The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t want guests in Street Fighter. That’s what Capcom Vs. is for.

When Capcom makes it.


Everyone was expecting it was supposed to be Necali based on previous post, speculation and reaction but with Kage it’s still great too.

Yet I would prefer a Asura decendant instead, like i mentioned before not the actual one but how Athena in KOF was a decendant of the Goddess Athena in another SNK title. It would be cool since also Asura had a SF extra reference in his own game.

But this is very much appreciated.

I don’t mind seeing Kage over and over to future SF games than having bland pallete swap clone 90s Evil Ryu or the other better Evil Ryu in SF4 return in game, that also include Violent Ken.Those edge lord version of Ryu always make vanila Ryu obsolete. Kage will keep at bay edgelord shoto players at bay.

Having Ryu with SNH powerup in game is also a terrible choice for future set timelined SF unless were going back to remake and retold alpha event in a future game. Future SF Ryu should be more on Mu powerup or the likes of ki improvement like they did in UMVC3 Ryu.

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I think he’s going to have special win quotes vs Akuma, Ryu, maybe Kage and that’s it

Tbh i prefer that way, just a costume… There are so many slots i can fill with missing SF chars before i find place for a guest

But i will not be SO surprized if they do a special challenge based on that alt, kinda like the recent “Shadow lady” but costume based


This is an extra battle costume. Those never have additional quotes. Only the fighting chance does.


That’s true
Well, whatever,still decent alt… hope for good easter egg

Exactly. Back when SF2 was in development, there was a heated debate in the sumō world about foreign wrestlers; basically the Japan Sumō Association pondered if a foreign wrestler could be worthy of the title of yokozuna. Konishiki is Hawaiian and was the first non-Japanese to reach ōzeki rank in 1987, but was denied a promotion to yokozuna although he had the tournament victories required. The first foreign yokozuna was Akebono, promoted in 1993… After SF2 had already come out. Anyway…

Of course that alone is not, and Honda IS fully Japanese (nor did Capcom indicate the opposite). The foreign-sounding name, however, can be a nod to that. However, you have a point because…

I remember Antonino “Rocca” Biasetton, inventor of the Argentine Backbreaker, but pro wrestling isn’t sumō. You cannot choose a 四股名 shikona (“strong name”), the sumō ring name, that’s NOT Japanese… Speaking of which, you actually turned a lightbulb on my head: what if “Edmond” IS Japanese, after all?
After a research, it turns out that IT IS. Granted, it’s a retcon, but ストリートファイター アートワークス 覇 Street Fighter Artworks Ha (Supremacy) actually uses “Edomondo” written in kanji:

I’m Japan’s strongest man, namely the strongest in the World.
Edomondo Honda

Here, “Edomondo” is composed of “Edo”, old name of Tōkyō; and “mondo”, the old name of the public Chief of the Water Office when the Ritsuryō system was in force. Yes, it’s farfetched and they searched for the right kanjis… But it’s Japanese nonetheless. It’s even an unbelievably appropriate name, if you think about it: a Tokyoite in charge of the water, and Honda owns a public bath in Tōkyō… With this, we can speculate that Honda deliberately chose a ring name that sounded sufficiently foreign, in order to appeal to non-Japanese people: after all, he wants to spread sumō throughout the world… Anyway, we can’t forget that SF world is not the same as ours. In real sumō you CAN’T wear makeup on the ring. Honda does… And this fact caused a tournament of SF2T in the Ryōgoku Kokugikan arena held back in 1993 (where sumō matches are regularly held) to BAN images of Honda, because the painting on his face offended the Sumō Association. Now it’s not the case anymore, since in 2015 Honda appeared alongside yokozuna Hakuhō in a promotional artwork for Japan Sumo Cup, but back in the Nineties that kabuki kumadori was really an issue.

Anyway, we can rule out my speculation about Honda’s double nationality.


Thanks for the amazing info on Honda, dude! See, this is why I love this thread!


Dude, when It comes to Japan you are a living encyclopedia :smiley:

Yeah that was a my doubt too… Seen foreigners get a japanese sumo name but never the opposite happening

Tbh i ever thought despite his good intentions even in SF world Honda’s journey will not be seen so positively by sumo association… Not only the face-paint but lot of other stuff Honda does that can put shame on sumo, and that for this reason he never been given the Yokozuna rank

But on other hand may have been simply just Capcom’s sensibility avoid have a Yokozuna get beated up in street fights

PS: thinking again capcom’s sumo world may not give much fucks about face-paint, Sodom competed vs Honda wearing his steel samurai helm/mask lol

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Sumo Association can hold that. Honda did more for generations of kids to be made aware of sumo than they did. What’s goofy is that they’re annoyed at having to explain to all this new people that sumo wrestlers don’t wear make up but don’t stop to think that there was this new crowd of people that they had to explain sumo to in the first place.

Also sumo is godlike, you guys should watch it.


Can confirm. Sumo is awesome.


Also! Happy to say I just received this from my wife for our 12th anniversary!



Reminds me of when she sent you and all your friends to the beach :wink:


I’m mildly annoyed that they made his claw non-interchanceable with the left hand to have him switch sides, and that they chose the right hand to wear it. He wears it on his right in Street Fighter EX as well as A Shadow Falls, but older sources including artworks and the SFII anime went with the claw on the left since that’s how he wears it the Player2 side of the screen and he’s supposed to be a bad guy.

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Just because its legal doesn’t mean you should.



So being the resident Q-obsessed nerd and randomly thinking of SpiderVerse I had some random thoughts:

I know Q is rigid with most, but not all his movements (sometimes he has normal range of motion and there’s increased fluidity to his motions), but I kinda want him to have some suckerpunch hat counter like SpideyNoir does in a future game:

Also, with my theories on the Alphabet Company, evidence of the female members also dressing similar to G’s story alt, I would dig it if we got to see some members down the line (be it in game or in a storymode). I’d be fine with the female agents dressing like cosplayer Tatiana Neva:

With how G’s take on Q’s costume is a lot fancier, I see it that Q, being a defect and/or having gone rogue, keeps it simple with just a bargain variety trench coat and a shirt and slacks from a bign’tall store while all the proper “Alphabet Company” agents would have a nicer look to them, better control of their powers and each letter would be based on an element and theme:

G: Gold and Globalization/Government
Q: Quartz and Quarry.

Alright, back to work for me


How I wished bandai would also release classic Ryu not just modern Ryu in SHF. It’s cool that storm had release that version. But SHF line well with the rest of the SOTA figs.

Spidey Noir is also my favorite alt universe spidey.

There’s a guy from Czech Rep (Prague) who Is real life Sodom lol

Compete there in Japan, Is maybe the leanest sumo guy i ever seen, great technique to compensate lack of weight

Western guy obsessed with jap culture who pass all his time there watching manga/anime


Reminds me of one of Bison’s SF4 costumes.

It’s a shame that Asura is wasted on Kage.


I mean, Kage shouldn’t be in the game. But since he is, it’s a decent fit.