The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I always imagined that Vega in a post-3S world would’ve lost his beauty somehow (Chun-Li’s kicks?) and without the tempering of Bison’s order, this drove him to insanity, becoming more violent, deranged and psychotic than ever before. Not to mention, ugly.

I understand that this goes against the fundamental design of the character, but the development of a character insanely obsessed with the beauty he possesses into a character that is insanely obsessed with the beauty he lost could make for a great narrative.

It would also make the inevitable reappearance of Bison in Ugly Vega’s life all the more important to him, since Bison holds the promise of returning his beauty to him. On Bison’s end, this turns Vega into a most obedient and savage of warriors at his disposal to exploit. A marriage made in hell.

On a side note, Bison would still need to find a replacement for Balrog though. I can’t see them reconciling post-3S.

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I would welcome Teppen Ryu as an alt but not as a Main in SF6, The current default Ryu is better, but Teppen’s Ryu is better than bearded SFV Ryu and SF4 Topless Ryu.

It’s hard to assume a lot of things with this game of something related to another game or would make an impact to Capcom official title. Since there are two CAPCOM all star mobile games that already had been released within SFV grace period in this era like the Capcom League and SF x All Capcom with mostly title that is more SF as spotlight.

The only thing that this made this to be the talked of the town is because Max had cover and discussed it because of the Ryu costume change but we can safely assume that this isn’t really Capcom’s direction, choice and preference in terms of supervision.

So adapting it to official titles can lead into creative conflict if license issue would be discussed. I would even say that the Capcom League has more Capcom references and fanservices that probably more Capcom oriented and supervised compare to Teppen.

After (gosh) TWO YEARS since the first one about Ryu, here’s my second translation of SFA3 scenario backstories. This time, I went with Ken:


Ryu’s eternal rival, in the same dōjō since childhood. He has quite the career, having won the All-American Championship and World Battle Tournament martial arts competitions. His girlfriend is named Eliza.

Fighting Style

Since he studied under the same master as Ryu (Gouken), his style has many traits in common with Ryu’s. However, when you observe move for move, you can notice subtle differences in form and substance. Ken’s own view about fighting can be felt watching his Shōryūken engulfed in flames, or his showy rolling Jigoku guruma¹.

Fashion Style

As someone who always wants to shine in combat, Ken never neglects his appearance. His deep crimson dōgī shows his passion; his blonde hair, the gravity of the American Champion. It could be thought as too showy for an attire, but it doesn’t feel out of place because it goes hand in hand with Ken’s real ability.

Hotel Masters

It was a Sunday without a single cloud in the sky.

In the garden of a certain high class hotel, a number of clearly affluent ladies and gentlemen were assembling. It seemed as some event was about to begin, as there was a ring in the middle, totally out of place.
A hanging banner read “Exhibition match for the All-American Championship won by Ken Masters”.

In a room inside the hotel…

“Now listen to me, Ken. It’s about time. How about moderating your interest in fighting, and learning to manage a business? Today, many of my acquaintances are going to watch. I want you to show them that I’m a good judge of character.”
“Again, uncle? I thought I already said that I’m not interested.”

Of course, the Masters family was very well noted in America. Ken’s uncle was a world-renowned manager.
And he insisted that Ken had talent for management, and that was why he had approached Ken that way.
“And what’s with this event, anyway? You set up a tournament without informing me first. And the winner would go in an exhibition match against me? Don’t you think you’ve gone too far, uncle? You shouldn’t mock martial arts like that.”
“Don’t say that. Since I can’t introduce you in a formal environment, you left me no choice. It’s for your future.”
“You’re so selfish…”, sighed Ken.

Oh well, let’s not waste uncle’s ‘kindness’ … And Ken did show himself, but he didn’t expect that reception.
“The American Martial Arts Champion, Ken Masters!!”, shouted the chairman at the microphone.
A real bother, but by that point he couldn’t escape anymore.

“Now, let’s go down easy. It’s an exhibition match, after all”, said Ken to his opponent, starting a light footwork.


Immediately after the command, a sharp high kick hit Ken’s temporal region.

“Ugh…!” Ken staggered involuntarily.

Crap. This moron is serious…

The man had bloodshot eyes. And it was to be expected, really; it was labeled as an exhibition match, but if he could have scored a victory against Ken, he would have beaten the American martial arts champion. He would have gained an immense reputation.

“You’ve got a good kick. Then, I’m going to be serious, too!”

Only two, three hits.
The challenger ate a strong combination and was sent flying out of the ring. Ken was evidently too strong for him.
Ken glanced at his defeated opponent and then walked towards the hotel’s gate, still in his uniform.
“Hey, Ken! Where’re you going?!”, called his uncle.
“…Sorry, uncle. I’m really not interested in money-making!”

Ken turned, raised one hand and gave a purposely stuck-up wink.

