The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Way I see it, the more Karin…the better.


Better look at new stage


I can’t tell if the moon is some sort of a prop or they actually put it inside the train station. You can still see the interior in the background

Why the f would you have another halloween stage?


I think like the other Is supposed to be some sort of joke/farce, so i definitely go with the moon being intentionally a fake scenography piece

Too sell It
But i agree they could have used theyr efforts for something more useful stage wise, with better $$$ return too


Halloween is the best holiday

Because quite honestly the current Halloween stage is ugly, I hate the lighting on it and SFV’s artstyle just makes everybody look like PS2 era 240p models

SF3 style Cody theme. Kind of reminds me of Alex’s NG stage.


Tbh i’m ok with the first halloween stage, Necro/,Effie cameo in particular made It worth of exist

But a 2nd one?

Stages for Ken/Urien/Menat etc etc pls

Speaking of not particular needed stuff, i’m the only to think we will get a Tokyo 2020 Olympics games pack?

There was a site that had a lot of stuff from the Secret Files scanned and translated, sucks that the website is gone but some of those scanlations are still around. I’ve already posted practically all SF stuff from there in these and threads and prior ones.


All the music from that period had a similar vibe to then. Check out the music for battle circuit, breath of fire etc. You can tell its capcom just by hearing a few seconds

Still on vacation.

Most recent topics were things that were discussed more than thrice in thread. Yet that’s how it is recurring topics which is better, than nothing.

I wished i had the same excitement like I used to when Capcom is revealing stuff even CFN profiles was really something that excite me more than non-cameo/guest costumes and nostalgic costumes. I just hope Capcom would produce those compiled in a book.

About the recent Capcom announcement, they should have gone a lot Darkstalker costumes instead. The costumes weren’t bad but more DS costumes would had been better for a street fighter halloween event.

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too :smiley:

Speaking of Zangief photo their

I wouldn’t mind this character to appear than any neo shadaloo other than the knife guy.

I prefer background characters like Delta Red having spotlight in there relevant era in thè game.

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New costume.


A new costume that should have been an easter egg code.