The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t know a lot about martial arts, so it would be interesting to hear which styles are missing from SF and what they’re about.


Here are some scans I found from the old CAP! Magazine. With the early issues, there was a section called “Ask Dr.Right (Light)”. This was a Q+A and had some nice lore info and O believe it’s where certain info first came about. I’m only posting translations for SF, they’re very strange, to say the least. (Transgender Eliza)



Q1: I heard a rumor that says Ken gets married to a transvestite. Is that true?

A1: Utterly false. I assure you, Eliza is all woman. She and Guile’s wife Julia are actually sisters, eventually making Ken Guile’s brother-in-law. Neither one knew about this when they fought each other, but I wonder if things might have been different if they had…?
(Was that really that big of a rumor in Japan that they had to address it :joy::joy::joy:)

(This next one seems to be a case of “early installment weirdness” because the answer talks about how Ryu trains people at Gouken"s dojo :thinking::thinking::thinking:)

Q2: How does Ryu pay for his living expenses?

A2: Back when he was living in Japan, Ryu would teach students at his Master’s Dojo, and never had to worry over living expenses. But to pay for his recent warrior training abroad, he’s turned to betting on himself in street fights. That way he can make money all while training his body at the same time.

The next scan talks about Dhalsim’ skull necklace and he jokes about Dhalsim reminding him of HeatMan, nothing noteworthy but the one about Chun-Li is.



Q3: What are those things Chun Li wears on her wrists?

A3: I don’t know much about them, but they’re a kind of protective gear. They’re also very heavy, so they double as some important training equipment. That Chun Li, what an exceptional woman!!!

Credit goes to Kobun21 for his/her translations on their website: Reploid Research Lavatory (a joke based on the mistranslation from Megaman Xtreme 2)


Missing right now (SFV) or never touched by SF?
Also it’s worth say that you have to consider the definition they chose to give for whatever reason

Like Abel clearly does russian Sambo (as tribute to a Sambo and MMA legend), but his style is listed as “MMA”
Though he does’nt do MMA but Sambo and wear a Sambo uniform, still for whatever reason (popularity i guess) they gone for MMA

Kolin is listed as Systema user, but does also a lot of russian Sambo stuff (wich fit the char origin) not present in Systema

In that case i give zero fucks about “definition” on the game profile, i consider Sambo rep satisfied and MMA rep not

In perspective of get national iconic or widely know styles some that came in my mind

-MMA (modern “american” version) <- in theory SF3 Tom does it
-Kickboxing (NOT american “full contact” shit we got with DeeJay)
-Greco-Roman wrestling
-Glima, scandinavian wrestling used by vikings
-Hopak, ukranian dance/martial art
-Fuckton of local “wrestling” traditional styles
-Freestyle (or folkstyle) american wrestling <- think G may do this, specially due the Lincoln thing
-Historical European Martial Arts - essentially medieval/renassaince armed or unarmed fighting*

*far from a stretch for SF lol, it even got fuckton of bare-hands techniques illustrated in ancient books. Ever thought it will be fun as fuck base for a Florentian Soccer “player” char

ASIA (not Japan/China)

  • Krav Maga (israel military-based martial art) <- tbh this will look a lot like Laura’s BJJ
  • Kalaripayattu (India, considered by some the FIRST martial art)
  • Silat (indonesian/Malaysia martial art, famous for recent movies)
  • Mongolian Wrestling
  • Viet Vo Dao (highly acrobatic vietnamese martial art)
  • Hapkido (corean mix of tkd and grappling techniques)

-Laamb (wrestling-boxing mix with religious-like “luck” factor added to it, most famous african fight sport)
-Dambe (strange type of “boxing” with only one fist super-reinforced with a cloth+rope, making it one hard blunt weapon, the free hand used for grabbing/block)

-Judo <- even if Abel/Sambo grappling is Judo essentially
-Shaolin kung fu
-Drunken fist kung fu (again Lee canon does it in SFV, but was’nt an ingame DF user in SF1)
-Sanshou/Sanda (a “fight sport” version of chinese styles, involving both striking and grappling)
-Fuckton of other armed or unarmed kung fu styles wikipedia can offer endless list), i listed just Shaolin and DF as the ones imho most iconic still missing

PS: Capoeira not listed as they chosen to go to it’s african roots with Elena’s style


This is fun one, make me think when in anime OAV he gave $ he won to that indian girl, even if in that case was Honda betting on him

Iirc in a manga he does the same in the USA

Essentially Ryu can win big af $$$, but tend to keep just what he need for his traveller life

^I think this artist worked on a manga featuring Daigo. There’s a lot of good fanart on his twitter


@Cestus_II For Africa I’d add Tahtib (stick based art, some of Falke’s moves resemble it) and there’s “Raqs al-Assaya” which is the women’s version of Tahtib but is nowadays is more of a traditional dance in Egypt.

