The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

Updated Tier List? I made one in the other TF thread a while back and it was somewhat updated but anyway it goes something like this

Leonardo: Mid Tier
Good Matchups (favorable) None
Bad Matchups- Wignut

Donatello: Upper Mid Tier
Good Matchups- Armagon
Bad Matchups- Wignut/ C. Shredder

Raphael: Top Tier
Good Matchups- All
Bad Matchups- None

Michaelangelo: Upper Mid Tier
Good Matchups- Arma/ Crome Dome
Bad Matchups- None

Shredder: Mid Tier
Good Matchups: Don/ Wignut/ War
Bad Matchups- Aska/ C. Dome

Crome Dome: Mid Tier
Good Matchups: Shredhead
Bad Matchups: Don/ Raph/ Mike

Aska: Low Tier
Good Matchups- Shredhead
Bad Matchups- Raph/ Mike

Wignut: Upper Mid
Good Matchups- Aska/ Don/ Leo
Bad Matchups- Shredder

War: Low Tier
Good Matchups- None
Bad Matchups- Don/ Leo/ Raph/ Shredder

Armageddon: Top Tier
Good Matchups- All except Don
Bad Matchups- Don

Like Arturo mentioned earlier everyone can win in this game the low tiers arent bad like in most fighters. This is more or less 90% accurate… (I’ll leave the remaning 10% between Art and Saiyd for debate hahaha) but this is off of the American version, from what Im hearing in differences in the Japanese version there are definete tier differentidies I guess once thats been fully tested the tier chart for that will be up.

Genesis Version TMNT TF Tiers! hahaahaha! The game was really bad and sadly me and Sanford played it hardcore for a time! :lol:

April O’neil- GOD TIER- I have never seen a character like this in ANY fighting game, and I’ve pretty much played them all. She’s speaks brokeness of all levels far beyond that of any normal playable charcter or boss combined.
Elbow Attack has one frame and is incredibly fast you cannot block on reaction at all, its actually less than 1 frame. So basically she can spam all day because theres 0 recovery and theres nothing you can do about it. Why… because it chipps when you block, there are no reversals or counters in the game to get you outta block stun and if you try to take the hit you get knocked down then she can grab you on wake up, grab (slam), grab, repeat until you die. She has other moves but you dont need them at all. There is literally NOTHING any character in that game can do to her and she is unarguradbly the most “broken” fighting game character in history.

Everyone else (Turtles/ Sissiphus/Ray Fillet/ Casey Jones) They serve no purpose in the World of April!

u guys should have a zbattle tourney for this

Looks like we agree for the most part. (Although you left Sharky off your list)

Can you explain the following matchups a bit more. You don’t have to go wild but a couple of sentences:

Don vs. Shredder - is this really bad for Don? Seems like his standing fierce and head spin can stop Shredder rushes pretty well. What is Shredder’s dominant plan here?

Don vs. Armagon - How is this a good match for Don?

lol ‘looked’ is the keyword in this sentence. very few things get the privilage to be abused in this game. sabin knew what he was doing. its better he play it safe and use it sparingly rather than taking damage for trying to be cute.

i guarantee after playing us for 5mins u’d have a different opinion about what you consisder to be ‘abuseable’.

TF continues to evolve! :looney:

W.Nut is by far his worst matchup. once wnut is out (full screen) he stays out. Chromes floaty jump wont allow him to outmaneuver wnut air fb, and doing dive kicks (jump straight up, dwn+hk) will get u nowhere. This match is all about walking forward and blocking…alot. look for any openings or attack patters (esp. jump patters) and punish w/ an early jp (angled) hk. try to keep him grounded whenever the opportunity comes along.

the match tends to shift when u get him in the corner. keep him guessing between walk up EPD or jump away early hk. most wnut players would probably take the hk forcing u to work to get back in. and jumping foward w/ early hk will get u hurt or worse–he puts you in the corner :bluu:

best match

id have to agree w/ jeron: shredder (aka shredhead =/ )
random aura crushes get punished on reaction w/ cr lk x3, cr hk (cps1 chain). oh look, a knockdown, yay. missed arua knees get punished by EPD. and lastly, jumpins get beat by early bk+hp or the ever-so-lasy lp crome spark (aka ‘roll cancel’).

other good/ok matches would be asuka and don

asuka: her slides get owned by EPD . do d,ub+lp+lk when u guess its coming, this way if u guess wrong you at a safe distance.

don: this is an ok match. it tends to turn into a poke fest. chome easily gets around fbs w/ fullscreen jp hk or dive kicks to mess w/ his spacing (it all about the spacing, right sabin?). dons missed hp can be punish by cr hk/hp (practice this plz).
it probably more of an even match.


has vaccum just outside of his st lp (why didnt you test this yourself ?:arazz:). sucks in just about every ground-based normal.


is bullshit. its garanteed vs all turtles. just lp throw, jump forward hp, cr lp x4, cr hp (chain). it dizzies, rinse, repeat. its totally safe vs mike/raph cus it nulls inputs. that means no fear of chestbuster/rise thunder. and last time i checked, i dont think it can be backdashed from. two chars in the cast can jump out of it but i forgot who (been too long)

his super is trash. i have one setup w/ it that can only be used once in a lifetime:
vs cornerd opponent, lp throw, divekick, land and immediately active.
what happens is you cross to the opposite side and the super vaccums them in dealing ALOT of damage (50?).
after u use this setup: die, reincarnate, repeat. seriously, its that bad.

jeron: leo is Low-tier, man. friggin inconsistent dp.
his one good match is vs aska. the bitch cant jump in…ever! has to rely on random dps.

