The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Alright lore monsters, here’s a mission for you

Poison/Roxy = Hollywood from GLOW?


I looked her up and oh my god she’s also in Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties.


Hooooooooly crap

And wrestling was and still is HUGE in Japan

That…that right there looks like a direct inspiration

And her name was “Hollywood” and there’s a Holly Wood that appears in Final Fight. Hmmm


Saw that yesterday and my mind was blown. I never knew any of this. I always thought there was some losse connection to the band poison, but now it looks like a bunch of elements from the music to the wrestling came together to make her!

FF ever been a mix of Streets on Fire, Rock music and wrestling, specially the first two… plus other stuff

While at it SoF complete title was Streets on Fire: A Rock & Roll Fable :smiley:

Let’s try




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image + image

FAT guy





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ever him, bionic version

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That’s not surprising at all, since a lot of “facts” in SF wikis come from the old guide or from past English translations. There still are people convinced of unproven or outright DISproven hearsays like “Zangief is gay” or “SGS sends its victims to Hell”, come on.
A small thing I overlooked reading Honda’s bio… His SF2 bio states:
A Japanese sumō wrestler, said to be “without rivals in sumō”. However, on the banzuke he’s a haridashi ōzeki. One day, he suddenly decides that the World must learn the greatness of sumō, and sets off to a World tour of street fighting. His fighting style is so far off the correct sumō that people wouldn’t get the right idea of it, though. He loves to dress a red fundoshi during his street fights, but in sumō he uses a blue one.¹ In his ending, he trains and eats chanko with four of his disciples in Japan like nothing happened. Why his name is “Edmond” is an eternal mystery.

So Honda is a 張り出し大関 haridashi ōzeki on the banzuke, the official ranking of Japan Sumō Association. A haridashi (overhang) is any wrestler beyond the first two in the same rank (e.g., the third yokozuna, the third and fourth ōzeki, the fifth sekiwake and so on). That’s because historically there were only two wrestlers per rank in the top three positions (san’yaku), that were ōzeki, sekiwake and komusubi (then comes the last one, maegashira, with all the remaining wrestlers). The rank of yokozuna wasn’t added to the ranking until 1890, and is now part of the san’yaku (that still means “three ranks”, even if the yokozunas make it four ranks). When more wrestlers started being promoted into san’yaku ranks, the banzuke added them as extensible inserts, hence “overhang”. Nowadays, the banzuke shows all the wrestlers in full without the need of extensions, but the definition stuck to designate any wrestler beyond the first two positions. Therefore, we now know that Honda is at least third ōzeki in the official Sumō Association rankings. He could be fourth, or fifth… But we don’t know how many ōzekis there are in SF world Japan Sumō Association. The obvious question is: why is Honda so (relatively) low, if he’s so invincible? After all, we know he’s denied the prestigious rank of yokozuna because he’s regarded as an embarrassment by the JSA. Nevertheless, if he always wins, he should be at least the first ōzeki. The answer in my opinion lies in his frequent absences. A wrestler who fails to show up for his scheduled match loses by default. Then, if Honda is so busy street fighting around, it’s obvious that he piles up some no-shows that become a factor in calculating his rank on the banzuke.
And the alternate colour in SF2CE was Honda fighting on the streets, while the “official” colour was Honda during normal sumō matches. That’s hilarious.

An even funnier chapter in the series “Honda is a thorn in the side of the JSA” comes from his SSF2T profile:
A new detail was added, in which Honda’s outrageously early morning trainings were so noisy that all the neighbourhood complained. When the news spread that Honda was going to a World tour, all were relieved thinking they would finally sleep without being woken up early. However, Honda didn’t neglect to encourage his disciples using his LOUD voice: he installed SPEAKERS in his stable, and every morning made intercontinental calls that aired directly in them, all for his disciples’s good. So, for Honda’s unfortunate neighbours, nothing had changed at all.

Laughs aside, this is so evidently related to Honda’s SSF2T final image

that I wonder if other characters’s SSF2T profiles explain theirs. I don’t want to further bother @Lord_Vega, but it would be really nice to have a confirmation.
On a side note: everything related to Honda oozes EDO PERIOD (1603-1868). EVERYTHING. The golden age of sumō, the explosion of kabuki theatre, the ukiyo-e stamps… And SHINTŌ references. The cosmogony that revolves around Ryu, Gouken and Gouki is eminently Buddhist, while Honda’s mythology is all Shintoist. It’s also interesting to note the reversed contradiction in Honda and Zeku: Honda wants to spread a traditional Japanese art and uses a name that seems foreign but is actually Japanese; at the same time, his fighting style shows heavy foreign influences. Zeku wants to modernise a traditional Japanese art and uses names that seem Japanese but are actually foreign; on the other hand, his techniques are deeply rooted in tradition.
Then there’s Sodom that wants to speak Japanese but can neither speak Japanese nor English… :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s impressive indeed. The picture comes from the first issue of the magazine GLOW - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling, January 1988. There are other pictures of Hollywood in it, in her presentation article (images grabbed from a Youtube video featuring the whole issue):

AKIMAN himself commented about the finding, saying

A foreigner found this asking if it was the original inspiration for Poison,
but I can’t say for sure as my memory is hazy;
however, there’s no doubt that it was exactly like this.
Thank you.

