The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t care who the SFVI boss is as long as it isn’t Bison.

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Back in the 90s, a towering, Grace Jones African warrior woman boss would be fun. I dunno, a serious effort with a female boss doesn’t seem to me like it would throw off SF’s design balance or be “modern” you’ve got various forms of media that have powerful, older women in a sensei role or something. I’m not even saying they have to be young or conventionally attractive, but just because they make a female boss, doesn’t mean they can’t think outside the box and make her something visually striking. I’m not looking for a soft, waifu-tier, fetishy boss.

Like I said, I want a Genkai from Yu Yu Hakusho type of old grandmaster. I think Breakers Revenge or something was the only thing that attempted such a thing, but it leaned heavily into a comedic angle. I’m thinking female Gen.

Could certainly be an interesting angle. I kind of want a back to a just martial arts and no major plot boss, while the likes of Bison etc run around in storymode making chaos and the hidden boss would be the real villain type. I just think it could be an interesting swerve. A powerful fighter establishes a tournament, things seem to be going normal, and things, start going to crap, but not due to the boss. Maybe have some red herrings.




Personally will like A LOT if G end up be like KoF Antonov and host the a tournament with the bizzarre TV stages thing we seen in the AE trailer

But in this case i will pretend dat 2nd cinematic story chapter


I’d rather a brand new female take that roll, but I’m fine with a powerful female psycho power user.
And no, Ingrid is banned, dont care how powerful she supposedly is.

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@mykka I could see Ingrid work as the “crossover queen”. In that she unites characters from the many games of Capcom to rally against a threat.

I never understood why the female villain thing could be seen as “SJW” or “modern”. A female would be a clever twist with all these men, especially if the arab KoF villain girl is any indication then it can be done. I don’t care if she’s a girl, man or attack helicopter, just as long as she’s a good villain.

@Shockdingo That’s a great idea, having him/her want to re-establish faith in martial artists after the world has begun to fear them because of their infamous reputation but no matter what, it’ll not work.

I said I’d develop that idea of a character so:


A renowned martial arts herself, she has heard of the events of the Psycho Drive, the SF2 tournament, the S.I.N fiasco, black moons incident and the illuminati. As time goes on, the general public develops a atmosphere of fear towards these fighters, believing them to bring only chaos and associating themselves with evil organizations.

This woman decides to hold a tournament with the most respected fighters (Ken, Chun-Li etc) in order to show the world that these fighters mean no harm and to restore respect among the fighting community and end the paranoia. However, there might be a villain she’s not aware of, that will use this tournament as way to tarnish any good publicity of fighters for their own reasons.

Is that too fanfic-ish at this point?

If anyone was bothered to read that, what are you’re thoughts?

I see a few issues in not making Bison the final boss.

  • Any boss they add won’t really feel like boss material compared to Bison that we are all used to.
  • Adding another boss may mean that Bison won’t be added to the game and that would suck,Bison deserves a spot on the roster in any SF game.
  • Even if they add another final boss character and Bison is added to the game, the final boss won’t feel like a final boss with Bison also in the game ( see, Seth ). No hate on Seth , but it felt that way.
  • Most people can’t relate to a final boss character as good as they do with Bison.

I don’t see it happening, not even Akuma can take his spot.

Here to stay imo.


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girlish squealing



1- Ingrid in some crossover capcom stuff no problem, but pls never again as official char in a SF game.
Make it a Karin alt has been the most brilliant move to shut up dat crowd (and i never seen it online either)

2- I said modern not necessary SWJ, and because is what the entertainment marketing is doing recently, specially in the west (or in this case FOR the west, not that will be hard make Japan accept a new evil waifu).
“Modern” itself does’nt have a negative connotation in my mind, is just something i don’t feel the need to see interfere with SF natural evolution
Specially considering how SF is marketing driven these days in order to get dem western likes i will have the suspect they do it for that reason rather than being the real Boss SF designers will have done without marketing pressure. And capcom marketing is crap while at it

3- Lol tbh this risk to be more bullshit, if anything will be nice see SF drop a bit fanservice and return on fighters.
Don’t want see them flooding the cast with male fanservice for gays/female audience, will like see them drop a bit the one they’re already doing on waifus.
As SFV female cast got porned up for lone fappers, same way is depressing see neogaf managing to get capcom recognize the term “hot ryu” or Cody features (NOT costume wise) to change in same direction.
It works on Vega/Claw because it’s part of the stereotype (and i guess Remy in SF3 was there as replacement), it can works on other concepts that have a reason to be designed in that direction, but i hope they don’t start KoFize the male cast to add a second fanservice
Let character design be indipendent as possible pls

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I kind of said that as a joke, looking back on it, it seems more literal than sarcastic might go and edit but probably not.

I really didn’t like that they did that. I get that there are people who like these girls but I think you can only go so far and they slightly pushed that limit.
#BeHalal :joy:

1- in all fairness they DON’T LET other villains have theyr chance to look “Boss material”.
-Seth in the concepts (with clothes) was good, but ruined by terrible ingame design and story that made him just a puppet.
-Necalli had all the potential of the world, but SFV developed him into weak shit because close the Bison arc had (rightfully) the precedence. Bad timing
-Gill is probably the most “final Boss” chara design ever had, only to come close is SFA Bison

2- Soul Calibur have like zero problems keep having Cervantes in all games and he looks ever badass (SCV an exception but SCV design suck dicks). All of this without need to make him become the parody of himself getting his ass kicked by heroes each chapter.
Watching Namco, SC Cervantes as ex boss have way more dignity than Tekken’s grandpa Heiachi causing everybody “not-this-shit-again”… and they’re born essentially the same concept under some point of view.
SC had a great history of new Boss, and most were great characters
Nightmare (essentially unofficial Boss)
Algol (not great as the 3 above but not bad for SC4 standards)

3- See point 1. Peoples perception is driven by how they handled the chars, not by the chars potential.
Gill himself was sold as secretely holding back in a 20 years ago game, of course they can’t have peoples hyped on it without a push.

4- the fuck. Bison is straight popular without “final Boss” attachment, it worked on SF4 too
Same way Ryu (as Ryu fan and main) worked perfectly having his not-hero side path in SF3
I think actually “most people” will like a new final Boss as long is worth to sit on the throne.

Of course if you start with atzec apocalyps soul devourer Necally beat the shit out of Ryu in trailers, and then he end up a terribly developed douche that get beated up by Rog to show Urien he’s worth his $$$ (LOL), the failure is’nt “he’s not Bison!”

Collective whining will start with a crap developed, but just a minority will bitch if the newcomer is worth to be a SF BOSS
Tbh considering how terribly crap Seth was (bad ingame design, weak story) there was’nt even that much outrage over him being the boss and not Bison, and i’m speaking before SF4 story moved into Bison destroying him (wich i liked because fuck Seth)

People can accept/relate with a new Boss, he just must not suck (design/development)


When designing a boss, they should go for this:
-good plot-wise
-fits with what’s been established in SF’s past

My ideal character concept would be nationality+actual marital arts inspriation. That’s what makes Street Fighter “Street Fighter” to me.

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Agree on everything, but “nationality+actual marital arts” not just on the boss, on as many characters as possible on general… so many styles still waiting for a rep
It will also help the martial overall theme and not fall into GiJoe/Avengers shit

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@Cestus_II That’s why I said “ideal character concept” not “ideal villain concept” because that should really apply to most characters.

While I always found GI/Marvel cringe-worthy, I could understand why they did it for some characters. Rashid for example, there aren’t any Arab martial arts (or at least modern ones) so they made him this gadget whiz with air abilities.

Wind tbh feel perfect as expression of Ki for him, found it very fitting

About the nation-martial art i ever found that while i like it a lot (BEST base by far) and is ever welcome to me, i can like a char having a martial art that contrast nicely with his nationality

All i ask in that case is to give the martial art a strong identity in the design/animations as it will have to work twice hard to look a like a legit “rep”, than let’s say Honda-Sumo combo
Then let the ethnicity of the char do the other half, in some cases it can create pretty recognizable characters

Also it can save some nationality spamming, as i will prefer don’t have 8 japanese and 9 chinese chars lol
Example at this point i will even prefer get a French Aikido user over a Japanese one despite Aikido being Japanese, because get the first french char will get precedence over #78 japchar.
(But i will still prefer a French Savate user, with Savate being french)

Sometimes it works if you find the right combination
With Rashid they could have gone for some foreign (to him) martial art, all he needed was to be acrobatic and remind wind movements

But i’m also ok with him having a combo of wind ki power boosting his strikes and parkour movements, after all Dhalsim was fire ki power as attacks and phisical abilities acquired by Yoga
Conceptually there’s not so much difference, i’m ok with that


On other news…

Im glad KOF is doing this I remember that I had once has a debate about this with someone on a FB group that didnt want SF franchise in mobile platform as a promotion, I hope SF too will do such thing but not in CHIBI style.

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That KOF Go low-key looks like a rip-off of Pokémon Go.



How delusional are you? Seriously