The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tbh i did’nt seen any “Ryu fan” defending his right to be the ASF hero… it actually came quite unexpected

I think every “Ryu fan” simply expected since CGI trailer Necalli to be actual Final Boss material (or same level) and that to be the Ryu-fight in this chapter of SF

Ryu is my favourite SF character, and i joyfully embrace the Universe’s truth and law that he must be the ultimate SF hero…

…but, as said 99 times will have preferred another Story ending where Ryu is’nt fighting Bison, and Guile+Chun Li had important role in Bison’s death (even if neither should have been the hand that kill Bison, both too weak):

Nash+Chun+Guile take on Bison 3v1, Nash is the one doing better of the trio but they’re losing anyway, knocking them down left and right (a la SF2tAM) laughing at theyr face
Nash ask Chun/Guile to buy him time to charge up (as he does with Guile and Abel scene), Chun and Guile start tag team engage Bison and do a simultaneus Kikosho+Sonic Hurricane that stun slow down him a bit, finally creating the opening for Nash to dash in charged of energy and does same kamikaze explosion of ASF… but ulnike ASF it successfully destroying Bison

Nash- Hero Nash kill Bison writing “end” over Shadaloo, sacrified his life for a meaning
Guile- Helped kill Bison, had last (successful) mission with his friend
Chun- Helped kill Bison, avenged the death of her father
M.Bison- Had epic badass 1v3 final fight where after taking a double CA, it still took the kamikaze sacrifice of the best of the trio to be destroyed

Compare it to what they got in ASF lol


Thank you very much!

Nah, ASF sucks because they hamfistedly tried to include everybody. Let people have fun side stories that have fuck all to do with the main plot. Tekken does this to great effect. Dont really need Mika trying to fight Shadaloo for inexplicable reasons that make no sense.


Alright, real talk - since we’re still on the topic of Karin, whom would y’all put in the lead for the World Warriors instead?

It can’t be Cammy because she’s mostly been a squad member but not a squad leader
It can’t be Chun because the closest to a “leadership” she’s shown is being a mother figure
It can’t be Mika or Zangief because what do they know lol
It can’t be Ryu because good luck ever finding this damn hobo when you need him (he doesn’t have a phone or anything so can’t even call him in case of an emergency)
It obviously can’t be Laura because… well I mean that bimbo is only good for showing her tits and ass all the time

So that leaves us with following options

  • Guile. He’s a military man so he’s well versed in order, discipline and following commands
  • Ibuki. She’s in charge of a ninja clan which is a massive task already, surely commanding a smaller group of like 8 fighters should be easy
  • Ken. He’s a CEO of a multibillion dollar corporation so he has experience with being a leader to a large group of people, even if fighting Shadaloo isn’t quite the same as fighting the market
  • Cody. He’s a Mayor and inherited his title from Haggar of all people, the job is kind of important, even if he might be needed in Metro City during a crisis such as the one occuring in the story mode

I’m open to suggestions in form of basically every other hero character

Guile. It’s the obvious choice.

It also lets Guile step back and not try to punch Bison in the face himself all on his own (which got Charlie killed) and instead work with others and utilize everyone’s strength to take down his foe.


Gonna cosign Guile too. Think it was Guile leading the operation to take down Shadaloo (not necessarily Bison personally, but the organization) then you could’ve freed some stuff up to make more sense. Think Guile talking to Chun (who is interpol) about finding specialized people to help with the mission would’ve made more sense.

Then you could’ve had Chun reach out to Karin because of her resources, and things unfold in a much more natural way. If Bison really does want Ryu’s body (no wonder Daemos loves this, it sounds gay as all hell), then you have Ken, Sim, and a couple of other characters get dragged along that way.

Those characters get dragged, they’re likely to call Chun and people are working together for more organic reasons other than “LOLOL THIS IS KARIN…BANANAFONE.”

Story mode still sucks though.


