The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

TEPPEN Ibuki story: In which Ibuki sexually harasses Dante’s devil trigger form and is disappointed to find out that robots of the future have yet to be built with dicks.


Ibuki continues to be a hoe even in non canonical material? color me surprised

I must know if there’s any Q or G material in Teppen sweating

No there isn’t any G/Q stuff there IIRC, you can stop sweating now.


So I’ve been going through my post history on reddit and look what I came across:

I don’t want to say I called it but… I called it


Well done… Except that last bit about Shadaloo…


Does anyone here know a good/pro Street Fighter artist who does commission work?

You can try contact Kandoken, he’s great

Maybe only western i will trust to do SF official art, mostly because he mastered lot of Kinu’s tricks + some other capcom artists influences


I think it depends on the kind of art you want too.

Either, a concept of a non-existing character l, fanart of an existing character or fanart of a setting which had several characters involve.

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I second that Kandoken recommendation



He definitely has a talent for Kinu-esque art style, though I did not like the Bison he did for Udon.

Kadoken is good and one best especially for shoto and kinu like stuff if that is what you need.


As you can see i have great esteem and respect for Kandoken, and i HATED these Udon pieces

Seem like they asked him to do it Artgerm style, wich is not something i want see Kandoken’s talent wasted on (mostly because i don’t like Artgerm style even when it’s made by Artgerm himself lol)

Kandoken is a guy that can change greatly his stylization, so don’t let a artgermesque piece change your mind

Here’s just a sketch he did on Bison, but as you can see, it’s already 99times better style wise

now imagine if he worked on that one to the extent of his most refined pieces

My god, the Udon comic art were shit. That sketch is infinitely better though, he could the man I am looking for then…

I’ll tell you guys what comes of this when it happens…

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I didn’t make it far in my pool. Got eliminated by an Akuma and a Bison. Time to get some casuals in.


Ed, Menat and Zeku’s where included in the Vital Box II released last year.

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Kasai is a good choice. He uses different styles and painting techniques


@Daemos I did an SF3 version of our Best Girl. I modified the SFV version. Not sure how good this is. Used the SRK SF3:S wiki as a base for the format.

Gouka - SF3


Name: Gouka

Nickname: Hado of The Five Elements (Godai No Hado)

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 5ft 9in(1.75m)

Weight: 161 lbs. (73kg)

B/W/H: 36-24-37 (91cm-61cm-94cm)

Hometown: Unknown, Japan

Appearance: Gouka has light brown eyes. She has a golden headband tied around her forehead. Gouka has long knee length straight black hair that is styled in a high ponytail. The ponytail his held in place hollowed out prayer bead that has the kanji symbol for “equilibrium” carved into it.She wears a brown sleevless gi that is tied at the waist with golden twine rope. Gouka has on brown hakama pants. She wears prayer beads around the wrist of each of her hands. The prayer beads around her left wrist feature the “ten”

symbol on one of the beads. The ones on the right wrist feature the “mu” symbol on one of the beads. Gouka has sandals on her feet.

Likes: Meditation, Training With Her Father, Forging Her Own Path

Dislikes: Her Uncle, Dishonor, Absolutes

Fighting Style: Kinkou Ansatsuken (Balanced Ansatsuken)

Tone: Gouka is a calm and focused woman. Her fury was tempered by her father’s calming presence. She forges a new path in a quest to surpass him.

Origins: Gouka is the daughter of Gouken and granddaughter of Goutetsu. While he trained with Goutetsu and his brother Gouki, Gouken became involved with and fell in love with Goutetsu’s daughter Kouhana. After Goutetsu’s death at the hands of Gouki. Kouhana began to sour on the martial arts. Ansatsuken had brought them all together. Gouken and Gouki were like sons to Goutetsu. Yet the lure of Satsui No Hado proved more valuable than family to Gouki. Gouken’s purely defensive style of Ansatsuken set her mind at ease for a time. She’s even practice would Gouken at times. As tt brought back memories of her father. That all ended one day. Gouki returned to challenge Gouken just as had with her father. While Gouken defeated his brother and showed him the mercy he did not show Goutetsu, Kouhana had enough. When Gouken went off to town to get supplies for the week, she packed up her things and left. Leaving behind long letter explaining why she could no longer endure this life. How she feared she’d come home one day and find Gouki standing over Gouken’s lifeless body. It was a few months later that she discovered she was pregnant. She thought of returning to Gouken. She would not put their child through the dread she feared.