Sometimes i think it’s weird how vastly different genesis and SNES ports are. For example I don’t know if any of you guys ever played the Justice League fighting game on genesis, but it was broken as fuck with superman and despero probably being the most broken characters ever made. Superman with easy dizzy combos/two stupid infs. and despero with his unblockable. The SNES version is very very very different. It looks 10x better but one could argue that it isn’t as “deep” as the genesis version. It more or less has a bare bones fighting system, you can’t even buffer off of normals IIRC. I just find it funny how ports of the same game differ so much and sometimes not for the better. But i would vote superman and despero the most broken fighting game characters in history

Don vs Shredder- Standing RH trades with Don’s S. Fr in his favor if not beats it on some instances. Shredder can jump in on Don for free. Cross him up all day gain meter for Super. Projectiles are not a prodominant strategy at all since Shredhead can reflect or Aura Crusher right through it (Rollcancel hahaah)
Shredder’s jump is real low and really fast so Don can try and keep him out with S. Fr but it will only be a matter of time before he gets in with ease then Don has no reversal to help him unless your gonna do wakeup headspin kick which can get baited.

Don vs Armageddon: Absolutely free of charage. Arma has no answer to S. Frc. Arma’s fireball trades with Dons fierce in Don’s favor so that eliminates that option. It stops Armas jump in and his Shark dive (trade not in his favor) Basically if Arma blocks all day Don gets free meteer for Super where he can chipp. If Arma starts spamming Uppercut Don can S. Fierce before he lands (alot of characters have alot of trouble stoping whored uppercuts by arama but Don has the easiest time with it)

Sayyd: Leo’s actually not low. We can go more in depth and debate on this. Although Leo has the inconsistent DP handicap his fb’s are amongst the best in the game. Relying on DP’s for every situation isnt good anyway. Endless screw is good. When you take that away Leo has all the tools needed to win. If you still wanna debate it however my Leo’s gotten alot better we can have a good session with him vs all the characters to test thouroughly, he fars off well!

AWWWW Shiii… less do dis, kiddo!

yeah arm v don is sooo bad. what is arm supposed to do?
btw his name is armaGON. damn, jeron.

uuhh, ive decided that i’ll be posting all TF related info on spookys stie being that it will pose as the primary TF capital/source. (your source for poor fighters :rofl: )

No ones going to come to my shitty site just to look for TF strats :stuck_out_tongue: might as well keep it going.

OK that sounds about right, I figured the Shredder plan was jump-ins as Don’s staff comes out a bit slow and at weird angle. (Far in front of him) The Don vs. Armadon (Armagon?) also makes sense. It seems like most Don matches come down to whether the opponent has an answer for standing fierce.

I totally have this game for the Genesis. Is it just as good as the SNES version if I use a 6-button controller?

I think the Genesis TF still sucks mad fat donkey balls no matter HOW you play it.

I just played it on Genesis. TOTAL GARBAGE. I don’t even need a 6-button controller 'cause the game only needs 2. I should find a SNES version to fully appreciate TF for what it is.

Yo actually I’m starting to agree with Jeron. I don’t think Leo is low low.

OR maybe he is low, but you beat me a lot sometimes with him :lol:

his jump fierce is too much, stand fierce is solid, fb is solid, endless screw is solid. his DP is good enough LOL. I think you rank him a lot worse than he actually is cuz you always overlap the fb/dp motion Saiyd

Tarkan: About the Wiki, great! I’m not sure when Sayid wants to commit to do this though, as it’ll take a bit of work. I’m sure hell get back to you on it though, but I’m ready when he is, it’s just a matter of when we want to work together.

Is April banned?


slash shoulda been in the game.

get hyped some more!

got some frame data for u foolz that are interested.

sigh, lol. T fuckin’ F! :looney:

How DARE you forget the complete and utter HATE I rained on you guys at Ash’s house when I went out of my way to bring the JPN next-gen hotness and you fuckers played broke ass TF.

And all the times I said fuck you guys and tapped the cartridge to force ya’ll to reset.


=p <3


kaneda’s hate makes this thread complete.

now i can die happy. :lovin:

i was expecting this thread to be deleted/hated on before pg2. what happened kaneda? you falling off, man.