The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I’m a chubby black guy, who can fake an English accent, where’s the beautiful, rich Japanese heiress that will rescue me from the commoner life?


You’re like Gandalf bro, you’re never late nor early :smiley:

Btw i got the perfect russian politician model for him lol :smiley:

We should just pretend he’s saying “Mother Russia need more Muscle!”

Me, I’ll be fine with the likes of Menat…esoteric, brown and petite.

His gigantic ass is living the good life.

Though I’m sure getting bodied hundred times on the daily has its cons.

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Go ahead, give me a real measure of what makes SFV more legit than Smash as a 1v1 fighter in 2019. Even that game has more variety and a better system than SFV.

You losers aren’t even the FGC anymore, you’re just a support group now.

You see what you have caused now @Pertho??

Anyway, sneakers ad

This artist looks interesting, Masakazu Katsura.


This guy has to be trolling.

But before we go further, lets work our way up from the basics @ES_Curse

  1. why do you think smash is a fighting game?

  2. How is the smash scene FGC?


Just wanted to post this image, no more reason other than I like it :+1:


Man you are really coming off like a petulant child. You state your opinion, don’t back it up, and attack people that don’t agree with you. That isn’t a good way to go through life man.


Frankly, they both are.

Neither you nor Curse have demonstrated any way, shape or form that smash is a fighting game.



Talk more about how Cammy needs an action game that centers around rescuing the rest of hte dolls that way that storyline is addressed outside of the SF mainline stuff.

Because A. This is the story thread, which this argument doesn’t belong in. And B. I don’t need to.


You also didn’t address Cammy getting an action game to resolve the doll storyline seperately and then have her do something else in SF stories.

You mean like a Death By Degrees-type thing? I didn’t address it cause I don’t really care about that I guess?

A wiki article? Seriously? Sakurai himself said Smash isn’t a fighting game.

Here’s another of him giving no fucks about its competitive scene and not giving it what they want

Of course, not having the developer on their side will matter little to that community but still damning.

Alright guys, gonna give you one more long ass post answering some death ender and es curse cuckery then let you be for a while.

Gonna agree with a lot of what Curse has said.

As someone that puts HUNDREDS of hours into fighting games (SF, Tekken and MK), SF5 just isn’t rewarding. The characters play super similarly, there isn’t much side content (like in Injustice and MK) and I do not really like the aesthetics.

I played SF4 FAR more than V even though I love V’s roster about 100x more…because the gameplay just isn’t that engaging. Oh and I am not even a fan of SF4. I’ve put 10x more time into SF2 and the Alpha series, which are my jams (I’m an admitted SF3 casual). SF2 and Alpha are the benchmarks. SF4 and 5 miss them both but 4 at least has more engaging gameplay AND a better look (by far) and a stronger roster (far stronger than 4, only slightly better than 5).

V also had a dog-shit launch and life-cycle. Just dog-shit. Launching story mode way way WAY after launch? Get the fuck outta here with that. Total joke.

MK9, 10, 11, Injustice 1 and 2, and every Tekken in the last decade have more content AT LAUNCH than SFV has RIGHT NOW.

Oh and they have more diversity in gameplay.

Are they perfect? Fuck no. Hell, I was LEGIT GOOD in Tekken 3 and TT2 and I am only mediocre at them now, but I don’t even get salty cuz those games are good. Meanwhile, I’m better at SF5 than I was at 4 and even better than I was at SFA (but I still am way better in SFII than any SF)…and I still have basically zero interest in picking it up.

And before we go with this super nonsense that SF players “stick with games”…

Oh please. I still go back and play SFII and SFA and KOF2002um frequently and probably more than most players play SFV that are treating it as their only fighter so no one better try this ‘09’ or ‘stick with it’ shit with me when I’m still playing OG games.

Maybe it’s just that games like Injustice->Injustice 2 and MK9->10->11 are actually PROGRESS and the games offer new things instead of stripping things out? Maybe they have momentum that gets people drawn into them because they have a shit ton of content? I dunno, just a guess.


I have no issue with what you posted. Even if I don’t agree with everything you said. The difference between you and @ES_Curse . Is that you are disagreeing like an adult. When you call people “losers” because they play a game you don’t, you cannot expect to be respected in the slightest. I personally have lost all respect for ES Curse. Pertho doesn’t like SFV. He doesn’t like cosplay. Yet I still respect him.


Hey now, I have valid objections and serious doubts about cosplay overall. People tried to nitpick certain sections of it to make me look bad, but those are people missing the big picture.


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Will also agree with you @Darc_Requiem that there’s no reason to hate on someone for liking SFV. Totally cool to like a game. I know I like games that other people don’t like at all and I also like games that I factually know have massive massive issues (God Hand for one) and SFV doesn’t even fall into that category from a pure gameplay standpoint. SFV’s massive issues are related to release and handling problems, nothing mechanical, as far as I’m concerned.

SFV is still fun, I just don’t find it engaging for aforementioned reasons but it’s reasonable for someone else to enjoy it. Hell, that’s how engaging in conversation about pro’s and con’s even becomes viable since that requires differing opinions.

I’m not about to put someone on blast for simply enjoying and playing SFV (or Smash, for that matter)…but I will gladly put the game on blast for the problems I can argue it has. It’s important to keep those things separate I think. :slight_smile: