The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

This game has done more for alternate costumes than it has gameplay.


Yeah, and that sucks…

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Tbh i don’t feel the two things should be viewed in competition with each other

While at It i wish the alt costumes were done better, SFV art have many weak points

New Poison alt Is a good example of that

SFV should have hot much stronger harsh art direction

They shouldn’t be in competition, but it all comes down to funding. It’s like they have 2 people doing all the actual development post-launch and a bunch of random outsourced modeling work for costumes and stages. If they slowed the fuck down on costumes and maybe got a 3rd guy working on things like modes and features, SFV would be a very different game.

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I prefer these simple alt outfits and the ones that could be considered canon.
All this Halloween, crossover and Xmas stuff dilutes SF and is a waste.
New shirtless Rog is great.


When’s Gill?

EDIT: I’ll play for the first time ever SF5 if Gill is playable (I haven’t played any version of SF5 yet)…

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Nah… i mean, of course DLC grab these money first, but are not resources that disappear, on the contrary

Thing is DLC pay themselves with €€€ return, actually if they keep doing them mean the €€€ they invest is LESS than the €€€ that return

Wich mean that theorically THANKS to “costumes” SFV may have more €€€ to pay that 3rd gameplay dude

Costumes does’nt steal from gameplay, they could actually be what keep alive/improve his maintenance

I think more simple truth is Capcom not giving enough fucks, in combo with “gameplay” being something hard to quantify in terms of profit, so they opt to either keep that money or invest in more DLC

This from somebody who dislike A LOT of capcom’s job on SFV costumes/stages (i like a lot too), but this Is another story

The problem is that majority of the people outside the community nowadays are asking for costumes more because they are expecting it to happen or believing they were just delayed rather than gameplay modes or new tools.

Why because they were misinformed. That’s why I like polls and statics of usage to avoid wasting resources for those that only request stuff for just seeing it, curious about it or whatsoever reason other than really wanting it.

I hope with SF4 and SF5 costumes Capcom should know which is which should return in future titles.

Updated this post:

He added a bunch of additional info on how Honda is godlike.



What double nationality have Honda?

As for the Ryu wankers thing mentioned recently, Im glad that even I belong to the Ryu fans out there, Im not one of them shilling it like those that mentioned HNK did it blah blah so SF should follow it blah blah as that a better storyline…

Because I want the spotlight for other characters that is beneficial to the interaction and progression especially the new one characters and Ryu would be just for the finishing blow because of the prophecy of Rose.

Actually I don’t even mind that it would be Guile or Charlie. Yet I still prefer the Viper Aftermath it did more justice not just for the bunch of protoganist but also for the villain Bison because he felt more powerful and better in that.

I just prefer everyone ganging up against Bison or taking turns this makes him look better powerful than something like a score to settle or personal.

Just exactly how I mentioned in two or three similar topics in the past similar storythreads.


Edmund is an western name so I guess that’s what they mean here.

I remember when ASF first came out, I wasn’t happy that Chun Li or Nash weren’t the ones to Bison but looking back at it now, it made sense. Chun Li and Guile already their own little closure arcs with Li Fen and Nash respectively to show that they are starting to move on and Ryu was the only one affected by Bison from past events who didn’t get closure with Bison. It also doubles as a way to show that the Mu power overcame Psycho Power.


Thank you. People often underestimate or misinterpret just how much Bison fucked Ryu’s life up.

It’s not just closure it’s the importance, A finishing blow is okay…

but the thing is too much setup is like forced and staged that the likes of Guile and Chun got character didn’t react as the way they were supposed to be. Were talking about character individualism and motivation here not about between to person.

That battle also is not just about this individuals but the whole fate of the world. This is not just about personal but they are infront of a dangerous mad man with unknown and beyond human like capabilities.

Nash and Chun was the only reactive with Bison but Guile was really terrible. It shouldn’t been Ryu.

The thing is Ryu wasn’t that personal. Take a look nowadays how Ryu reaction more into Akuma even during SF2 and SF3 before SF4 retcon compare to Bison. Bison didn’t made Ryu that way it was Akuma, but look at Ryu reaction later. So the thing saying Bison fucking Ryu life is kinda meh. Ryu is hard to pissed off his trigger is more about him winning(SNH) not about losing someone.

Even the whole SFA3 event of Ryu controled by Bison against Sagat, Sakura and Ken is now kinda doubtful to still remain in canon.

Another best example here that character reaction and personal motivation were handle poorly was with Guile to Nash an obvious one that was discussed so much.


Tbh i don’t think utilize foreign first name Is proof of double nationality

Example think the legendary pro-wrestler Antonio Inoki, his italian first name was just a respect gesture toward a wrestler he greatly admired

Or sticking to vg, SNK’s Joe Higashi

Also iirc sumo wrestlers use “sumo names”, so Edmon Honda can be his sumo name, without directly link with his nationality

As far i know Honda has ever been listed simply as japanese, for that reason i was curious in some obscure file there’s writted something different

Asura Kage.


This was expected but welcome

Now i can pretend that kage crap never happened and we just got Asura as guest… not something i ever wanted at all, but lesser of the two evils LOL

Should get 6 arms as easter egg, but more likely e will just get kage’s normal haircut


ASF was supposed to serve as both as closure to her revenge arc, but also a transition to her being a motherly figure to Li-Fen. However, ASF failed on the closeure aspect.

I actually don’t have a problem with Karin being in charge, given that her position in her Kanzuki estate and her enormus amount of resources, I can see it working out… given that you counteract that with her lack of experience shattering her confidence and making her question her leadership skills sometime. Running a giant conglomerate is not the same as running a millitary operation. And i think after realize that, Karin should’ve given the reigns to Guile right after the first mission to Bison’s Base.

But back to Chun-Li
The transition into her SFIII arc is fine. we are introduced to Li-Fen, and Chun-Li finally gets a chance to act as a role of someone with experience to a younger generation.
What I REALLY wanted was closure. Either in the form of some final blow against Bison, or being the one to blow up the Shadaloo base to show that her revenge arc had come to a close, and that she can put Shadaloo, and her father in the past.
We’ve debated many times on who should be the one to finish Bison, who ultimately could, who deserved it more, and which would make for a better conclusion to ASF. So you all know where I stand there.

We’ve built up so long for years that Chun-Li’s main goal was to get revenge against Bison for her father, and it just feels like we were cheated when they don’t even give Chun-Li an opportunity for the final fight she deserved.
But while they fail on that, I felt that ASSF and even Chun-Li’s character story helped greatly in transitioning from SFV to SFIII


Just put him in Capcom Vs. you cowards!

…also, make Capcom Vs. you cowards!


I want Asura as an actual guest. I want a follow-up to the SF dlc from his game.