Gouka grew up without her father in her life. She would ask about him. A look of sadness would come over Kouhana’s face and she would tell Gouka what a good man her father is. Kouhana would explain that he couldn’t know where they were because it wasn’t safe. That her uncle was a danger to them. Soon Gouka stopped asking about her father. She’d go through her mother’s things while was away. Eventually she found photos of her grandfather, father, and uncle. She also found several manuals describing various martial arts techniques. When her mother would go into to town, Gouka would practice the techniques from manuals she found. Training made her feel closer to her father.

Gouka had a natural talent for the martial arts. She managed to hide her secret training sessions from her mother for years. By the time she was 12, she had started training with the kids from the local martial arts school. Gouka would be able to put into practice what she’d be studying. While her mother thought she was playing with friends, she was teaching herself to fight in the style of her father and grandfather. Unbeknownst to Gouka, her mother had figured out what she was doing some time ago. She tried to turn a blind eye to it. Hoping it was a phase that would go away. With each passing year, it became harder and harder for Kouhana to hide from the truth.

Gouka had become quite the fighter by her 17th birthday. One day a mugger snatched away one of her mother’s grocery bags. Before Kouhana could intervene, Gouka charged after him. She took him down with ease, returning to her mother with the bag and a huge grin on her face. Kouhana was stunned. She could no longer deny what was right in front her. Gouka was every bit her father’s daughter. She swallowed her pride. Kouhana told Gouka to gather her things. “It is time you met you father.” While Gouka was ecstatic, barely able to contain her excitement, Kouhana was filled with dread. “What will I tell Gouken” she thought to herself. Soon she would be filled with dread for another reason.

As the mother and daughter neared Gouken’s dojo, Kouhana caught sight of something at the nearby waterfall. She dropped her bag and fell to her knees. Gouka went to see what was wrong with her mother. Her mother’s eyes were locked on to something in the distance. Gouka turned to see to warriors in combat. Without thinking, Gouka charged off towards the waterfall. As she neared the fighters she heard “Shun Goku Satsu!”, Gouka was blinded by a brief flash. She saw one of the fighters falling into the waterfall below. “MASTER GOUKEN!!” she heard to voices ring out in near unison. Two young fighters one in a white gi and the other in a red gi charged towards the victorious fighter. At that moment, she realized who had fallen into the waters below. She jumped into the water, pulling the bloody, and wounded fighter to the nearby riverbank. Her teary-eyed mother was already there. “Gouken…” she cried out dejectedly. Kouhana placed her hand on the bloody warriors chest. “He’s still alive! Hurry Gouka we must get him out of her before your uncle sees him.” The two women hurriedly fled the area.

Gouka and Kouhana would bring her father to their home. They nursed him back to health. Kouhana rarely leaving Gouken’s bed side. Gouka on the other hand did nothing but train. Everything her mother said about her uncle was true. If her uncle came for her father again, she would be ready. Gouken awoke after a few days. His defense against the Shun Goku Satsu was not as effective as he hoped. He was surprised to see his wife and a near grown daughter at his bed side. Gouken’s mastery of Mu still needed work. He would perfect his technique with his daughter training beside him.

Her Rival: Akuma

Stamina: 1080

Stun Bar Length: 72

Stun Bar Recovery: 22F

Forward Dash/Distance: 13F/1.5

Back Dash/Distance: 13F/1.5

Normal Wake Up: 63F

Quick Stand: 42F

Taunt: Increases Gouka’s stamina rating by 40. Maximum bonus of 160.

Throw Range: 24


Sangaku Jishin (Mountain Quake) - LP+LK: Gouka hits her opponent with a right open palm punch to the gut, followed by a left hand chop to the lower back

Ishi Nadare (Stone Avalanche) - B+LP+LK+motion: She tosses her opponent high into the air and strikes them with a powerful open palm strike as they fall towards the ground

Unique Attacks:

Harae (Purification) – D+MP (In Air): Gouka hits her foes with an downward chop for the apex of her jump. Attacks halts her forward momentum and travels directly downward.

Seichu Nidan Tsuki (Middle Two Stage Thrust) - F+ FP: She strikes her opponent with a two hit elbow strike (Ryu’s SFA3 elbow strike)

Tenshi Hakyaku (Angel Blade Kick)- D+ MK (In Air): Gouka executes a steep angle (70°) diving kick from the apex of her forward jump.

Shinkai Geri (Deep Sea Kick) – DF+MK: Gouka performs an upward crouching kick attack. Forces crouching opponents to stand. Despite appearances, this attack is not a good anti air option.

Senpu Kyaku (Whirlwind Leg) – F+ HK (overhead): Gouka hops forward striking with a one hit whirlwind kick. 70 Damage/100 Stun, 22F Startup -6 on block.