Another one is Zamaqtal which is very recent and is more of a MMA thing and practiced in parts of North Africa. It’d be a good thing to pull a Gen and make a character that can alternate between “perpendicular” and “parallel” stances.

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What was that Menat concept of her fighting with incense? Was pretty cool

Yeah, i keep it a bit far from weapons (aside Kendo due it having so much impact on japan) because i felt it will have opened another entire world to list.
Was tempted to insert fencing too, with the olympic style sword used as a flexible steel stick/whip it can fit SF setting after all (Vega’s claw or Sodom’s jittes seem more dangerous weapons)

Traditional stick arts are really many (same as knife and wrestling, all “poors” styles), for italy alone i can think 3 without touch older medieval styles
In europe most famous are probably the french Canne/Baton (to wich Falke seem take most of her stuff) and the Canary Islands Juego del Palo

Falke in make it a bit difficult for SFV add more, even if Eagle could have some chances due popularity i guess

This is getting interesting.


G for Gill-wannabe?

It seems like they’re alluding to him at least thinking he’s a good guy, and also him being a charge character. I wonder what “Smash Over” refers to, and why it’s unusually capitalized.

Gill search dat 0,1% of human kind worth of not be exterminated, G seem to speak flat to everybody

3 times i seen G associated with the earth globe (AE railer, hint and now this), one of my guesses about the G (after Gold) was Globalization, wich try to be sold as a positive thing but have lot of negative interests behind it

Actually it will be a cool/unique idea for a SF villain

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Digging it, already speculating that he is like Dr. Doom, a villain who can occasionally do good, but does a LOT of bad in the meantime. I’m gonna extensively go over the tarot card stuff, because it seems to fit together nicely.

He’s probably going to have great public press, seem like an eccentric, but overall good dude whereas his hidden agenda will be, like Gill, cruel and extreme to get things done in his way for “the greater good”.

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Doubt he’s a good guy, more like an evil television car-salesman with world scale ambitions lol

Btw i agree on him being likely a charge

sak command
blanka charge
falke command-shit imputs
cody command
sagat likely command

For now green bro sits alone in S3

Interesting point! Yeah, people have talked about how in a good way, globalization has made the world “smaller” in that we can connect easier, understand past language and cultural barriers, but the downside is certain, unfortunate things are popping up like the more western aspects are pushing out old traditions, certain things unheard of in other parts of the world (obesity, anorexia and pollution due to tons of cars being introduced) are now hitting epidemic levels.

I really do think that he’s also behind Blanka getting into the plushie business.

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Was thinking about a Globalization villain because when we seen the AE trailer (or soon after) i was watching the TV series “American Gods”

Pretty visionary, where classical Gods of the past are fighting (literally) the New Gods

The main Villain of the series is Mr.World, who essentially incarnate Globalization

Chun-Li’s fighting style is listed as Chinese martial Arts, and she mentions it as Kung Fu in gameplay

“Wanna see my Kung Fu? I’ll show you!”
“That’s good Kung Fu.”

But she’s versed in a variety of martial arts in addition to Tai Chi. According to the SF Wikia page:

She began by learning Tai Chi. However, Tai Chi was much different from the gorgeous movements she remembered from Peking Opera . Soon afterwards, her father taught her Hongquan as well as various basic exercises from then on. With that, Chun-Li’s skills in Chinese martial arts improved rapidly. Chun-Li used mostly kicks when fighting. This was something she picked up from her father, who was also said to have “legendary legs.” Chun-Li continued to develop her kick attacks, embracing techniques from a variety of fighting styles, such as Chinese martial arts, capoeira, battle karate, and taekwondo, thus eventually creating her own style.[9]

“Kung Fu” is branched out to so many different styles and teachings, but Chun does show quite a lot more than just Tai Chi.



I’m excited! I can’t wait for the end of EVO when they reveal him!


I remember a theory on Tumblr that G wanted to “assimilate” the world which fits with the “globalization” theme.

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