The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That probably because of his combat practice, martial arts and “belief” not because of him wanting everything related to japan. IMHO.

Does anybody know where can I download old SF2 Manhua? I of course can’t read Chinese nor Mandarin, I’d just like to look at the illustrations plus I am a sucker for oldschool SF stuff.images%20(1) img_9633


EDIT: I found this page! Below there are links to access “Older Posts” so one can search for more SF Manhuas.


Nice, I’ll take more Final Fight where I can get it!

Yup Geese’s office / stage says all you need to know lol. Bet he has Cherry blossoms pumped into his house when having guests.

You’re right on Leo especially in the new, amazing IDW series Since he and his brothers are reincarnations of ancient Japanese warriors and Splinter IS their father. Sounds weird, but it’s fantastically executed.

Speaking of weebs, Wolverine is probably another one of the biggest in comics hah.

Ooh, awesome, thanks!


She ain’t from Earth. What the hell else does it make her?

Uh, he’s a rich white American that built a Japanese temple on top of his skyscraper.

He might be the greatest weaboo of all time.

I never heard of someone from a parallel dimension described as being alien. That’s new to me.

An alien is anyone that’s from a different planet than yours.

If their planet is in another dimension, then they’re still an alien.

But I understand what you’re saying. You want to differentiate “creatures from outer space” from “demons”.

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Correct. Honda is Japanese, end of story.

That’s complicated. Usually, a shikona is composed of a surname and a given name, in this order. Honda is a surname, though, and a wrestler is usually called - in a presentation by the referee, for instance - by his surname only. To be clear: Kōji Takanohana (Takanohana Kōji according to Japanese naming conventions) was only called Takanohana. Now, keeping in mind that SF WORLD ≠ LOGIC, we can speculate that Honda was his actual surname and he kept it in his shikona (although a rare circumstance, it’s possible to keep one’s real name and/or surname, if it was already Japanese), adding “Edomondo” as a given name because 1. written in kanji, it references his love for baths; and 2. written in Latin characters, it’s sufficiently “foreign-sounding” to appeal to foreigners. Anyway, since we DON’T HEAR how he’s actually announced by the referee in a sumō bout (clever move, Capcom…), we can’t be sure about ANYTHING.

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Yes, Raiden (not the KOF one) and all of them influenced Southeast Asia. So… who knows… maybe Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter take place in the same universe and Dictator’s/Vega’s wanting to rule the world is also a part of Kronika’s backup plan along with Gill’s shenanigans…

I hope this one would be translated someday along with the SF2V manga.

I like bizarre SF stuff for reading. Along with what if like comics.

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Maybe the key could be in the way they used the abbreviation on Edomondo/Edmond… E. Honda

I don’t know if apply to japanese mindset, but feel strange abbreviate a “nickname” (the shikona)… like for us you write it entirely or don’t write it at all

Like take Mike Tyson, for western was normal call him Iron Mike, but we will not use I.Mike… you either use iron entire or don’t

So maybe Edomondo/Edmond is just his first real name (with added meaning for jap) and we never known his actual sumo ring name due Sodom’s interruption?
It could make sense, as Street Fighter fights were not official sumo matches, not even the ones in Honda’s stage

I mean they could have used E.Honda as M.Bison, back to it’s original meaning of Mike Bison for Boxer

If that would be the cased it would be that he is…

but if not. It would just a place of meditation and worship which is necessary for his devotion to còmbat practice and martial arts.


Where is Lucia’s cuppa of kawfee though :thinking:

No, “Edomondo” cannot be his actual first name, simply because it’s not a normal Japanese first name.¹ It could be his first name in his shikona, though. He might have been clever enough to choose a shikona that changed only his first name, because no one in sumō would’ve called him by his first name anyway. So, his shikona could be Honda Edomondo (Honda is a regular surname, and some wrestlers actually used Honda as a shikona, keeping their real surname). It would make sense: Honda is a world-famous firm (so, no need to change it if you want to be recognisable everywhere²); and Edomondo has not only a Japanese meaning bound to Honda’s other passion, but can also be easily taken for a foreign name (Edmond) if written in katakana エドモンド, as usually happens, instead of the kanji form 江戸主水.
However, we can’t be sure because Sodom interrupted the match before the referee call of Honda’s shikona, so we don’t know whether Honda changed his surname as well or not. It’s very unlikely that he did, anyway.

¹ In the real world, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:
² Unless Honda did change his surname as well because his real surname was not as famous as Honda is. Obviously, we can’t be sure about it either.


Lol that whole thing left us with more new questions than answers, but we end up with

  • double nationality theory end up based on wrong guess, as Edomondo/Edmond was’nt supposed to born as “western” name
  • Fujinoyama was not Honda’s shikona

It’s fun because both of things are stated as accepted facts in most common SF wiki lol

Final Bison as interpreted/commissioned by myself and drawn by the fantastic Maxwell Duarte.


Ooh that’s pretty freakin’ awesome! Fitting that his iconic insignia is his final face.


Nyeheheeh! It’s Skullmageddon! Trying to steal another franchise’s final boss spot!


Asura’s easter egg being exactly what should be, good

On his twitter also Honda/Poison halloween EE

Some kind of “tournament mode” coming

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