I hadn’t even thought of Ken leading everyone until now. That would actually make a lot of sense because he not only has the usual financial stake in this just like Karin, but he would also know that the first thing super-Bison would do is capture Ryu, and he maintains just enough distance to satisfy the argument that Guile/Chun/Cammy have too much emotional baggage here. And wasn’t he fighting Bison with Chun/Cammy in the original intro? That would have been absolutely genius.

In addition to Guile, you’re all short selling guru Dhalsim here. He’d be able to advise everyone with old man wisdom, can be wherever he’s needed in moments, and was also powerful enough to tank SNH Ryu AFTER fighting off Necalli. He doesn’t even need to confront Bison, but he’d be the Charles Xavier to the whole operation.


It’s actually more like having a trial with 3 Judges, which is a real thing. It’s a type of Judicial Panel.

But, combat is no place to have 3 separate commanders.

Tekken 7’s story mode left out, like, 3 quarters of the roster…and is half told by a nobody doing narration…

Absolutely fuck Tekken’s story mode.

No it doesn’t. The person that gives the orders doesn’t have to be a playable character.

Byron Taylor or Keith Wolfman.


Did you just seriously recommend Ibuki the manhunter to be a leader after ruling out Chun-Li? And put him right after Guile, even. Just a reminder, the 3S characters are the “new generation” and none of them deserve to be involved in a plot continuing for a decade. Same goes for Mika and Karin. Imagine Ibuki leading the team… OMG. I can’t believe you just suggested that. The best thing she can do is TAKE orders from Rolento and definitely not give them.

Also, chunli6 I see a true leader here.


Alpha 3 says “chello~!” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

By the way, what’s up with this random cake by my name?? What I done did??

When you move your pointer over the cheesecake, it says it’s the anniversary of your joining SRK.


I’m on my cell, so I can’t see that (yet). Thanks for letting me know!

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  • He’s an US army official, promoted to Air Force Major
  • He have special ops experience
  • He have battlefield experience
  • He knows Shadaloo damn well
  • Most of chars know/respect him by a long time

As said just as Karin got V story make big deal about how anime rich gurl somehow became respected leader out of nowhere, they could have done an immensely smaller jump and do it for Guile.

He could have been like Delta Red’s Keith Wolfman leading the SFers
Karin should just have been a economic/tech support, compensating Guile’s US army not being involved for whatever reason

Again, the new design will have also supported well a new more commanding role
image to image


I didn’t “recommend” Ibuki, I said she’s one of the few characters in the lore remaining after scratching out those that don’t exactly have canonical leadership skills, and as of SFV - she does. I am not suggesting she’s perfect for the role, nor am I suggesting she’s the only pick available. And yes I am putting her above Chun-Li because Chun is driven by emotions which almost got her ass killed during one of the early chapters

I will concede, however, that I was on the ropes of putting her as one of the options since she was hired by Karin, so technically Ibuki might not even have much of a personal stake in the story mode’s conflict (and same can be said for a lot of heroes)

This. Karin could’ve easily still been involved in the story directly (and Bison fucked over her satellite or whatever so she has a personal interest in kicking Shadaloo’s ass), and instead of being the squad leader - she should have providede the World Warriors with methods of communication and transportation, such as the helicopter that was used to begin the assault on Shadaloo’s base in the final chapter

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Eh, then I put Rolento there.

Rolento’s a villain tho


Rolento is a mercenary. Hiring his army privately would’ve been hype AF and then we would’ve had Rolento in SF5…with wack SF5 gameplay.


That story sucks. Don’t add Rolento.


I mean, if they write Chun Li as an incompetent fucktard then of course she’s unfit, the point is they shouldn’t. The whole point of her prologue story is how she got over her emotions, but her character is clearly too much for Capcom’s writers people in charge of writing to handle so they need to constantly dumb her down to their level.


I literally dreamed I saw a Rolento trailer back in the day. Talk about a nightmare…