The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

SF5’s newcomers are the BEST SF newcomers since arguably Alpha 2 (and before any of you mention the SF3 cast, nobody liked them on release until it was cool to like them).


I completely disagree. I simply don’t like their concept or designs, for the most part.

Rashid - I’m ok with him (some weird things in the design, however), but he’s perhaps to central for SFV plot and that’s why I don’t think he should come back
Necalli - I actually like him but plotwise they have no idea of what to do with him
Laura - Meh design and too simple, lackluster gameplay
F.A.N.G. - Terrible personality, design, fighting style, lackluster gameplay
Zeku - Derivative concept (we already had Guy and Maki before)
Abigail - This guy’s terrible in every aspect and imaginable sense
Falke - Boring design, personality and gameplay
Ed - I’m more or less ok with him but he’s a bit overdone
Menat - She’s alright I guess, but IDK, her gameplay’s too complicated, not sure if she could adapt to other installments
G - Very ridiculous design and weird gameplay
Kage - he’s complete sh*t
Kolin - I’m alright with her, I guess, but her design seems to contradict SF3

That’s just for my taste, of course.

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Follow SFV’s principle, really. I think Capcom made the right decision by splitting the roster across 3 eras. The only thing I’d change is increase the starting amount of characters (e.g. Balrog and Sagat had to be DLC from SF2), and include the SF2, SF3, Alpha and 3D sections


Of these you mentioned, Zeku is the only great character design, would just remove the orange gloves (don’t care they link with the scarf)
Great rep for a ninjutsu char, i take him over Guy or Maki

Abigail was nice as idea of an Ultimate SF giant, who fight using only size, much more than Hugo (who was more Zangief huge wrestler as style)
But i dislike how cartoonish he end up
Overall i like him more as style, but Hugo was better chara design

Kage Is crap edgelord design for crap taste people. I think there 3D modellers took also liberty on horns and fangs, original bengus sketch was at least acceptable (as acceptable a crap concept like Kage can be)

Falke was weak and, as result, boring

So me neither like by default chars because are new, but i like them to ever try expand SF universe

As i said i like the cast (and so new chars too) to be on nationalities/martial arts, so essentially on SF2 pillars

Sf4 did It better imho
Juri, Hakan, Abel, Elf i liked them a lot as they were built in that way

Kolin did that and worked great

SFV Laura (Brazil/BJJ) will be a great example of they used Battle Alt (easily superior design) as standard as in some concept sketches

Fang (china/Kung fu) worked nice too

Rashid was nice and covered a giant nationality hole but i wish they worked better on his fighting style (parkour lol)

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Good thing he doesnt play like either of them.


EVERY single character derives something from some other preexisting character. Every single one of them. Originality is overrated.


There are different tiers on ‘derivativeness’:

  • Zeku is Guy’s master AND same fighting style (Bushinryu), even if the gameplay’s different.
  • Laura is Sean’s brother but at least not the same fighting style or gameplay.
  • Menat is Rose’s disciple but her fighting style and gameplay is nothing alike.
  • Rashid’s not related to any previous character and he has an original fighting style and gameplay.

I prefer the least derivative I can get.

With the exception of Goutetsu. Damn I want Goutetsu. But I still thing his gameplay should be really original (more or less like Gouken brought some innovations over the classic ‘shoto’ gameplay).


I think the only dud newcomer is Falke.
Necalli gets a lot of shit for being a letdown in the story, but he at least looks cool in action. Abigail is ugly, but that’s the entire point, and playing as him is fun as hell. Ed’s got a shitty design, but I find his story to be the most interesting, particularly the development it gives to Balrog.
I can’t think of anything nice to say about Falke except that she wears Ed’s design better. Other than that, she’s a giant bore, and I think the worst thing a Street Fighter newcomer can be is boring.


Would you like more level of customization in the next game? Maybe something akin to MK11 where you can select the moves for your character?

The Select Your Art/Trigger is kind of meh at this point, I think (and I hope Triggers won’t return).

Maybe a sort of Slash/Bust system like Samurai Shodown 2? Being able to pick between two versions of each character, each one with its outfit/skin and different moveset. I think I could like that.
You could also have ‘echo fighters’ that way (more precisely, Yun and Yang)?

The only genuinely lame SFV newcomers are Laura (literally a pair of tits with a bastardized version of Abel’s move list) and Falke (just boring), and Kage to an extent. The others at least hit all the notes they’re supposed to. I think SF4 was just Juri, then Viper/Gouken, everyone else, and finally Rufus/Fuerte. Story content probably helped the other newcomers A LOT, particularly Rashid and Ed.


Nothing gameplay related even if to and extent SFV already does that a bit with VT1/2… And hopefully soon alt CA or even VS too

Customization aesthetic i want my damn Color Edit in SFV

Would pass hours just doing my perfect set standard look for everybody lol, so many characters could be saved

Just add the option YES/NO to see or not the shit made by others to avoid troll ugly crap


Probably just mean that for you see the char as completely new/original hold a very different weight than me

To me as SF character designs they will rank almost opposite
Zeku > Laura* > Rashid >> Menat

*Battle Alt, i disabled standard one as soon i could

For me its: Kolin, G, Menat, Zeku, Rashid, Ed, FANG, Laura, Necalli, Abigail, Falke, Kage

Yes. The criteria of EVERYONE IS HERE!

Necalli - Stupid monster character.
Rashid - Great.
Laura - Great.
F.A.N.G. - Dumb design, cool concept and personality.
Kolin - Great.
Ed - Don’t like Neo-Shadaloo and WTF with those move inputs, but he’s cool otherwise.
Abigail - No reason this shouldn’t have been Hugo.
Menat - Crystal ball fighting is stupid. Should have gone with the Tahtib-user concept.
Zeku - Didn’t need another Bushinryu ninja.
Falke - Don’t like Neo-Shadaloo and she’s kinda bland.
G - Crap.
Kage - He’s Evil Ryu and Evil Ryu sucks.


SO MUCH THIS! Best part of SFxTK.


Speaking just about SF design/concept mine on ALL new goes like

Great: Kolin, Zeku, BattleLaura
Good: (BengusEd), G, Necalli, Rashid, Fang
Decent: Ed, Abigail
Meh: Menat, Falke
Crap: Kage


Oops forgot about Abigail. Will edit. Im basing it on everything, design, story, gameplay.

For that criteria to be achieved, the game would most likely have to receive a severe graphic downgrade D:

And I’d be okay with that :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve already explained, I’d like the next SF to be a very experimental SF game using really tiny Atari 2600 kind of sprites (or think on Street Fighter Alpha for Game Boy).

Just add all the remaining characters to Alpha 3 and call it Alpha 4.

That’s still too much detailed. Even Street Fighter 2 sprites are too much detailed, would require much job.

Atari 2600/SF1/Game Boy graphics, are managable.

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SF5 newcomers are pretty cool for the most part. But this game also has the largest amount of characters whose gameplay I dislike.

Legitimately impressed how Woshige put together I simultaneously enjoy playing at some level but absolutely hate for how shitty it is. Which is hilarious because I love all sorts of other crazy games. But this one is just some other shit.