there is a chance and it depends on the statics of the current people participated with free trials. if it is

Well personally i will still welcome these ASF stages, after all it’s not like we stopped use Nash/Bison because they’re dead in the timeline :smiley:

Mostly was to say that Fang already had locations that could be considered “his stage”, specially the first one, of was avaible outside asf

They could have fixed Fang’s lack of stage easily adding something they already got

As said i like to associate a stage for each char even if not canon… Example to me NY stage with npd cops and cars on the background works perfect for Lucia, Kanzuki’s Beach works perfect for R.Mika, New Zealand by day can work for Blanka and so on

But some are really left without a credible placement, i will like stages for these first


Are the ones that need more/deserve a dedicated stage, not necessary a “nostalgia” one

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Speaking of story, anybody guess what upcoming chars will do as general impact

Based on Sir Arthur, Oro should coming as one of the last two S4 in November, while Rose being female and having 2VS according to him, will be more likely as S5 first

Basically can be
November: Oro+1male*
December: Rose+big changes

*considering the 4m+2f season “rule” and the fact they probably count Poison as female

Tbh i don’t see Oro bringing big story changes, he neither did in SF3, before start Yoda/Luke training with Ryu at very end
Knowing Capcom not having serious stuff for him they will probably give him some silly “fun” story lol

Rose on other end imho may chosen to join the fight because she figured out who G is and what he want.
Can see her taking a second line mentor role for the characters that will actually face him

Kinda doubt there will be a Season 5

The game has one more year of support. I doubt Capcom is putting more money into this game past 2020.

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You would all be wrong then.

SF5 was and is being built to last longer than any of its predecessors.


Unfortunately, but hopefully not

I want SF6 once the new generation of consoles arrive. SFV would have a five year run by then.


I want to know if Capcom can get their groove back with the genre seeing how well their other IPs are doing currently

DMC5 was amazing, Resi7 and Resimake2 were great, MHWorld is excellent, MM11 was a decent platformer it seems, Teppen (new ip!) seems popular, we might be getting a new Dragon’s Dogma by Itsuno

They basically just need to properly revive Breath of Fire and actually make a good Street Fighter to complete the redemption arc. Oh and do something with Dead Rising

Lost Planet may be a lost cause (no pun intended)

Shame that Marvel had to be sacrificed however


I still believe there would be 2-1 character to end this because of the dev span of month from evo time but a big bunch of content to extend it support? Nah.

Past 2022 eh? Will see.