The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t see the need to drop Effie. SF4, SFxT and SF5 has been promoting supplementary characters to playable status. She is the best possible partner for Necro. She has powers just like him so making her playable won’t be a stretch.


Alex definitely leans on pro wrestler. Especially with his win quotes against Mika and Birdie.


Chun/Viper is a buddy movie I’d totally watch. Same for some of the other teams.

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Alex is definitely a pro-wrestler, simply he Is in the japanese/early MMA days sense of the word where was’nt uncommon for pro-wrestlers (specially jap) to do also real fights MMA style

An example of Alex doing MMA match was the artwork of him standing over defeated Rog and wearing MMA shorts and PrideFC trademark blue gloves

But in general he’s a pro wrestler, Just in the capcom sense of the world (where also let’s Say, Slammasters ones are real fights)

In similar vibe Laura Is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter, who happen to fight in other competitions (like MMA) too
In fact the very first UFC 1 Champion has been Royce Gracie, who was a pure BJJ guy fighting in full BJJ gi
The Matsuda are essentially the Gracie of SF universe, Laura herself Is based on Kyra Gracie

I think Alex it’s closer to Haggar than Elf Is tbh (but i understand the mirror team thing)

I know this Is likely me wanting as general rule SF to add “Fighters” rather than lil anime girls with “powers”, but i ever wanted Effie to be support char for Necro (a la Nadeshiko), not a slot-eating char

I would LOVE this as an animated extra in some form. Sure they’d want to solve the case, but the fun would come from the bristley cooperation and potential hijinks. I love the idea of Chun getting to utilize some sass.

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I also prefer “fighters” over people who just have “powers”. But Necro is already one of those powers people. One of the worst offenders of that in fact. So that team is already ruined as far as I’m concerned.

And I hate the idea of support characters even more. The idea of characters that just have other characters jump in and help them in a series that’s generally about tournament fighting is really distasteful to me.

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Since Kage has been mentioned, If a game wasn’t a team and like the previous SF or anything Kage is the most reasonable than Evil Ryu anyway if Capcom need desperate to cater an edge lord shoto fans to those that were not satisfied with Akuma.

Kage is Evil Ryu that can’t play Ryu nor Akuma other than being SF4 Evil Ryu.

Evil Ryu haters will hate Kage, Clone character haters will hate Kage, Edgelord haters will hate Kage, People that want to play broken Ryu will also hate Kage but it is Kage that solves every issue of edgelord Ryu and probably would totally end it gameplay wise and canon wise.

And also you know it’s a Bad Design choice to incorporate EVIL or SNH Mode to the fundamental character known as Ryu in a game known as SF (not marvel) both gameplay wise and story wise. I’m not talking visual here.

Those people that want EVIL mode for Ryu again are just people that desperately wanted a Ryu buff in a way that is meh. It’s undeniable that Evil Ryu in SF4 is the best edgelord Ryu compare to any iteration so that’s why he shouldn’t return because of gameplay and diversity. He’ll make Ryu obsolette again.

Kage was the effort of Capcom to end the recuring literal Shoto clones of all Shoto Clones. Aka Classic Evil Ryu, the plain generic clone of clones and also the broken edge lord Ryu which is SF4 Evil Ryu.

I myself wanted Ryu as Ryu and no Evil Ryu incartion, no clone and diverse gameplay. And the way to make Ryu relevant while keeping those edge lords fans is having a SF4 Evil Ryu experience was Kage, because the previous Evil Ryu were just generic Ryu clones mostly.

Because it is undeniable that Evil Ryu is one of the most prominent character in SF4 that even people routed it so much to Daigo that they created a statue on it.

We all the best solution is to make a Evil Ryu alternate costume but Kage is the best of both worlds in Capcom part and those that are enamored by Evil Ryu in SF4.

If Capcom won’t do alt Evil Ryu alt costume for Ryu to hold edgelord Ryu fans at bay the next best solution is Kage rather than the all powerful SF4 Ryu or the so generic old literal clone Evil Ryu.

Ryu should detach already with SNH, Capcom should start promoting MU in Ryu. MvC3 had the best Ryu power up for having something relative to that.

@DarthEnder Except for the necessity of introducing yet another fucking doll in order not to leave T.Hawk without a partner, I think that’s the best version of teams I’ve seen yet. Sure, not all of them make sense, but I can see the logic behind most.

My big gripe with your pic, tho, is that you use 3rd Strike sprites for Ryu and Ken, but use Alpha for Akuma. Beyond my OCD, I think the shoto sprites in that series (Alpha) are hideous. I love every single other sprite from those games except those. They are too short and too wide and the faces look very childish. Am I the only one who feels like that?

Coming back to teams, though, I tried multiple times to make up my own pairing… but what I always try to keep in mind is also the gameplay factor. Two fighters should not only make sense storywise, but compliment themselves gameplay wise… and once you try to apply that, it all starts coming down…

Hmm… maybe I’ll give it another shot, since I now have you guys to share it with :thinking:

I’m okay with weapon based dependent, I do like Noembelu, Santamu, Jianyu and Xianyu.