¹ 地獄車 Jigoku guruma, “Hell wheel”. Reference to Ikki Kajiwara’s manga Jūdō icchokusen, where it was one of the protagonist’s special moves, although the original didn’t end in a tomoe nage and was more a repeated rolling bump on the head. Gouki’s Hyakki Gotsui replicated the move better.
Schermata 2020-06-09 alle 02.19.39
I already wrote about Jūdō icchokusen here (removed some links unfortunately dead in the meantime).

Next: Chun-Li.


Any thoughts, on content…


This is great, thanks @Midgardsorm.
Somethings I noticed right off the bat is that Ken doesn’t seem too keen on mixing the family business to promote his fights or vice verse, wonder what changed?


Maybe it was simply his wedding. I mean, you can pretend you don’t need to make money until your parents support you and you don’t have your own family that counts on you… Of course, Ken could’ve found another way; but maybe he simply figured out that he could’ve put his martial arts skills to good use in making money, and his family business could’ve backed up his passion. He killed two birds with one stone, basically.


Wrong thread

That was young idealistic Ken, just fresh out of the dojo after years living/training with Ryu and Gouken, i think
"You shouldn’t mock martial arts like that”
express it well

Then marriage, a son, return to normal not-dojo life and he realized he can have a good life doing what he likes… so he became much less naive/idealistic

On other hand you have Ryu

PS, totally unrelated: Teppen is fun. Not perfect, but it’s much better than how it looks at first try

Not really that aspect of it. It’s this quote that shows the change in character.

"And what’s with this event, anyway? You set up a tournament without informing me first. And the winner would go in an exhibition match against me? Don’t you think you’ve gone too far, uncle? You shouldn’t mock martial arts like that.”

Ken doesn’t seem to like the idea of promoting the business through fighting. He calls it a mockery of martial arts and calls his uncle selfish. Understandable since his uncle seems to have set up the tournament without Ken’s knowledge. But then Ken goes on to own the business than proceeds to promote his fighting through his training videos.

I was hoping people would discussed something a out how they would picture a story content in the late time of SFV at 2020.

Anyway more recently other people around here had been talking about costumes and stages here already other than me. Some even do even talked here about gameplay talked here.

Smash had been talked in this thread last time and compared to SF in terms of appeal this is why I bring this up and put “content” to be specific.

Okay moving to Teppen instead.

Teppen is still not available in our country but I managed to look at it at youtube and the story is very meh for Ryu it’s still the Ryu that struggle to SNH lol. it’s kinda backward again. Ryu struggling with SNH is a so stagnante and redundant. Ryu in SF3 and SF2 doesn’t need SNH struggle story to appeal anyway.

Explorative Ryu is the best Ryu, Explorative Ryu that is Sf2 and Sf3 is people find to be boring and stagnate but it’s the better Ryu than any Ryu because it’s about exploration and new challenges and challengers that he can touch and influence other life which is the best Ryu in the whole series.

Rather than the fanservice of Ryu being a master, Ryu having apprentice, Ryu being married or Ryu being struggling on SNH. I just hoping capcom starts promoting Ryu in explorative sense again like SF3 without SNH struggle.

I like SNH Saga of Ryu in Zero timeline or a what if character but not in the main time. I dislike also seeing any form of edge lord shoto in the future games as part of the main story that includes Ken. Let the edgelord representation just either be Akuma or Kage-Necali with the SF4 evil ryu goodness but no Ryu gameplan. No need for clone that onlybmakes the story complicated and making the original version obsolete.

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Just two minutiae in Chun-Li’s SF2 stage I always overlooked.

On the left, there’s a drink vendor. On the two crates behind him there’s written 可口可乐 Kě​kǒu​kě​lè, that is Coca Cola in Chinese.
On the left, there’s 鮮桔水 xiānjúshuǐ, “fresh tangerine juice” and 汽水 qìshuǐ, “soda”.
The (canon) disguised monitor cyborg on the center right is selling 氷茶 bīngchá, “iced tea”.


Which has nothing to do with the video you posted

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Okay man, The video highlighted content talked and Smash appeal which was discussed lately and not started by me. If that is your stand like I said I was on the content on the story part and the smash vs SFV discussion recently. People so bothered and vigilant so much when the whole recent thread discussion isn’t really that solid anyway and the only part we are clearly aren’t and avoiding to discuss here really is no other than gameplay strategies. This became mostly every FG talked sometimes recently not even just SF anyway.

@bakfromon and @lord_vega For some reason, the guide seems to be down for me. Any idea why?

Weird, it opens fine for me. Have you tried to delete your browser’s cache?

Might be the link I’m using. Could you post the link for it?

It’s the one from the first post of this thread:
The Super Street Fighter Turbo Hyper-Linking Plot Guide II (AKA the only verified SF Plot Guide on this side of the Internet!)

Please, give it a try.


Thanks. Everything is good now.

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