The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Trollno is in fine form I see :wink:

On the other hand he seem focused on USA first too

-Lincoln imagery, also speak as if he’s running to some USA election
-In the trailer is showed in NY square
-AE may be part centered around MetroCity setting Cody, Zeku, Abigail… G?
-Twitter preview logo having earth showing American continent at centre
-Twitter emoticon having earth showing American continent at centre

-He got entire world gold tattoed on his body, not just USA/America
-in the paper he mention “seven continents”
-G MAY be for Globalization
-Gold may symbolize $$$/Capitalism/Banks, wich are the true power behind Globalization
-He seem associated with media tools (TV sets, Social Media using # as a modern politician), wich is the other strong tool of globalization

It sound like he want START with USA, but he got a bigger end goal

(watch him being a simple as fuck pro wrestler witth a gimmick and all our theories being erased LOL)


Ooooh shit, if G is a new major villain in the series… !

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More pieces of the G puzzle message have made its way online.


Awesome! More puzzle pieces? I expected them to trickle out over the days. If there’s something over the next couple of days that gets bigger, I’d love it. Ono did say Blanka’s pocket would burst. I’m hoping for more than just G’s trailer. Please storymode 2 at the very least!


That would be an interesting theory that they might made him like dr doom so Q could be a DOOM bot a like? still as a personal preference I do like q to be separate

“Someone really mysterious” is handing these out. It’s a bunch of Q’s and they work for G, I guarantee it.

And yet another one!


Maybe G stands for Genius, too.

Okay, one has to admit that this puzzle hunt is a simple idea, but a fairly good one. Credit to Capcom for giving a shit and trying to make character releases interesting 3 seasons in.



It’s 4 pieces so far, one needs to try to pierce them together and get the full message.

Crackpot theory: the mysterious man is Mike Ross who’s about to reveal his return to the community.

Now, that is even more unlikely than a Marvel Infinite announcement.

…s the seven continents to …of Earth who yearn for unification
…s, I will Smash Over…vered the knowledge I have bestowed upon you
…dream will charge us with…knowledge, you will now understand my purpose

bold part are 2 parts that surely link, the first i’m not sure at all

Persian one (and conclusive one i think)

…hen my voice
…Pangea once again


Here’s what we got so far. Safe to assume only 5 more pieces remain


And another one.


“the seven continents to carry mankind”
“I will Smash Over and Under to Burst”
“dream will charge us with the power of Earth”

Will G be a Charge grappler?


I’d be very surprised if he’s not part of the Illuminati

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More completion.

Guys, the lorefiend in me is on cloud 9!


Still thinking it will have worked so fucking better at ComicCon, EVO don’t care this stuff

Great idea kinda wasted