The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Cammy with thigh highs!? :heart_eyes:


They should, but why would they? Why sell a complete $60 game to 10 people when you could sell half a game for the same price and about $60 in DLC per year to the same 3 people who don’t care how good the game is as long as Ryu, Cammy, and Bison are in it? The thing about SFV is it isn’t a true commercial failure in terms of net profit, it’s a critical failure that has divided the community in a way SF4, even at its lowest points, never did. People aren’t sitting SFV out until the next game comes, they’re abandoning the series altogether for games that either have their shit together or at least show signs of listening to their community.

People constantly shit on the game because there are very few things it does right. Most of the gaming community still associates SFV with its launch, and the better informed throw in rootkit, ads, variable delay, and all the other post launch shit on the pile of SFV’s failures. Within fighting games, you have a sizable portion of people who would have even overlooked all that for a good game, but SFV kinda failed on that front. Even some of the most hardcore players, who would stick with a game despite lack of content or missing characters (both of which were problems, at least pre-AE), ended up dropping the game because the actual system and balance are largely agreed to be pretty bad.

What the game has left are brand loyalists, people that don’t care about fighting games really, just people who care about Street Fighter. The community supporting SFV has poisoned the well, so to speak. Capcom quit trying because they realized that they could just milk those few remaining like F2P whales for far less than it would take to restore the IP to where it was pre-SFV. Even the marketing for the game is starting to lean in this direction, with nostalgia for better games (and obligatory holiday $$$) being the draw of most content they do now. Until people actually “rise up” for real and push Capcom to make a better game, this stagnation is only going to get worse when SF6 is designed from the ground up to keep milking SFV players.

I loved the idea of a Ryu that visibly suffered from the struggle with the SNH with chest scarring and bandages. That was the great thing about those alpha designs, they were very brave.


It’s not ideal but whatever, It Is what It Is
I can’t have the fantasy SFV i wished for based on my personal preference, i got this

With that premise i want more, whatever they can add to improve my experience with the SF i got… CA2 yes pls, VS2 i’m very ok with it

Not only that, they’re wasting stages doubling on chars already well covered

If they did’nt wasted efforts giving 2nd or 3rd stages to same chars, doing halloween/xmas stuff and adapted the missing general story ones we could have been a lot closer to have every char in a stage that can host them

Snowy outside russian stage > halloween russian stage we got
It will have given Kolin a personal stage

It can cover Urien too (as today i give him grassland stage), in the past he had Egypt stage too before central america

As for stages I like nostagia stages more returning with new effects, evolved or redesigned than having a new stages. Just for the sake of having one.

The thing is people isn’t really into stages even how we like it. In a match people choose the best stage that are less laggy and in a fighting game stage most of the story mode uses street stages more even than ever, then we got this people wanting more costumes.

Agree. Even in a MvC, the likes of old veterans along Ruby heart has a small chance to return because it’s more on popular trending characters.

That’s why a new Capcom Allstar is something Ill like to see.

Leave the scaring motif to Sagat thats where it is best to stay and be. Not being redundant or even permanently redesign the main character Ryu.

Ryu should be free from any SNH struggle beyond 3 and no marks or scars left.

Cool. I like collecting Red Bull costumes and showing off with them, despite being in a country that doesn’t have the SF-themed Red Bulls.

Tbh if we speak of actual RB costumes(not colors) Ryu-Chun redbull costumes were easily between the ones i disliked most lol

But with these new three have a bit more hopes… At least 2 out 3

Lucia - Actually great pick: american, modern, hyper energetic, can end up with something fitting. Plus her costumes suck dicks, so one more alternative is welcome

Honda - have a tradition of being wacky/fun design, i’m positive they can came up with something bizzarre but somehow fitting in the “alt” perspective

Sagat - nah, cpt one was already embarassing i don’t need one more in that direction

If i had to pick 3 to get a RB design, my list will have probably been between (in that preference order)


Rog first as dude Is born for that… but Lucia pretty close as Rog already have lot of great alts, he really own one of the best set in the cast, if not THE best as overall quality… He really have only good/great stuff aside the Megaman themed one

Why in gods name are we talking about Red Bull costumes in the story thread?!


Tbh for Fang i will have been ok with one of these two that never mde out of General Story

After all likely all these machines belong to him anyway lol

While at it will have liked Abigail’s officine too

and serious/crumbling version Bison’s stage without fucking robots and pink ninjas running around, great alt version

And of course the cannons/shadaloo rooftop one was the best missing one

Lol we ever talked alts/stages/whatever here… if is why redbull ones specifically, due x-kira post having Lucia/Honda/ Sagat getting one

Where’s that amazing art :frowning:

Because Cestus is shilling xkira while tatsuroko stay from behind to be not associated when his obviously known for it.

Not this shit again

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Yeah, but the Shadaloo stages are unnecessary now since the base was destroyed. The stage from FANG’s concept art could work post-ASF.

Cestus knows im triggered with frauds like him, but he knows i wont attack him when his talking fan fiction stuff and theories, So his asking for it by promoting fakers leakers that believing to manipulate Capcom like him believing to control Capcom.

I really comment the last argument because I was on travel. So i let it pass, Yeah cuddle cestus more as he promote more xkira ìn thread. He expect everyone to back for him and defend him while eating popcorn, same as xkira fake account here. Ill just laugh at you for hating me to for criticizing something that isn’t right or even wrong ideas, this is a forum any ideas are debatable especially when people claims to be credible. But okay I let this pass again.


Come on man, cut this shit out already. You don’t like them. We get it already.


Isnt this supposed to be the FANG stage that’s coming?


I mean, it’s been “coming” for, like, 4 years now.


Well if the game is to last until 2022, there’s probably quite a few more stages yet to come I’d assume.

Stages cost too much money for how much lag they add to the netcode.


Well, for some obscure reason they had something that literally took them 5 minutes (is standard with jacket removed) like this
on hold for 2 years, gods know whatever method is in theyr DLC schedule lol

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