The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Except his SF5 Body, which was both classic and fit for maximum power.

Arent Rose and Bison siblings or am I misremembering that?

You’re definitely misremembering.




Obviously Bison is building himself a Super Saiyan body

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That’s Ryu and Ken. Or… Guy and Cody?

Now seriously, Vega/Bison and Rose have the same soul. AND they are master (Vega) and pupil (Rose).

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Depending on which story you believe until Capcom clarifies it beyond a doubt.

I think SFV Bison body was being consumed too, see the white hairs or the alt where he’s further more deteriorated
Just like Akuma, negative ki (PP or SnH )damage the host, just as a positive one benefit life

Was powerful but not destined to last, even in an hypothetic ASF “win” scenario

For how i see it Bison was still searching an “healthy” way to live with PP, wich is why Ryu Is important for him

Akuma is much more powerful, yet Bison does’nt seem in take his body*
So Bison is’nt interessed on a body able to contain huge amount of negative ki (Akuma), because Akuma’s body is being corrupted too, but he’s interessed in a body (Ryu) able to contain still big negative ki for years without have any decay

Now he was interessed also in Ryu’s new Power, wich again it’s more about battle the negative ki inside himself rather than get more firepower

Two paths for future Bison imho are:

  • Ed, who may be a rare case of body who can live with PP without body corruption, just like Ryu with SnH.
    Imagine negative ki as a disease, and Ryu/Ed being “healthy carrier” of It
    For that Ed may be the solution Bison worked all these years on blond clones, Ed may be finally the correct dna

  • Another Classic Bison body, but during the SFV final “show me this new Power” fight, Bison understood the technique used by Ryu and developed something similar of his own, in order to block PP negative effects

*Assuming he will be able to, wich i doubt considering the amount of blowjobs Capcom keep give to Akuma

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Iirc they share the same soul, they just own respectively the 50% positive (Rose) and 50% negative (Bison) of It

Wich make me think before this split there was a third character who used to own the entire soul, maybe the Master of both Bison/Rose… Who maybe Bison killed

This makes sense but it does not align completely with the information presented to us in the game.

Bison needed Ryu’s body during the Alpha era.

In SF5, his interest in Ryu was different and this began in SF4 actually. He wanted to see the development of Ryu’s new power, and even expedite him reaching his potential (puppetering Seth, Necalli). Why? Because Bison wanted the fight of his life. Because he understood that that is ultimately the only way to become all powerful - fighting.

While Bison was doing that to Ryu, he was working on himself to prepare for this battle. The white hair IMO is not a sign of deterioration, but a sign of raising his power level.

I agree that Bison doesn’t take his bodies seriously anymore, and that comes with the territory of having lived several lives.

I also don’t buy into the idea that Akuma is MUCH more powerful than Bison like you say. It depends on which Bison and which Akuma you are talking about. By the end of SF5, Akuma is stronger than Bison by a hair, but I think pre-Nash fight Bison was stronger.

I think Bison at his peak potential washes the floor with peak potential Akuma, and what Akuma has in technique Bison more than makes up for in cunning and otherworldly powers. Power that is evil itself cannot defeat Bison who is Evil incarnate.

This is the likely scenario IMO. Bison goes back to the old drawing boards and returns with an unforeseen counter-play.

I will partially disagree and say the white hair is a sign of both deteriorating longevity AND an increase in power.

In Hokuto No Ken, perhaps the biggest manga inspiration for SF, there is a character that goes from black hair to white as part of a chi process and it’s Rei. Rei attempts to fight Raoh (one of the original primary inspirations for Bison himself) and is struck in a vital point that gives him a 3 day death sentence. Instead of just dying, he’s granted one more day of life by Toki who is able to open chi pathways in Rei’s body. Doing so returns vitality to Rei for that remaining day, but also turns his hair white from the shock to his system.

I suspect it’s much the same with Bison. Bison is amp’d in power during SF5 but I think he’s also the closest we’ve ever seen him to dying. Hair going shock white is rarely a good thing in manga and related media.


I agree, but Psycho Power has regenerative properties at peak or near peak levels. Bison was able to heal at an accelerated rate in SFA3 every time he entered the Psycho Drive. Juli in her ending was also regenerated.

FANG refers to Bison’s state post-Operation Chains as “invincible”. I don’t think that is an exaggeration, as we saw how Bison was able to instantly recover from Nash’s Illuminated suicide attack.

