The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Chun getting closure with Shadoloo (even though they retconned it so she didn’t so shit) and moving on to caring for Li Fen was growth imo. It demonstrated a shift in her priorities from personal vengeance to protecting others. Not super deep stuff, but then again this is SF.


That is true. I’m not asking for depth, I just want to see characters take a forward step.


I know im in the minority but I completely loved that they ditched the entire SF2 cast for SF3 NG.

Just to add to this post. I had fun memories of this time in my life. I must have been around 13. My only exposure to street fighter at the time was SF2/SSF2 on Megadrive. I went to the Arcades with friends and the graphics/music/presentation blew me away (especially the zooming in and out during supers which I felt they should have kept for 3S).

But mostly I was excited at all the new characters. I remember going straight to Sean something new yet familiar and immediately regret that my character didnt have a hadouken lol.

What was great was that although all the characters were new they felt familiar. It was the same street fighter that I always loved. The feel of the game. Each character was Iconic to me. Just as good as the SF2 designs. And alot credit has to be given the to character designers who did a great job.

Then the designs went kinda meh in 3s Makoto being the sole exception. I feel if did SF3 with SF4 characters I wouldnt have been as wowed as I was with 3 (loool)

My dream next SF game would honestly be a game produced in a similar vain to dragonball (cell shaded) but the look and feel of SF3 NG. Throw away all the old characters and bring in 12 outstanding new ones and Im set. Though that will never happen. To me SF3 was a work out a true artist, an interactive painting if you will. Anyways end of anecdote.


Every character deserves a similar treatment, and Capcom definitely made some progress in that department

Chun became a motherly figure
Cammy has at last reunited with her sisters
Zangief has become a mentor
Ken became a father and will soon take on a protege to pass his fighting skills
Karin became a Kanzuki family (business) head
Sakura got an actual real paying job
Balrog basically raised Ed

and so on


They WW should never be just put in a major role so that they won’t end up in a complicated situation in the later games.

Balrog will now always had a reason to be in the scene for having Ed as an achor or the rest of neo shadaloo.

Sakura and Ken is because Ryu is in that game.

Remember this old 2015 SFV “leak” on the roster? Ah it was fun discussing those lol


Leaking the ACTUAL SF5 roster here in the order they will be revealed. Have fun guys, you’ll never find out who I am. Also looking forward to no one believing this, you can leak whatever you want cause no one will think its real

Chun Li

Eagle: Teased at during Comic Con and full reveal at Evo. Will be in the beta. Not playable at Evo.
Ken: Reveal at Evo. Will be in the beta. Not playable at Evo.
Akuma: Teased at Evo and full reveal at GDC
Si-won (NEW): Korean Hapkido grappler, reveal at GDC
Karin: reveal at TGS
Dhalsim: reveal at TGS
Sabrina (NEW): German femme fatale, reveal at TGS
Urien: reveal at TGS
Lucia (NEW): Dive kick character from Final Fight. reveal in October around GDC China and Brazil Game Show time
Juri: reveal at Capcom Pro Tour Asia finals
Sakura: reveal near Dreamhack Winter dates
Alex: reveal at Capcom Cup
Guile: reveal before launch
Zephyr (NEW): Boss character, reveal before launch
Akira: From Rival Schools, planned as pre-order DLC. Will be the first DLC character which will be added in periodically, no price point but probably around $6 if you don’t pre-order. Announcement will be made sometime after both betas have ended.
Vega: DLC character to be released with Akira. No price point but also looking like $6.

20 Characters on launch not counting Akira and Vega

The 16 characters thing is a rumor that came from someone mistranslating Ken Bogard. Rose will not be revealed at Comic Con nor will she be in the game. Absolutely zero plans for Sodom, Yun, Yang, Abel, R. Mika, Remy, Viper, or Ingrid. Its really funny seeing you guys insistent that they are guaranteed. DLC after Akira is up in the air but it likely isn’t any of those characters, Super Turbo and Alpha characters are way more likely.

-Sincerly, DN


20 characters on launch? Man, such optimism.


I’d like the next Street Fighter game to take place in Gill’s "New World/Fighters Paradise"¨.

And be just a chill game, not even care about final bosses and storylines and so, just put Gill as the final bass as a “test of strength” or something.

I mean, the series needs some fresh air.

