The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

^ “The funny thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people”.
-Stephen Hawking

(Just joking, don’t take offense)

The GPRS and AR technology is a genre that is most know to pokemon go… Even Ghostbuster has it’s own version… Not a ripoff because we can safely admit it is a new genre of gaming that take advantage and depends on the technology of AR with GPRS.

I just wish the combat system is different and there is no V-pet something like feeding etc… that would be a rip off. It should be just recruiting and challenging.

Marvel Contest of the Champion has a decent control in combat the same with Injustice Mobile.

Adult Anita is one of my consistent wishlist in MVCi I always wanted her for a All Star Capcom Game I think she deserve it there along with the other Capcom characters that are not ordinary.

Capcom could look at one of oldest t genres in Chinese literature Wǔxiá for a Final Boss with the Final Boss using traditional Baguazhang that incorporates a technique called Qinggong.

I think Samurai Showdown and Tekken 7 did do interesting female bosses.

Chizuru’s soundtrack tone and intro was badass in 2003 than the previous which is her debut

I feel Rose as a last boss seems decent for final boss, but not as posses by Bison and also not turned into a villain story-wise other than having to gather and challenge some chosen protagonist to test their skill probably for a future threat and be consider to be recruited while protecting something against some establish antagonist. While some does want to be involve and be a part of or just simply curious that’s why they challenge her.

That kind of writing can establish a great prelude to a possible sequel to establish a SAGA type arc like 90s KOF do.

The female boss need a majestic and a sense of superiority in terms of presentation and aesthetic, that why I’m not into GGX’s take female bosses…

I know Justice was a female human before but she is very mecha in aesthetics than a female in visual later.


capcom could base something around the Five Generals of Chinese folk lore. like instead of the Final boss have three henchman , they have four. each one using ancient Shaolin martial arts mix with other styles with the final boss using Shaolin Luohan’s 18 hands.

The thing is the female boss isn’t suppose to better in a more physical sense of martial arts than those well establish characters at combat discipline that is existing in the story already because it will only bring in more contradiction in the plot and motivation of past conflict because the goals of well known protagonist and antagonist are those concerns and areas that is impossible to be unvisited and be unaware.

That’s why Rose is the best candidate as a final challenge or boss to play against with but not as a turned into a villain, Another approach can be female experimented related to psycho power can be a new character, past character or a character that was existing in the story but never seen. I think even Gouken’s daughter can be also a candidate for something related to SNH not the ordinary ansatsuken technique. Rather than a new new secret secret unknown thing that suddenly appear just to justify a certain female boss.

I know some might be bored with psycho power and snh but those were the known and talked power that the series is involved not another wait there another super secret secret power that those boss written to have extensive knowledge of power is unaware of it existing because it’s an ancient super secret that seems bad writing.

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Cool read on a fan’s wish about Ryu buffs he added animations (good ones while at it)

As Ryu fan i disagree on most things except MK and Donkey(wich will be indeed welcome), but not in terms of right/wrong more as personal taste

But i liked he put some effort/support into his suggestion

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@SagatryuX Tbh i will prefer the new boss to NOT be chinese/kung fu related (or Japan), let alone all his “generals” being so

Personally i will prefer a new mixed nationality group like Shadaloo 4 Kings were

There are so many martial arts from all over the world they could still use for SF to increase variety of styles and cast nationalities

I think she’d end up in a future DS game and I think that it’d probably be a re-telling of her encounter with Dee as seen in the PS2 anthology. Jedah also hinted at her becoming the one to “unite” humans and Darkstalkers so we’ll see some development on that.

I think that CAS should be used to promote lesser-known characters/underrated. That’s what CVS2 did with their newcomers. That said it should be a diverse and interesting mix.

Also we need special intros back.

I know it’s a mistake to get overly hype when Ono speaks, but I’m interested in seeing what he has planned for Evo. Last time he made a comment about Blanka’s pocket being “bulged”, S3 and 30th Anniversary was announced. This time he said Blanka’s pocket was “likely torn”, which makes it seem like this’ll be another big reveal.

G and the Birdie CPT costume is a given. I’m sure it’ll be more than that, though.


What Ryu needs is simply the First Season properties of SRK and Parry from advantage, recovery, vulnerabilities and priorities. Include also the Damage properties of S1 normals.

Adult Anita is both underrated character and over power character in the lore, So there is no problem and conflict for her appearing and also belonging in a crossover game with Ingrid.


Will pray for an all SFV focused series of announcements (new modes/stuff or cinematic 2 pls)


I never said Anita or Ingrid can’t be in a game, I just said that that I could see adult Anita as a pseudo-protagonist then I explained her possible role in a future game. However, Donovan is more likely and was even considered for UMVC3. IDK why but I always imagined Anita being a long range character using the aura around her to attack or using nature, considering how she’s a witch.

I could see Ingrid being the main character of the crossover side of Capcom, a possible plot point could be her rallying characters from many of Capcom’s games to fight a threat.

I also wouldn’t mind seeing the Death character from CFAS come back as a villain for the game.

Agree, I also wouldn’t mind if we had access to some of those S1 mix-ups.


It’s G announcement?

Time for some Gee


Are you ready for G?

Are y’all ready to play as the Bloody Roar gorilla character?

Q, your poppa’s gonna shine! Put on your Sunday’s finest!

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@Shockdingo is quaking.