All this combined makes me inclined to think that the SF4/5 body was different, and was indeed able to withstand the full extent of Psycho Power. It might reduce the body’s life expectancy, but not its strength throughout said life.


Oh I don’t think it reduces his potency at all. Quite the opposite. The candle that burns twice as hot burns half as long


Better to live 1 year as a tiger than a 100 as a sheep! I’ll take it!


I hate Akuma and wish we got beyond It taking a slot games and games ago
I like Bison, imho best FG boss evah with Geese and maybe Cervantes

I think in capcom’s heads in SFV Akuma straight wrecks the fuck out anybody unless we get Oro
I disagree with It but still it’s the vibe i get from them, sadly Capcom have that boner for Akuma
They’re just going full Yujiro Hanma on him

Yeah, that was what i was saying (agree also with post After)
They built a “Classic Bison” even more capable of store Power than before, but the consequence It shortened even more the time the Shell last before break -> accellerated deterioration

Btw in HnK they used also on Toki the white hairs thing to symbolize shortened lifetime (in Toki’s case for radiations)

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I see It as roids in fight sports
Make you tank pain easier, recover from injuries faster, train and fight for longer… but i will not call It regenerative, it’s more like an extreme stimulation of body’s functions

The whole point of PP Is that It allow the body to work well beyond human body’s limits untill the body itself collapse

Difference between Bison and Akuma under that point of view Is that the latter seem to dedicate much much more focus on perfecting his body throught training to keep the body able to handle SnH (and even him it’s probably on deterioration)

I’ll take the hundred sheep years. I get more pizza that way.


The Dolls also “inherited” some of Vega/Bison’s Psycho Power. Fevrier, for instance, can throw Psycho Power bullets from her machine guns. Decapre can infuse her daggers with Psycho Power, and, as far as we know, with the exception of Decapre, the Dolls aren’t Vega’s clones.
I think it was @Midgardsorm who said that Ed’s storymode in japanese mentions (or hints) that he was raised in a lab, not created (born, like Abel and the Seths) in one. “A Visionary Book II” also mentions the same thing. The same for Ed’s April Fools story.

I don’t think that’s the case. Ed was trapped there. Dunno for what purposes.

Between Ed and Falke, Falke was the only one who was called clone:

Ed has been called vessel, spare body for Vega, but I don’t quite remember him being called a clone. Also, Falke’s story mode mentions that after years, she’s all grown up. This could also hint that she might have had a normal growth unlike Ed, who went from a skinny 10 year old to a 18 yr old in less than 2 years.

From Mike Bison/Balrog’s storymode, it seems that Ed hides himself even from FANG, who’s very suspicious of Ed’s abnormal growth spurt. It seems that no one in the base knows that Ed has Psycho Power. I don’t even think that he and Bison/Balrog stay on that Shadaloo base that much.
And about Vega/Bison… do you really think he cares about Ed, Falke, Abel, Seth or the other clones?
His main goal was Ryu’s body. If the human incubators can hold his soul/essence until he possess Ryu, fine, if they don’t serve that purpose, they can either be terminated or, if they escape, live a discreet life, like Abel and Cammy. Vega mentions that he was okay with letting Seth 15 with his own devices, until Seth decided to “betray” him and take over as Shadaloo and S.I.N. leader.

If memory serves me right, blomd hair and blue/green eyes are recessive genes.

Or he has blond, blue eyed genes on his original base genome, and that could be a easier, cheaper way to create new experimental body from scratch.

Which story I believe? There’s only one story, which is that they share the same soul AND that Vega was Rose’s master.
They never changed anything about it (like they did with Nash’s death) since SFZ3. Both SFV charts only mention them being master and pupil that have the same teachings. I highly doubt that they will revisit this part of Rose’s story (although I would love to) if she became a playable character in SFV. We would be very lucky if they explain what Vega took from her in SFIV (they totally forgot about Vega’s body in SFIV being unfinished, not being able to hold all Psycho Power. The same happened with both Chun-Li and Balrog/Vega’s data copied from S.I.N.).

That’s not what was presented to us in SFZ3.

Interesting to note that, in some Vega/Bison SFV profiles, Capcom keeps asking “why is his hair white” as if the answer was inside of the game story… which isn’t.