Shomei Go Hadoken (Lightning Strong Surge Fist) - QCF + P: Gouka pulls back her right arm, focuses a sparking chi in her palm, and hurls a one handed horizontal projectile at her foe. Damage, startup, and recovery are the same for LP,MP, HP versions. 46 Total Frames 55 Damage/7 Stun. Button strength only alters the speed of the projectile. EX 44 Total Frames 90 Damage/10 Stun, hits twice, and knocks down.

Shakunetsu Goshoken (Scorching Heat Strong Piercing Fist) - F,D,DF + P: Gouka twists her torso back 180 °, and explodes forward with a left charging palm strike that engulfs her opponent flames. Distance traveled is determined by the strength of the punch button. LP (9F Startup 90 Damage/8 Stun, Point blank, Projectile Invincible Frame 1), MP(19F Startup 120 Damage/10 Stun, ½ Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F), HP (25F Startup 140 Damage/1 2Stun, ¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F). EX(16F Startup 160 Damage/15 Stun, Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Causes a Hard Knockdown)

Zanku Go Hadoken (Slashing Air Great Surge Fist)- QCF + P: (In Air) Gouka twists her torso back 180 ° and twist forward hurling a one handed wind based projectile from any jump. The punch button determines the angle of the projectile. LP, MP, HP versions have 10F Startup and 12F Landing Recovery 45 Damage/5 Stun. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). EX 7F Startup/7F Landing Recovery 60 Damage/8 Stun(LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle, 2 hits, causes a juggle state)

Tsumetai Go Hadoken (Freezing Great Surge Fist)-QCB+ P: Gouka pulls back both of her hands to generate an ice cold blast of ki. The punch button determines the speed, startup, and damage of the projectile. LP(15F Startup 52 Total Frames, 70 Damage/8 Stun, Slowest Speed) MP(18F Startup 58 Total Frames, 80 Damage/10 Stun, 2 Hits, Faster Speed), HP(21F Startup 64 Total Frames, 90 Damage/12 Stun, Fastest Speed, Causes Juggle Corner Only) EX(15F Startup 64 Total Frames, 110 Damage/14 Stun, Fastest Speed, Causes Juggle State )

Kyoushin Jiraiken - F,D,DF + K: (Massive Earthquake Landmine Fist) Gouka jumps into air and slams her fist into the ground at high velocity. The impact of the attack creates a shock wave a short distance front and behind her. LK (16F Startup 20F Recovery, 110 Damage/9 Stun) MK(18F Startup 18F Recovery, 130 Damage/10 Stun) HK(25F Startup 12F Recovery, 150 Damage/12 Stun)EX (21F Startup, 20F Recovery, 170 Damage/14 Stun, Overhead)

Fubuki Gorasen (Blizzard Great Spiral)- F,D,DF+ K: (Anti Air) Gouka executes a powerful rising whirlwind kick that chills her foe to the bone. The initial kick “locks” her opponent into the attack to keep them from dropping out. No start up invincibility, fast recovery, high damage, doesn’t hit crouching opponents, not crush counterable. LK (3F Startup -25F On Block, 135 Damage/10 Stun, 3hits) MK (4F Startup -26 On Block, 160 Damage/10 Stun, 4hits) HK (5F Startup -27 On Block, 185 Damage/14 Stun, 5hits), EX (Full Startup Invincibility 5F Startup, -30 On Block, 210 Damage/15 Stun, 8hits, Hits Crouching Opponents)

Kuchu Gorai Senpukyaku (Aerial Booming Thunder Whirlwind Leg) -QCB +K: (In Air) Gouka executes an electric charged horizontally traveling whirlwind kick. LK,MK, and HK versions 8F Startup 14F Landing Recovery 170 Damage/12 Stun. Kick button pressed determines how far opponent is knocked away. All versions cause a limited juggle state. LK (Close) MK (Farther), HK (Farthest) EX (6F Startup 12F Landing Recovery 190 Damage/15 Stun, Causes Juggle State)

Super Art 1:

Fujin Tatsumaki Gorasen (Wind God Tornado Great Spiral) – QCFx2+K: (Anti Air) Gouka strikes her foe with a high roundhouse kick to the head and rises into the air spinning at such a speed that she generates a tornado of ki energy .While she rises, her opponent is struck by a rapid barrage of kicks that ends with a powerful spinning back kick that sends them hurtling away from her.

  • Damage: 375

  • Stun: 16

  • Bar Length: 104

  • Stock: 2

  • EX: 5. uses

Fujin Go Senpu (Wind God Great Whirlwind)-QCFx2 +K: (In Air) From any jump, Gouka begins to spin at blinding speed rising rapidly as she creates a small vacuum effect. As her foe is pulled towards her, they are struck by a rapid barrage of kicks that ends with a powerful spinning back kick that sends them hurtling away from her.

  • Damage: 360

  • Stun: 12

  • Bar Length: 104

  • Stock: 2

  • EX: 5 uses

Super Art 2:

Kagutsuchi Go Hado (Fire God Great Surge) – QCFx2+P: Gouka stomps the ground with her back foot and slowly outstretches her arms summoning forth white hot flames of ki in each of her fists. She pulls back her arms combining the two white flames into a powerful sphere of ki that she unleashes as massive Hadoken. On hit her opponent bursts into white hot flames and is sent hurtling away.

  • Damage: 315

  • Stun: 16

  • Bar Length: 104

  • Stock: 2

  • EX: 5.5 uses

Sujin Kouu Hado (Water God Rainfall Surge) – QCFx2+P: (In Air) From any jump Gouka channels the power of water into shower of aerial ocean blue colored projectiles. The descent angle of the barrage is determined by the punch button pressed. On the hit of the first projectile her opponent is pulled into the air to absorb the brunt of the remaining bombardment of projectiles before the final blast sends them crashing into the ground. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle).

  • Damage: 300

  • Stun: 14

  • Bar Length: 104

  • Stock: 2

  • EX: 5.5 uses

Super Art 3:

Rajin Go Shoryu (Thunder God Great Rising Dragon)-QCBx2 + P : Gouka stomps the ground with her back foot and charges her fist with great electric energy. She then hits her opponent with right handed uppercut to the abdomen that creates a shock wave upon impact while electrifying them. Gouka follows up with an two hit electric changed left handed shoryuken that strikes he foe in the sternum before finding it’s mark on their chin. As Gouka and her foe fly into the air, she sails past them and slams her fist into their head from above, driving her fist and their head into the ground at high velocity. As they make impact with the ground a large bolt of lighting strikes her fist electrifying her opponent one last time. If this Critical Art finishes the opponent, they are planted into the ground, head first.

  • Damage: 420

  • Stun: 20

  • Bar Length: 104

  • Stock: 2

  • EX: 5 uses

Hidden Super Art:

Shinsai Sokaigen (Earthquake Disaster Twin Crushing Raise) - D,D,D+PPP: Gouka raises her left arm overhead and slams her fist into the ground with a vicious overhead strike that creates a powerful shockwave that sends her opponent sailing high into the air. She flies into the air with a shoryuken at blinding speed, Her fist strikes her prone foe in the abdomen with such force that it creates another shockwave upon impact. Gouka lands and her foe crashes into the ground moments later.

  • Damage: 560

  • Stun: 24

  • Bar Length: 104

  • Stock: 1 (Requires 2 stocks from any Super Art)

EX: 5 uses

Reasons to be in SFIII:

Gouka thought she had defeated her uncle. As she prepared to land the final blow, Gouki (Akuma) rose to his feet. He stomped the ground and his visage seemed to be a shadow as the purple aura of Satsui No Hado surrounded him. “Unexpected, but welcomed. Abandon Mu No Hado, truly master Satsui No Hado girl. Then I shall find you and send to see your grandfather in the afterlife.” Akuma smiled as he faded from view. Gouka clinched her fist and walked off into the mountains of you Japan. She would train, perfect her Kinkou (Balanced) Ansatsuken, and surpass her uncles power. She would do what her father was able but unwilling to do. She will defeat her uncle, send him to the afterlife, and ,in her view, restore her family’s honor. After mastering a new and more powerful technique, the Shinsai Sokaigen, Gouka is confident that she now possesses the strength to finally put an end to her uncle Gouki (Akuma.)


Kouhana means “little flower”, Gouka means “powerful flower”

Kouhana knows the basics of Gouken’s ansatsuken style but none of the advanced techniques

Kouhana is only 5’4” (1.63m) tall. Gouka has been taller than her mother since she was 11 years old.

Gouka is self taught until she was 17. Teaching herself the unrefined Satsui No Hado based versions of the Hadoken, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki Zankukyaku from Gotetsu’s old manuals.

All of Gouka’s special attacks have an elemental property (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lightning etc.)

She is 17 years old when Ryu defeats Sagat. Making her six years his junior and three years older than Sakura.

She is born the year before Gouken takes in Ryu

During the events of SFA through SFIV, she trains with Gouken.

While she heard of them previously, she didn’t meet them until the events of SFV


Thats very great stuff and they are all in-action

yo that Laura