The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Never been in either places, i have to take your word on that :smile:

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Reading some of the posts makes me wish Necalli was better developed. A powerful ancient warrior that feasts on souls has way too much potential. The scariest thing he did was chase Rashid and Nash out of the base.


I still maintain that he should’ve eaten Dhalsim in the first act to at least raise the stakes and show that he’s for real.

Also, he completely should never have fought Balrog in the character stories.

Spaniard, actually. What’s the average Spaniard man like?

They nailed Necalli aesthetically and completely botched him otherwise. Before he launched, they implied that his savage nature hide a true genius. I figured that was display itself in his V-Trigger state but nope. He’s just a dumb grunt. There was so much they could have done with an ancient Aztec warrior. I had a few ideas on the matter.


Yeah his loss to Rog made no sense

I can see why Necalli got there, being attracted by Urien+Rog+Ed power, but really you can’t use him like that lol

Not only as narrative importance of the char, even just as Power scale level
Zangief put an one-side beating on Rog, see Rog win 1v1 vs Necalli was bizzarre…

Specially when ASF tried to sell us Nec as a treat for Zangief and a bunch of characters combined (implying he could have attacked them if chopter did’nt fly away in time)

If they really wanted to do It, i will have prefered

  • Rog fight but lose quickly and it’s in danger

  • Ed save him revealing his powers (he did anyway) but even combined, they managed only to slow him down, Necalli is going to defeat them 1v2

  • Urien have enough of all that shit interrupting his business and attack Necalli, who run away realizing he stand no chance vs Urien+Rog+Ed*

*Urien alone is supposed to be more powerful than Nec


Tbh i prefer him being like a force of nature, something made of aggression, hunger and predator instinct, attracted by fighters ki like a shark is by blood
He’s essentially the same kind of monster Garuda was in SFEX

I liked he incarnate all of that as it worked well as Ryu nemesis, as theyr fight had the meaning of Ryu having to surpass lowest SnH instincts/emotions

But one bizzarre thing is him being only a growling beast in ASF, when se seen he can speak in win quotes
He should have behaved like an evil primitive man, not like a dog lol


That sort of character would be fine, but it would be an utter waste of his Aztec aesthetic.

His already a force of nature to begin with as said on the cinematic movie like Dhalsim said. His like SNK’s Orochi like I usually compare hin but more as something to restore balance instead of reseting everything.

Sim is a beloved iconic character for his playstyle being very unique that even those characers trying to replace and replicate him in sf always fail to have his appeal in gameplan. I believe it was MVC2 Sentinel was may considered close to him in MVC environment but in an SF game still no one unlike grapplers, sonic booms, rushdown, shotos and etc.

Me I just wanted Sim to be defeated (not killed) by Bison in front of Ryu in cinemactic mode like I mentioned before in the early topics regarding this. Raising the stakes for Necali using sim as a sacrifice is not really worth it for gameplay purposes.

Necali and Kage should close in and be lock in to each other that since they are both either substitute Evil Ryu and both are narrative devices for Ryu growth. They are perfect for a eddy brock and sympiote relationship.

Tbh i prefer they gave his design a cultural background rather than him having none (or having Japan lol)

Not for the character, but for the game/cast as whole… The more i can connect SF chars to a precise area/culture of the world, the happier i am

Also It was’nt completely wasted, aside design itself the Aztec imagery works well on him:
Human sacrifices, brutal ancient warrior culture, the name of his moves… even his way of fight remind a jaguar wich may be a wink at atzec jaguar-warriors

Example i take Necalli over Seth any day, despite Seth being much better writed (aside the Akuma kick part lol)

From Hamuhukurou. I would link her Tumblr or Pixiv but it’s full of Giant Robo and Naruto art, the former of which is good for the likes of me but there’s some SF stuff seen from time to time. Her artstyle really reminds me of Kinu Nishimura at times. Especially with how the faces and lighting is done.


Other Capcom stuff from Hamuhukoru (try saying that really fast):


Great finds! One of my favorite things of visiting this thread is for the art related stuff that gets posted from time to time!


I like that Chun Li, definitely the best of the trio

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Yeah, she’s actually quite professional given that she does do front cover art for Shonen Jump Magazine, which is like one of the top manga magazines in Japan. She also has a quite a huge following in Japan.

I really wish I could link her stuff but it’s chock-full of Giant Robo/Tetsujin art that isn’t creepy hentai or Shotacon shit for once, I mean that’s always a good thing but you have to scroll down through so many images of the same characters just to get some good Capcom stuff. Maybe she’d draw Kelly V Q???

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Personally my fav SF fan artist is Kandoken, i think he’s the closest to the Kinu in a certain period (he openly studied/tributed her work)

He have an understanding of SF much greater than many people allowed by capcom to touch it

I absolutely Love this EastMonkey piece


I’m already fully aware of Kandoken, I’ve got some of his art saved on my phone reblogged on my Tumblr.

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Fantastic art by Kandoken, also that bottom one with Ryu and Ken fighting by that other artist.

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While at it, finished the reworks of Ryu v Ken and Shadaloo pieces

Click for RYU vs KEN

Click for SHADALOO

Started today a new one about SF4 newcomers vs SFV newcomers, but it’s really still at pure shit stage :smiley:
The concept is fun af, but the composition is being a nightmare lol


The SFV newcomers are definitely going to win that battle.