The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread



Overall i agree with you, but more than “achievements” perspective i ever seen It more as Psycho Power being something invasive that become the only obsession consuming any other desire

He reached the point where he just wanted more Psycho Power with the only ultimate goal of obtain more Psycho Power… his SFV plan is all about that

Just as Akuma’s obsession

Different (in some case opposite) powers, methods, phylosophies… but ultimately they both want to reach the highest end of the Power they worship

That totally sounds like some Bruce Wayne = Bruno Díaz level of shit. :smile:

Btw, here in Spain the M in M. Bison always stood for Mister unofficially. Every player would refer to him as “Mister Bee-son”. (<- the average Spaniard in the nineties had no idea how an i was supposed to sound; I mean, we still pronounce espeeder-man even in official media nowadays, though mostly because of momentum from his name being popularized that way long ago)


Yes, I was gonna say the espeeder-man thing LOL :rofl:

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I think the main thing I love about Bison is that on top of being quite powerful, he’s a professional roaster. He’s all about wanting to acquire power and all, but the dude is so hilariously disrespectful with no fukks given. Diabolical and funny at the same time.

That’s another reason why I’m a huge fan of Rugal Bernstein. He not only wants to embarrass you in combat, but wants to turn you into a fuckin statue for fun. His bio outright states that he loves his “Evil Heart”. Dude enjoys being evil for the hell of it.


You gotta respect that, honestly


The best type of villains. People these days think this is too cartoony, but it really isn’t. Some people love the work they do and savor every minute of it.


What’s everyone issue with Bison as a villain?

I mean personality and character design not the role in every game.

In what way you want to change Bison?

Bison himself doesn’t need to change, he’s just going to get stale (for people not named Daemos) if he just comes back in VI as the main villain again.

Don’t remove him per say, I think SF4 did a good enough job keeping him out of the spotlight but present nonetheless.


And you also call the Kamehameha “onda vital”, right? :wink:

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I can confirm here too lol
We were too young/ignorant to know in english it will have been “Mr.” and not “M.” :smiley:

I don’t think it’s still used in modern dubs, but I totally do, myself. :stuck_out_tongue:
I also refer to the 236 motion as onda, since that’s how the hadouken was called back in the day.

PD: [spoiler]Jungla de Cristal is a rocking title and you know it[/spoiler]

UFS card game has some cool capcom art


Some of the art vibe like modern malibu comics like bulleta there but not bad.

forgot one


Bishamon’s katana bears the engraving 毘沙門天 Bishamonten. Interestingly, Bishamon (the final “ten” is optional) is the Japanese name of वैश्रवण Vaiśravaṇa, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings. Basically, Bishamon is the Lord Vega/Master Bison of Darkstalkers in a way…


Gotta add in that we recently did a viewing of Street Fighter II The Animated Movie and Street Fighter II The Movie.

The former is still one of the best anime movies ever produced and EASILY the best game adaptation ever…and the latter is AMAZINGLY watchable and fun with a stellar, hilarious performance by Raul Julia (one of my all time favorites). As long as the movie is viewed as a fun, camp film it is goddamn amazing


Always saw him as an Akuma-figure, and that he would make a great Akuma cross-over costume.

Bison to me always struck me as a Demitri visually, and as Pyron more recently. Especially with the whole flaming body.

Well, of course Bishamon IS the (not complete, but still) equivalent of Akuma in a Darkstalkers environment, while Bison “is” Pyron. What I found interesting is the name, because Capcom chose to call the Four Kings of Street Fighter like the Four Heavenly Kings - the name is the same in Japanese, 四天王 Shitennō.
Bison has obviously nothing of Bishamon… except the obsession for something.

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You just made me remember they picked Ed for Demitri costume :frowning_face: