The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

KOF is kind of a different beast here so understandably they can’t push every single team from '94 into every single new game

But Street Fighter for example easily can have the original 8 as a part of the default cast. Blanka and Honda were the only two that didn’t get into Vanilla SFV

But then again SF3 was such a shift for the series that perhaps indeed the base SF2 roster wouldn’t quite fit in there

Hell yeah!

He doesn’t have to stay the final boss.


We really do need the Street Fighter Versus Street fighter game a dream match that everyone is in and in ala king of fighters style of single round matches.

So we could have Oro Versus Gouken or Dhalsim
Dhalsim vs Necro and Necro vs Blanka

Haggar vs Gief
Sakura vs Sean
Q vs G

then etc.

Since there is a different thing regarding clones in a team based game

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Sound like a very debatable opinion rather than some absolute truth

You ask me i like MUCH more some old school KoF or Tekken characters over lot of theyr recent ones

Said that is fun that we share almost identical opinion on who can stay and who can go talking about SF2… but point stands

I get your point and the TK/FFrs you used as example show we share taste on some things, but problem Is that with the “obsolete” tag thing you open the door to that loud group of wierdos that want just to see SF2rs removed

Another important thing Is the need to keep the core spirit… To me KoF and Tekken lost It, and i don’t wish the same for SF

And it’s Guile is the obvious and undeniable stagnant one among the world warriors. His motivation is mainly with Shadaloo also which had been resolve yet in can expand but should not be in a forced and radical thing.

Of the original eight I feel only Ryu, Ken and Chun are obligatory. I can live without any of the other world warriors. The series can do fine without Honda and Blanka. Zangief and Dhalism gameplay archetype are important than the characters themselves.

Of the original 12 I think 8 should always be present as part of the launch roster (or S1 at worst). I’m only flexible on Honda, Blanka, and to a lesser extent Rog though. I think the rest all earned permanent spots and have proven themselves utterly irreplaceable in the minds of the public and players (both in archetype, persona, and aesthetic).

Guile can easily grow out of his Shadaloo arc with how Nash was manipulated by the Illuminati. Without Guile, you end up with crap like Remy.

Bison can easily work from the Shadows, and gameplay-wise he’s so versatile, adaptable, and unlike any character in SF’s history.

Vega can easily become part of any roster because of his inclinations and motivations.

Sagat is an icon. I don’t need to add more here.

Cammy and Akuma, while not part of the original 12 - They could be grouped with them.

The fastest way to get casuals to ignore SF is to ignore these characters. You also look at the most played characters in the history of SF5 and a clearer picture emerges. Give the fans what they want enough so that the Developer can earn wiggle room to create whatever it is they want after.


I don’t like that idea at all. It puts a hard limit on returning characters if half of them are reserved from a singular game.


Vega/Claw had much love especially with females he needs to be in every SF. That was another wrong they did before.

The problem with Guile’s supposed to be successor is they killed it, they killed Nash. So we end up with Remy.

With Remy the issue is not that complicated like the motivation and character design that can be salvage Why? because of having minor role and not connected with other popular cast in SF but yet it is a gamble.

Honda should retire. Dhalsim and Balrog/Boxer had proven to be one the characters that has relevant gameplan in the competitive scene among the rest of the WW.

Balrog is irreplaceable even with Ed and Dudley around.

Here the iconic WW-ST that should be initial for me

Chun-li - a pop-culture representation of iconic character
Claw - Huge fanbase(just like sakura and the edge lords) and iconic in visual
Bison - just a pop-culture representation of villain

Ken can be replace with Guy or Sean as for a character variant

On 3s


Not a list of characters that is favorable to me but this is something that should always be part of an initial list. I didn’t include zero because there is much more possibility their and Sakura is undeniable part of it.

I’m going to have to disagree because I think this represents one of the series biggest problems. The series will never get any sense of progression by continuously tapping into the same well. Don’t know about you but I find Bison and Shadowloo as a whole stale as fuck. It’s like the Mega Man games where Wily is always the villain.


Doesn’t really need to be about shadaloo but him being on the sideline like SF4. no major role or like Magneto in Xmen doesn’t need to be always the villain just their for being the known baddy. When there’s Xmen there is always Magneto even in the sideline/

What is Bison without Shadowloo? One cannot exist without other. I don’t see the interest of Bison even being sidelined. He’s gonna linger in the shadows for a while and wait for his time to get back on top? Sounds yawn inducing. Even the best of villains got an expiration date.

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But that’s how a franchise does he can linger their for 4 new future SF titles. He is already a establish recurring villain while Gill is a literal one which doesn’t really need to much explanation or whatsoever.

Like the Xmen, Gi-Joe and etc .

The X-Men has a rogues gallery. Magento doesn’t get to be the main villain all the time and Marvel will swap him out with someone else. They’ll freshen things up a bit like working with his enemies. Capcom will never do that with Bison.

Im more radical and feel only Ryu and Chun are obligatory (for the launch roster). You can then add others along the way as DLC, but having 8 slots reserved for SF2’s to me seems extremely excessive, especially considering the fact that SF’s launch rosters are always tiny.


We should find out.

My point was that this isn’t A Song of Ice and Fire, we aren’t after literary prizes, and characters are not just functions. With all that in mind, I stand by my previous comment, the game needs to retain 60-70% oldcomers and fan favorites in every iteration. This does not mean that these characters should be stagnant, instead it means we are interested in growing older and evolving with them and in introducing them to newer audiences.

One of my least favorite things about SF5 is that it deprived a new and younger players the opportunity to have an “Alpha 3 Final Bison Fuck Me” moment at the conclusion of Arcade Mode or ASF. It also failed to make newer players understand why Ryu is so damn loved. Newer audiences deserve to experience these great characters at the new peaks.


I know I’m in the minority with but I could careless about having 8 slots wasted on the SF2 cast. Without roster changes, even with system changes, a series can get stagnant.


My 2 cents:
Priority #1 (obligatory chars): Ryu, Chun-Li and Sagat
Priority #2 (likely to appear as DLC chars): Ken (Sean will be a placeholder for him in the launch roster), Vega and Zangief
Priority #3 (chars that should either come in at the very last moment or be left entirely): Balrog, Dhalsim (might be replaced by Mahesh) and Guile
Priority #4 (chars that aren’t really needed anymore): Honda and Blanka.
Bison should be a Pre-Order Bonus / Individual DLC character imo, akin to Shao Kahn in MK11 (and he’s still alive lore-wise obviously).

I’m with you. Of the world warrior cast Ken is the only one I give a shit about. I won’t lose sleep if any of them get dumped.

My issue is that Capcom isn’t known to do that. For characters they view as iconic are usually locked in stasis and are beholden to status quo. Of the World Warrior cast only Ken has gotten significant growth as a character. Ryu remains one note, Chun continues to chase Shadowloo with seemingly no end in sight, I don’t think Guile had a story that isn’t motivated by Nash in some way, Honda, Gief, Sim and Blanka are just there. Adding the new challengers Cammy is a perpetual failure who never accomplishes what she sets out to do.

It seems the only characters that grow are the ones who weren’t in SF2.