The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Wrong thread

That was young idealistic Ken, just fresh out of the dojo after years living/training with Ryu and Gouken, i think
"You shouldn’t mock martial arts like that”
express it well

Then marriage, a son, return to normal not-dojo life and he realized he can have a good life doing what he likes… so he became much less naive/idealistic

On other hand you have Ryu

PS, totally unrelated: Teppen is fun. Not perfect, but it’s much better than how it looks at first try

Not really that aspect of it. It’s this quote that shows the change in character.

"And what’s with this event, anyway? You set up a tournament without informing me first. And the winner would go in an exhibition match against me? Don’t you think you’ve gone too far, uncle? You shouldn’t mock martial arts like that.”

Ken doesn’t seem to like the idea of promoting the business through fighting. He calls it a mockery of martial arts and calls his uncle selfish. Understandable since his uncle seems to have set up the tournament without Ken’s knowledge. But then Ken goes on to own the business than proceeds to promote his fighting through his training videos.

I was hoping people would discussed something a out how they would picture a story content in the late time of SFV at 2020.

Anyway more recently other people around here had been talking about costumes and stages here already other than me. Some even do even talked here about gameplay talked here.

Smash had been talked in this thread last time and compared to SF in terms of appeal this is why I bring this up and put “content” to be specific.

Okay moving to Teppen instead.

Teppen is still not available in our country but I managed to look at it at youtube and the story is very meh for Ryu it’s still the Ryu that struggle to SNH lol. it’s kinda backward again. Ryu struggling with SNH is a so stagnante and redundant. Ryu in SF3 and SF2 doesn’t need SNH struggle story to appeal anyway.

Explorative Ryu is the best Ryu, Explorative Ryu that is Sf2 and Sf3 is people find to be boring and stagnate but it’s the better Ryu than any Ryu because it’s about exploration and new challenges and challengers that he can touch and influence other life which is the best Ryu in the whole series.

Rather than the fanservice of Ryu being a master, Ryu having apprentice, Ryu being married or Ryu being struggling on SNH. I just hoping capcom starts promoting Ryu in explorative sense again like SF3 without SNH struggle.

I like SNH Saga of Ryu in Zero timeline or a what if character but not in the main time. I dislike also seeing any form of edge lord shoto in the future games as part of the main story that includes Ken. Let the edgelord representation just either be Akuma or Kage-Necali with the SF4 evil ryu goodness but no Ryu gameplan. No need for clone that onlybmakes the story complicated and making the original version obsolete.

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Just two minutiae in Chun-Li’s SF2 stage I always overlooked.

On the left, there’s a drink vendor. On the two crates behind him there’s written 可口可乐 Kě​kǒu​kě​lè, that is Coca Cola in Chinese.
On the left, there’s 鮮桔水 xiānjúshuǐ, “fresh tangerine juice” and 汽水 qìshuǐ, “soda”.
The (canon) disguised monitor cyborg on the center right is selling 氷茶 bīngchá, “iced tea”.


Which has nothing to do with the video you posted

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Okay man, The video highlighted content talked and Smash appeal which was discussed lately and not started by me. If that is your stand like I said I was on the content on the story part and the smash vs SFV discussion recently. People so bothered and vigilant so much when the whole recent thread discussion isn’t really that solid anyway and the only part we are clearly aren’t and avoiding to discuss here really is no other than gameplay strategies. This became mostly every FG talked sometimes recently not even just SF anyway.

@bakfromon and @lord_vega For some reason, the guide seems to be down for me. Any idea why?

Weird, it opens fine for me. Have you tried to delete your browser’s cache?

Might be the link I’m using. Could you post the link for it?

It’s the one from the first post of this thread:
The Super Street Fighter Turbo Hyper-Linking Plot Guide II (AKA the only verified SF Plot Guide on this side of the Internet!)

Please, give it a try.


Thanks. Everything is good now.

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I was doing some research for my next vid and I revisted Menat’s story mode. Now that ASF has passed, I’m curious about the future.

To Ed:

Menat: You, I sense something incredible is locked inside you.

When you’re finished growing up, the you that you are will cease to be.

But you two will have some rough times ahead. Good luck

To Oro:
Menat: “One body can no longer contain such evil power… Because of a tremendous…” um… uh… what did Master say after that?

Oro: Hmm. You’re talking about the power that has already come into our world again. I already knew about that. And now, be it for good or evil, those beings who are bound to that fate are starting to move ever closer to one another.

M “Yes yes, that’s it! Also, she said that the end results of this battle of destiny are to be carefully observed.

Oro: So that’s what you came here to tell me…

“Yes! I was sent by my Master to inform all parties that are involved.

Shadaloo Troopers + Aprile

You guys are so annoying! You know, I was only here to pass along my Master’s prophecy. But forget it! Fine, I’ll tell them! Be forewarned… this power will lead everyone to great disaster! Well, now I’ve warned you, be sure to tell your boss!