So we have the final source for the name “Hollywood” as well.


Can never compare to you guys but here are some images from a 90s Brazilian magazine. I expect Certain someone to really like the last one.
image image image


Okay, well, yeah, that Poison thing is just blatant.

Eeeeeasy now Daemos…


Nice art.

Most of the redundantly posted picture flooding thread are obviously discussed to death to over and over echoed references found in previous story thread, which was obviously from the dedicated hardwork of those from the previous threads and also from BIG Mex blog.

Good thing with lonedragon at reddit refer something new.

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Reading that part of your post was thinking the same, from what i understand from the little i know the built of a sumo wrestler career and rise works different than western fight sports

We (west) built a system that put emphasis on “win when It matters” essentially
More a vertical system where of course is needed some solid record but lot of importance Is on the concept of big chance… Beat the contender to be the contender, beat the Champ to be the Champ and so on

Sumo philosophy seem to be way more an horizontal line, about constancy and ability to perform at high level on a long period
Example defeat a Yokozuna give great prestige but does’nt make you a Yokozuna

West more like a ladder built on direct confrontation, Sumo more about methodically build a mountain and comparision will say where you stand on food chain

Maybe Honda will have been greatest Yokozuna if sumo was western style progress, but his inconstant lifestyle may just be incompatible with build a solid (as mirror Honda’s actual ability) career… add sumo federation “hating” him and we got a picture

It’s fun because if you think about It SF2 got lot of these figures

  • Honda too incostant ways prevent him from #1 in Sumo
  • Balrog banned from boxing for cheating with illegal blows
  • Zangief banned from wrestling/Slammaster federation due being too dangerous and injuring (probably unintentionally lol) wrestlers
  • Sagat no more King after SF1 events, actually we learned he lost some more after Ryu due frustrated mental state
  • Ryu himself ignoring official tournaments (ones Ken compete in) to do his wanderer life

And so on… i think Honda imperfect career just fill that kind of niche, moral being all of them could probably defeat the #1 ranked guy of theyr respective disciplines but instead are here for us entertainment wrecking each others lol

Many years after the concept of “underground circuit” better than official one, seem something that still japanese seem to love a lot

Example years after good part of Grappler Baki still is about all these prized world Champions stepping in the underground arena and get wrecked by Baki & Friends
(ironical coincidence we are in the sumo arc, with a young but incredibile sumotori joining Baki&Friends vs an “official” sumo dream team)

Yeah you can pretty much find all of those in’s ripoffs section.

But yeah BigMex’s blogs are so great


Yeah most have been found but like that Poison/Roxy one there’s still room for discovering new ones, when we think sources are often multiple and it’s hard pick one and call It a day… specially as sometimes they miss completely the main one lol
But for FF mostly works as characters are so simple/npc that a single source fill it easy

I found no real answer on Katana/Sodom… First site found where they got the legs part for alpha design but that’s it

This round only new stuff i found are Road House Tinker for FF fat guy (that FOR SURE apply to SoR fat guy, idk if FF too)
Belger with Mister X (Lupin 3rd enemy), that one made me surprized because while i remembered him having some similarity with Belger’s original Capcom concept and kidnapping Fujiko just to have Lupin come to his HQ and resque her and “kill” him, i did’nt remember that as result he later returned as a bionic man, something after Belger was given too

SFV Brazil stage as should have been done lol, the soccer Cup thing has been pathetic :smiley:

I don’t buy last two, but overall xkira got good streak in last bunch of stuff

Also Sir Arthur (guy that leaked Honda/Poison/Lucia) said to know kira and recognize him as informed person, wich raise a bit kira’s credibility

Plus the fact Rog shirtless alt was being show at a Capcom approved event 2 fucking years ago and they release It only now make me think is possible his leaks record has been affected by Capcom’s artificial delay schedule too

Still hoping he was right on SF2 Ryu too

Kinda sad G will get some fucking Santa Claus costume, i was hoping for a legit alt


Ebenezer Scrooge alt please!

I think they will go for another Santa Claus, wich tbh will even be fitting with his propaganda LOL

But i was hoping for another not-themed one for him, as i don’t like Battle one

I’m also curious to know if the crazy “Volcano look” still make some sense for him or have been completely dropped

As for the Redbbull ones i think Lucia can end up with something fitting, for Sagat/Honda i expect some terrible retardness lol

So we’re getting SF2 Ken Stage and SFA2 Waterfall Stage? Cool I guess, though IMO both are among the most boring stages in the series

And of course more boring red/white costumes

This is pure fan fiction started years ago by aerialgroove/ or BigMex. It doesn’t have any real evidence and that shot of Guy Picciotto used as a reference dates back to the first 2000s, way after Final Fight’s original release. As stated by Akiman, Guy’s appearance is based on Japanese actor Shô Kosugi, who was famous at the time for Cannon’s “Ninja” movies. More info about Guy’s background: 1; 2.


I want the Ken one as Ken does’nt have shit, and i will like to have a personal stage for everybody

Agree on waterfall one being boring, but i will not complain at +1 stage

Cool to know, maybe they used this version of him?

It could be a mix of different things from different movies and various sources. None of the creators stated this but the red shōzoku from Enter the Ninja seems like a potential inspiration for Guy’s more traditional look from the original game.