Probably won’t play like clones other than being doll in canon but not a cammy clone. No to likes of Aprille, Enero, Mars, Fevier and Satsuki…

Give the weapon slot of using sword like or knife like to other SF characters than the dolls.

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Weapons in Street Fighter are ok in my book as long as we aren’t talking about anything lethal like swords, katanas, axes, that sort of stuff

So nunchakus, staffs, tonfas, and similar would be cool to see in the future


Eagle and Maki needs to return


Ok, I guess we’re talking teams now.

  • Ryu/Ken. Duh.
  • Chun could pair with quite a few people, but I think Cammy is overall the best just because it keeps 2 recognizable SF2 females together.
  • Zangief/Mika, no other way to go there
  • Guile will probably be paired with Abel going forward, given Nash is out
  • Dhalsim/Oro would be a fun team
  • I’d rather have Blanka with Sakura so we don’t waste slots on Dan or Karin
  • Claw/Boxer is a solid villain team that can work together without being buddy-buddy
  • I think Rose/Guy would be a great Alpha team
  • Alex/Sean is a solid SF3 team based around MMA
  • Viper/Juri is SF4
  • Ed/Rashid would be an interesting odd couple to rep SFV
  • Haggar/Cody would be team FF (with Guy being able to replace either)
  • Sodom/Rolento for team Mad Gear
  • Akuma and Bison are both solo characters that don’t use partners

You want only blunt weapons, wich i understand, but tbh that ship already gone as we got Vega, Cody and Decapre (and Sodom in the past) using edges

Now Decapre is something i want to see disappear forever, but Vega and Cody keep the door open for blades in SF

Btw i will favor blunt weapons too, but bare hands above that
Under that point of view i will welcome Fei Long to use Nunchaku as one of his VT

You know, that’s actually pretty funny to me. I, like many other people, don’t want to see actual lethal weapons represented in the series, and yet we have Vega here pushing the envelope of what’s acceptable and he has been here since forever. I wonder if it’s just because he’s a series veteran and changing something as iconic as his claw would be too drastic or if it’s because the claw strikes are played off somewhat cartoonishly thanks to the visual effects (since the only thing remotely close to blood are the rose petals in his supers/ultras)

Cody is also there with a knife but it’s more or less fine since it’s a throwback to Final Fight, and it’s little things like this that I like about Capcom games

Decapre has the benefit of having her blade being covered by the purple aura of psycho power, so again just like Vega the violence effect is downplayed

Sodom is basically a thing of the past now and all his recent appearances were as a background character with no weapons in hand, so he’s cool

These would be my Street Fighter tag teams.

Ibuki/Mika - I like their chemistry in SFV. Ideally I doubt they’ll be together unless they are in Karin’s payroll
Juri/Viper - I see this one being mutually beneficial. They both need something from the other.
Fuerte/T.hawk - they have a history with each other.
Eagle/Adon - basing this on the fact there is artwork of the two together. Eagle being a bouncer this could easily be a work for hire thing.
Fei Long/Dee Jay - both are in the entertainment industry so their hook up. Both of their careers are in a downward trajectory and need a boost. Give them a Rush Hour partnership.
Elena/Makoto - the contrasting personalities is why I like these two together. They can be the odd couple.

Those are the ones I can think of.

Tbh as long they are the exception and not the rule, i’m fine with it

Actually considering the tournament element is (sadly) gone, i can even welcome some chars to stand out in that kind of way

To me make more reasonable think weaker (as not top canon tiers) char manage to pose some kind of treat evening the odds, so i will not be offended by Necro getting help from Effie just as Mika get her ass saved by a flying Nadeshiko in times of need… and beyond that, as said i just don’t feel i want an entire slot/moveset on Effie, i’m good with her having just a gimmick power that can occasionally use in 2-3 ways to help Necro

Or as said many times i will also like to see Yun and Yang give each other the tag switch, having it as VT and them as one single slot
Kinda like in Ryu final, where Ryu defeat back to back Yun and then Yang

We already got something not so far in the 2 Zekus, even if canon wise is one single char

Tbh i WANT Sodom to have weapons, i see no point in bare-hands Sodom… but modern Sodom use jitte anyway, so it’s blunt weapon (no more katanas)

Hey man. The Dolls are done. She’s just a Native American girl with twin hatchets now.

I’ll fix it for you in the next version. :wink:

I’m fine with any kind of martial arts weapon. As long as it’s not modern military(like Rolento’s grenades) or dumb sci-fi tech(like Viper’s gadgets), I’m completely okay with them.

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I can welcome Noembelu, but pls kill juni juli decapre


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For the moment. No reason it can’t come back in the next game.

I’m fine losing Juni and Juli, but not Decapre. She’s been too important to the story, and she differentiates from Cammy enough.

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