The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Yeah, I’m friggin’ ready! Can’t believe we’re seeing a potential new villain this weekend!
Hopefully Capcom handle the mystery of him. There must be an actually successful brand new character this time.


I hope he’s released next Tue.


He better come on Sunday, would be the perfect birthday present.


I’m gonna say, menaRD absoutley SUCKED when picking this costume.

This is by far the WORST Birdie costume out of everything his has in SFV. It just looks so boring, and doesn’t even give a hint of what Birdie really is as a character


It’s fucking selfish is what it is. If I had the opportunity to design a costume, I’d be so happy to make a costume that the entire community can enjoy. Making a costume of yourself is just shitty. Nobody is going to be into this except for MenaRD.


Damn him! Worst winner ever.


He finally has fitting clothes! Hah, jokes aside, I…really am disappointed by this the more I look at it. Poor Birdie’s already starving for costumes and this is what we get? I was hoping for some flair. I really dig Guile’s Mission-ready look.

Man, I remember being so happy to see a Birdie player win over Akuma. I never thought I’d see that.
Now I’m actively rooting against Mena. I hope he gets quadruple-perfected in pools.

Why does Birdie’s new costume look like something he pulled last minute for a party :joy::joy::joy:

Birdie: Nah, I’m gonna be late, gotta just put these on

I’m not bothered that the alt is “selfish”, that’s the point of win that chance and chose

IF was a good design it coul had “MenaRD BEST EVA” in giant letters and will have not bothered me at all

Problem is, it objectively suck dicks as character design
Capcom should just offer 5-10 good concepts and let the winner pick the one he like

Birdie got some sick sketches that never took form, all better than story alt, battle alt, halloween one and now this CPT crap

While at it, half OT Cestus Birdie for xmas LOL

Btw Necalli one was nonsense too, totally out of character

Guile one was the only good one


I posted a buff suggestion list in general chat. Hardly an expert on the game but I think they honored the spirit of the character.


That’s my issue. It’s not that it’s selfish. It’s just so bland especially when they never went with Elvis Suit Birdie, or casual Union Jack Bride, or even the CFN SF1 Birdie with the new coloured hair. There’s so many options that they could’ve done and mixed with any idea he had, but, yowza, it’s got no real flair.

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I feel that current Ryu is particularly bad by design because SFV is completely based on him being the middle-ground/starting design base of all other characters. This means that EVERYONE does something (if not more than one thing) better than he does. The entire cast is designed to get around his “fundamentals” because he’s the OG SF character and said fundamentals are the only thing he’s really got.

What’s worse is most competitive players (and casuals alike) recognize his move set and therefore it’s hard for him to surprise anybody and can fall easily to mind games and set-ups. So I feel like some of his S1 properties should return and I think Capcom will buff him+Juri.

Unrelated but the Birdie design in the bottom right should’ve been a costume for him.

@Darc_Requiem IDK bro i think talking about change characters it’s ever a double way

The pros way, that ask for boring stuff that will actually directly benefit the char in an intelligent way
The scrub way, that want get cool flashy stuff that being extras will eventually benefit the char

i can only embrace the 2nd way, any pretension about understand “balancement” shit will make me exactly like when i see peoples judge designs as if they understand shit about design lol

My scrub dream Ryu buffs :smiley:

  • stHP: make it special cancellable (like on VT1), also inside target combo. Force stand up on hit.
    Also old CC animation
  • stMK to be longer on forward
  • HK Donkey Kick to look(animation)/work(bounce) as in SFxTK
  • NEW NORMAL back+HP, give him dat SFxTK tag punch as vertical launcher/anti air, similar to Akuma’s
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Ryu wasn’t that awful in SFV because his S1 incarnation is doing better than average characters. So I don’t believe it is the game but it is the update to his character that change him to the worst.

I hope the mystery appeal of Q is kept preserve not gamble and risk for the sake of promoting and introducing a new character.

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^may look risky, but it’s the sfw version

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Your wish has been granted. Plane wont even let them get to the pools to get quad perfected

these are pretty much Chinese fighting styles not use in Street Fighter use by other fighting game characters

  1. Baguazhang ( use by Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken.)

  2. Long Xi Quan ( the Northern style to this is used by Lei Wulong from Tekken)

  3. Piguaquan ( use by Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken)

  4. Xing Yi Quan ( use by Wang Jinrei from Tekken)

besides that there are dozens upon dozens of Chinese martial arts styles that aren’t use in street fighter . such as Wing Chun. which has not been using in any fighting game ever. the only movies it appears in are Ip Man and it’s sequels.

Even though Chun’ Li’s fighting style is list as Chinese Martial Arts. she doesn’t not represent every single style of Chinese marital arts. since they are dozens upon dozens of styles. she mostly uses Tai Chi. lumping multiple styles in and just calling them Chinese martial arts or Chinese Kung-Fu is kind of ignorant not to mention lazy.

it would be most more respectful if the Chinese marital arts styles where individually name in fighting games. cause just saying Chinese marital arts really doesn’t tell much.

Tbh chinese “Kung Fu” is not limited to Chun Li in SF, in various styles it got a decent presence through years

Chun Li - Tai Chi + other styles
Gen - Mantis & Crane styles + “Dim Mak”
Lee - Bajiquan + Drunken Fist (never seen ingame, just canon)
Yun - Bajiquan
Yang - Bajiquan and Snake style
Fang - Generic “Chinese Kempo” + scorpion style (from a kungfu movie lol)
Karin - Bajiquan + japstuff
Rufus - listed generic “kung Fu”, probably because he copied stuff he seen from various styles
Fei Long - Jet Kune Do, wich is a direct Win Chun/Kung Fu “spin off”
Xiauyu & Jianyu - 2 Dolls with weapon based kung fu
King Kobra - SF4 dropped concept, was supposed to use some style of Kung Fu + breakdance
Gen’s disciple - SFV dropped concept, was supposed to use Gen’s style

So it’s not like the saga ignored Kung Fu styles existence (even if there’s a bajiquan spamming), you just can’t have all in.
I will like 1 or max 2 new chinese style in an hypothetic new SF chapter, specially an iconic one.
Like Lee having Drunken style in SFV concepts made him interessing.
Or your typical bald orange-wearing shaolin monk, will be ok with a SF version of it

But overall i will like to see SF stick with try keep variety of nationalities as much as possible, including in fight styles

And to be totally honest i think SF styles list got waaay bigger holes than add #8 chinese style based char

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