I’m curious about a few things. Menat’s been teleporting around the world informing people for Rose. We don’t know how long she’s been doing this, but she relays the messages directly to Ed, Oro, and indirectly to Bison. What I initially thought was ASF, but Oro was no where to be seen.

Second point of interest is her telling Ed he and another will have rough times ahead. He and 'Rog have a split, but I’m wondering if this is more about him and Falke. Also, when he’s done growing up he’ll no longer be who he currently is. Thinking Bison possession, or in a figurative way, he’s harsher or more grown up than the wisecracking teen he currently is.

Last, the end results of this battle of destiny are to be carefully observed. That is really interesting. We saw Bison crumble and leave his hat behind and everyone left. Afterwards Falke & Ed are being plagued by nightmares of Bison. The thing is, the after effects of the fall of Shadaloo are possibly important.

“CAREFULLY” observed. The obvious thing everyone sees is Bison dying and Shadaloo crumbling, but the thing everyone may miss is the Rise of G by way of a wacky showman that NO ONE takes seriously, the rise of Neo Shadaloo could be something no one expects because Bison is dead and everyone’s running away or being arrested and hunted down, but the clones no one payed attention to and the failed lab experiments are gathering a a family and who knows what’ll happen from there? Could it be something dealing with Necalli?

What’s everyone’s though about Menat’s story contributions in a post ASF context? I think and hope this means that there’s story content, be it more character stories or a storymode, or even just a downloadable cutscene made with the in game engine. I feel that something else it waiting in the wings.


Menat is essentially foreshadowing the “Apocalypse” on behalf of Rose to certain key players, and IMO she also foreshadows Bison’s return following this event. In her SF5 arcade ending (which is likely non-canonical) we see that Bison survived and was going to take over her body were it not for Rose.

What she tells Ed is that essentially Bison is coming after you until he takes you over. Ed acknowledges this in his story too. His story leaves us with the prospect that he has accepted his fate but he will fight it to his last breath. Ed is as far as we know the last of the Human Incubators, and arguably the most refined generation to date.

"Fate is a fixed line. However it is not considered foolish to resist it. It’s never too late to resign oneself to one’s fate, even from beyond the grave."

The above is basically Rose’s message to Bison. She is telling him your fate is to lose, but she wouldn’t call him foolish to try to win. She then says that “even though you are immortal, it’s never too late to accept that you are dead (physically) and stop trying to come back when you “die”.”

Bison responds to her in the only language he understands. Suggesting that resisting and changing your fate is true power, and Rose is weak for succumbing to fate. Bison will always return because his pursuit of ultimate power means he can never accept destiny, instead he chooses to forge his own. Therein lies the difference between Psycho and Soul Power. The former seeks to subjugate reality, while the latter seeks to live in harmony with its rhythm.


Good stuff Daemos!

As a bonus for the current vid I’m doing, I was pointing out all the fighters who have shown their social media presence in G & Rashid’s storymode, anyone know if I missed anyone?

HipbaDasSicalster8: Rashid
effiepurpnight: Viper / Maya
IamSaiKyo: Dan Hibiki
FreedomTraveler_Illya: Necro & Effie
honeysunnygilly: Helen / Kolin
H.W.A. EPIC: Poison
Mr.MuscleButler: Azam?
Mr.UKButler: Mr Gotch
eyepuzzledurmom: Rashid’s unamed female friend
Abel: Abel (not very creative is he?)
Hakan_Oil: Hakan
President G: G
AS_1987: Unknown
DON_chan: Ibuki
NinjaZeku@60 : Zeku
MR_NOZ_4EVER or Mr_NO2_4EVER: Unknown or F.A.N.G.
CUTE_CUTE_Blankachan: Blanka
Big_B: Birdie


I hope that if Ed comes back for SF6 his story/character arc isn’t going to solely come down to Bison finally taking over his body and thus becoming a new final boss, because that essentially means he gon die either by getting defeated by the World Warriors (again) or by sacrificing himself for the greater good, since besides Ryu and Abel there are basically no other hosts good enough left to endure the Psycho Power (not to mention I’d rather Capcom not retread the Rose=Bison plot)

But then again who knows how many Shadaloo’s clone development facilities are still out there around the globe

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Ed has potential to be an interesting and appealing character. I just hope Capcom would just do something that FANG find a better way to Bison to have a remote body and also protect him from spiritual attacks.


I do think the psycho energy that inhabited Bison will consume Ed. I think its pretty forshadowing

I don’t think Capcom would risk changing Bison’s iconic appearance too extreme like having him be Ed for a game. They will always find a way to return him to his more classic appearance. But Bison-Rose and Bisonecalli would’ve been fantastic characters for a temporary segment of the story.

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