Comparing an episode like xmen animated series in the 90s, a street fighter story in a game is like a 3 or 5 span of episodes a 30 minute air time of those shows, the problem is that they handle it like they need to skip rather than just picking up where it left. If SF were something like continous every game were it left off with several different cast to be in the next and villains can be alternating without the need to destroy/kill the villain other than conclude the events by having a resolution.

It won’t be that complicated since every new title only gets a release every 5-4 years interval but the story is like 5 span of 30 minute episode like those xmen animated series. Capcom should look how those cartoons are written since Xmen had a lot of variety compare to Gi-Joe that is all cobra. Xmen had always magneto but had other events to keep them busy. Sf had Urien, Gill, Fang, Nash, Vega, NeoShadaloo, G, Juri, Akuma, Seth, Twelve.

They could even had a game with a plot that is more spotlight with Juri, Vega and dolls but have the rest of th relevant WW in the select screen without them having a complicated major role of involvement or other than the other characters having “flasback battles or encounters” with them or having just to bump on them like Alex with Ryu. No main villain like alpha other than boss rival battle and secret end boss challenger which is totally unrelated to the events and the character. This is why I prefer traditional arcade mode with several paths.

A Fighting game story should not be aiming for a anime OAV style writing or a box office movie because most of them are conclusive and a fighting game needs to re-used assets as a priority that includes villains as a compare to the likes of a media that was built with an intention to capitalize ONLY to climatic and exciting moments to grab attention and be judge a great like media of animes and movie that also include cartoons like xmen that i used as an example.

I just used 90s western cartoons because they need how to keep their villains and main protoganist in the sidelines for awhile to focus in a different saga. The point is that a Fighting game should have more strict way of salvaging their pop-culture icons and character with relevant gameplan in the series than ditching them compare to cartoons and those media formats like the anime, novels and movies which had different priorities.

It’s not about seeing something new because seeing something new is not the OG intention of the media other than how to find an excuse to make this character re-appear in later games. Because this is a fighting game is not a media that solely capitalize on stories but it still need…

  • a decent way of writing why this character returned and appearing.
  • a decent way of writing reusing assets.
  • a decent way to correct it’s past writing mistakes.
  • a decent way to keep everything intact and connected to each other without complication writing excuse.
  • a decent way to make fan favorites appear again and be usable again even we aren’t fond of the character.

Which most of this isn’t an issue with those other media because they haven’t have the same priority of a fighting game. First of all we should consider the thing that made this street fighter is not just because it got Ryu, the whole appeal of this is the whole events, villains and conflicts.

A good example is Xmen 2099 in Marvel it’s was just a yesterday fad part of the trends that would be bygone as it we look at it now a because we had a different vision of what the future or what the future should be. It was during the time when Xmen was at the peak of its popularity, but still it didn’t took off even had a brand name on it. Its like the marketing of SF2010. This is why we had tons of alternative and parallel universe stories along with major reboots in many popular media nowadays.

Even MK that is praise for having a decent story mode is stuck in those kind stories which SF isn’t fond of alternate and parallel stuff, because they can still make things decent because they left thing not overly complicated compare to what MK did in the 90s that they jump on the bandwagon of that fad, but the difference is alternate dimension, afterlife, time travel and parallel is welcome in MK canon and SF didn’t have that option to do those things unless you guys want to welcome Ingrid as canon or similar.

It’s not really the NRS FGs narrative settings of story that made it’s storymode appealing but it’s interactive cinematic moments it compare to what SFV cinematic mode did was looked on basic because it’s just alternating controls from the protagonist and the antagonist of the scene.

That’s why I want things to be gradually moving instead and the next SF takes place withing SF3 timeline, with the new characters in SF4 and SFV mix with new and old characters. We could create a decent story within SF3 timeline not after it.

Because we had tons of new characters like from Neo Shadaloo and the individuals like Fang, G, Viper, Juri, and the rest that’s a decent establish line up with the recurring characters of SFZ, SF2 and SF3. That’s fresh but still coherent and do justice to the franchise identity, it’s new characters and old one we already had, it also doesn’t need to be about the main shadaloo other than the new characters and Urien.

Most of the people that want things to move things radically forward and change the environments are the people that dislike it or just want to see a different thing in the future with the title street fighter on it or some that want it to happen because they like another game and want SF to be like it in narrative standpoint.

