The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

A lot of these moves, especially the ones where they pick up and spin the opponent over their heads also give me strong Abel vibes. The way this video it’s edited at some point also seems to match Abel’s Breathless (U2) to a tee :joy:


Yup, I forgot about Abel. I always forget about him, shame on me.
Furthermore, Shin Jigoku Guruma was also done by Gouki during the Alpha series (his Hyakki Gōtsui grab from Hyakkishū), and by Jubei Yamada in Fatal Fury. It was only an air throw in 2 (and SNK named it Izuna Otoshi, LOL), then also a special move in Special (Neko Jarashi, “green foxtail”, a plant commonly used to tease a cat).


I think at 1:11 is also where they got inspiration for Clark’s argentine back-breaker super too, not same thing but the coreography and even the sound match too much lol
That vid is a gem that keep deliver, thanks :smiley:

Not your fault… Abel could have been GREAT addition (to me still is), but with his simple concept he needed a strong story support that totally lacked

And shit is’nt improved much in SFV, his cameo while welcome did’nt added much to him


Falke x BoF crossover alt, meh

Next Fighting Chance costume is going to be SF2 Bison again, boring
I hope with big update they will deliver also on FC nostalgic costumes still missing


That’s the 大噴火投げ Dai funka nage (“Great eruption throw”), and its mechanic was further expanded by Kajiwara two years later in his more famous manga, Tiger Mask. I believe you remember Naoto Date doing the Fujiyama Tiger Breaker, that was him doing a Monkey Flip Throw upwards and then bouncing his opponent repeatedly with his legs, and ultimately standing up and catching him falling with an Argentine Backbreaker. That was also referenced by Capcom in Slammasters, where it was Titan’s special throw (although he didn’t bounce his opponent, only sending him upwards once). SNK just fused together Dai funka nage and Fujiyama Tiger Breaker.


Yeah, that’s seem the case

Lol the Naoto saga seem a life ago… and actually it is, i was kid and the anime was already old

Now that you make me think about it, maybe they took from the wild man Gorilla-Man the idea of give Blanka ginger hair lol
Of course huge part of him it’s still HnK Madara, but still i can see it

Even inspired SF2tAM maybe iirc he was in a cage like a lion before fight Gief (timestamped)

Or having a soft side and cry (timestamped)

In SF was with for found his mom, in TM because Naoto just helped him

Even the story was pretty similar just africa instead brazil (wich of course was took from Tarzan, but i can see the anime being the inspiration for capcom guys), the first vid “vi presento l’uomo gorilla” show it

Who know, maybe first old Tiger Mask series hide many gems that inspired them


GIF version, yeah definitely a tribute! :smiley:


from the other thread


So um… No more profiles?

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Yup I wished they had continued. It was interesting to go -on


Is that thing also from the Street Fighter cartoon, or is it just a random profile for some robot we’ve never seen?

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Definitely from the American animated series. Courtesy of Ryoredcyclone.


Would like to see something like this from Capcom

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How many unique characters were there in the animated cartoon?

Quite a few, I guess, since the cartoon mostly consists of individual episodes with little overarching plot, so it’s common to see characters appear in just one or two episodes with a closed plot.

For reference:

but there’s also background characters like that robot and shit. Also the Warrior King which I suppose belongs to the tv network that aired those episodes and to be honest would fit better in Mortal Kombat.

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I would legit love to see Satin Hammer from the cartoon as a playable character.

Oh god no…at least Area isn’t cannon.

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The original concept art definitely supports your hypothesis

I believe that initial concept for Blanka served as the basis for King Rastamon from Slam Masters.

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