They’re not from a singular game. Those characters represent every game they’ve appeared in.

Also, they originate from two different games.

Nah, we need Street Fighter Tag Tournament.

I even made up a bunch of teams.

Edit: Teams updated.


Nice teams.
My ideas for the rest of characters: Fei Long - Makoto (they know each other from a rival match)
Dee Jay - Rashid (would be pretty fun actually); Elena - Remy (Elena was shown to be able to befriend everyone in her USFIV ending, so that might work although Remy has a shitty personality lol)
Decapre - Necro (both are Russian characters who were experimented on against their will); Juri - Adon (both enjoy harming others and don’t show any kindness towards their opponents)

Why is this an issue at all? What do you mean “complicated situation”?

The way I see it Neo Shadaloo Ed is his own man, neither should Balrog tag with him at all times. The inclusion of either in the roster doesn’t require the presence of the other


That’s good, I preferred a 4v4 or 3v3 team battle game that the story path are of arcade is combination of retelling events and what if events in the past game, but still having present events of which the game is into by choosing the right team to get the present ending.

It will be started with a narrative introductory like Alpha-3 if you choose a correct team with a path on then have a rival team and a boss team relevant to this characters no permanent Bison end boss but with permanent secret challenger.

Like if they would choose Sakura, Sagat and Ken the final boss would be Bison and their ending would be Alpha 3.

If they choose Ryu, Ken, Chun li or Guile, Chun li, Ryu or a combination with Cammy they would get the ending of the SF4 Viper aftermath.

If they choose Abel, Cammy, Chun li or with Guile they end up with SF4 panel.

But if they choose Nash, Guile and Chun li instead they get the Alpha 3 ending.

If they choose Mika, Ibuki and Karin they get SFV art comic panel with the bits of events that happened SFV cinematic mode with a boss of Ed and balrog.

Then most of the SFV combination of team have a collectible comic art that can be compiled to a full story comic book ending. The comic page doesn’t really necesary need to tell what they did after the event but what they did in the event.

I prefer more throwback teams and then has a few teams that would have present event as the ending that needs to be unlocked by discovering other team combination to unlock a readable comic about the present event.

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Back then the rumor was somewhere between 16-24 chars. We got the short end of the stick really.

Like things that cannot be ignored or events that has been a staple and conclusive like Nash and Bison so far in SFV. So far none of the likes of Gief, Dhalsim, Cammy are in a very complicated situation. They should be just inspiration for the rest of the new cast or help the new cast in the new goals.

So were getting early leaks that SF6 is gonna be team based according to the QA server lol

Team ?

As in SFxT style ?

So complicated situation = death? Well duh, that’s the whole point of Charlie’s character in this game. He died once already. He ain’t coming back a third time


A common mistake people make is undermining those characters’ impact and value in every iteration they appeared in after their original. When I ask for Chun or Bison, I am not asking for an SF2 character, I am invoking all their appearances in every game and the rich history and breadth of experience that comes with that.

When you are talking of a franchise that is in its 4th decade, remember why it lasted that long and remember what it is you are attempting to forsake when you want to leave out characters.

Going into SF6, and hopefully a post-3S future, I think every self respecting SF fan wants to know what happened to their favorites in the “future”. Something Capcom has avoided since SF3 flirted badly with it.

But if we are indeed to go into the “future” in the next entry, then we should be taking as many with us as possible. We’ve been waiting for too long to not have that moment with our favorite characters.


Not want to do a long ass list but some changes i will do

  • Sagat-Dhalsim (sfxtk)

  • Elena-T.Hawk (nature)

  • Cody-Haggar (FF)

  • M.Bison-Necalli (SFV)

  • Abel-Elf (SF4, rival Gief-Mika)

  • Gen-Fei Long (old/new “kung fu”)

  • Makoto-Ibuki (SF3 rivals)

  • Vega-Fang (even ranked shadakings)

  • Juri-C.Viper (SF4 bitches)

  • Dan-Rufus (team idiots lol)

  • Alex-Laura (ASF tag team)

  • Adon-Deejay (former Sagat rivals)

  • Akuma-Oro (OP sf3 rivals)

  • Necro-Remy (sf3 euro rave scene lol)

  • Blanka-Sakura

  • Karin-Rashid

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