The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Ever since I saw Yu Yu Hakusho, I wanted a badass older female grandmaster like Genkai that was sick of evil organizations and just wanted to host an actual tournament.


@Shockdingo That’s a nice idea, though I’d go one step further and make her try to “get rid” of martial artists too because they only cause chaos to the world. I really would like to see that angle explored: what do people outside the SF circle feel about all these people running about, throwing fireballs and stuff? Maybe make her affected by the events of the Black Moons to make her snap.

Ooh, might need to develop that idea!!!

SF 4 Juri is indeed a female boss in terms of power.

Unlike Bison though she doesn’t want to take over the world or anything.

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Still crazy they went with this team in SFxT even though nothing is canon.


And in fact
“SF4 Juri is probably the closest the series naturally got” :smiley:

Btw about the aesthetic/stylistic comment was’nt even much an opinion, more like a fact

Watch the SF saga tradition with bosses/sub-bosses/hidden freaks and basically all of them are designed to offer physical imposing impression and look able to fuck shit up:
Sagat, Bison, Akuma, Gill, Urien, Seth, Gouken, Necalli… all big af motherfuckers in some way
Gen and Oro offer an impression of false weakness, and in both cases it has been justified by fuckton of years of training/ki growt being possibly the 2 oldest characters (with Bison being a ?)
And at least for Oro impression is, in his youth (like 90y ago) he was just as big as your average SFer

Exit from the kick-girl stereotype (at this point card covered with Juri, after Chun and Cammy) the actual most powerful female of SF was Rose and she was essentially an all-ki based character

Ryu himself as the hero is’nt your skinny shonen boy, his right arm volume has been scientifically measured as 4 and 1/2 Kyo Kusanagi arms

Cody the crazy natural talent was built like a tank until a chapter ago lol and his natural talent was punch shit hard af.
SF3 Hero Alex no comment needed.
SF4 new goodguy entry Abel (a bit “the face” of the newcomers due link with Seth) was another muscle ball and was based on MMA HW goat

Even Dhalsim got some big muscle on himself LOL

Every new chapter you get people whining about muscles too excessive (and in SFV i even agree to some extent) and hands too big, with half of them not understanding it’s a stylistical choice and not an “error”

SF character design wise IS a pretty physical universe, and every time they try to sell a new Boss they follow that design logic trying to show a char that looks able to break Ryu’s spine
Even if they go for a “speed based” Boss i imagine they will go for something dynamic but still physically imposing

That’s how SF design ever been, it may be retro but it is what it is

Again, if they suddently go for female boss my very honest impression is that they’re trying to look original/modern on dat internet audience

why I don’t mind I can see the problem Cody’s main outfit in SF5 mainly the vest. his shirt and pants have matching patterns. the are both pin stripe and his tie has one pattern which is stripe. however his vest has two patterns with one part being pin stripe.

well i don’t mind it would have been best if the entire pattern of his vest match the pattern of his shirt and pants. as for color ideally the vest would be the same color as pants.

oh Shockdingo Cody has chin stubble expect on all his costumes expect for his Final Fight costume. however Cody’s chin stubble in SF5 is in such fine detail that it’s effect by lower resolutions and video compression quality. his chin stubble is also a light color in SF5 if you play the game and look at his character on the select screen.

Sorry but I’d rather not see Capcom kill or greatly disrespect another series. I want them nothing to do with a Darkstalkers revival unless it’s made by an actually competent studio with a big budget, not another fucking travesty like MVCI and even SFV to an extent.

Yeah, it’d be fucking great to see Power Stone, Rival Schools, Darkstalkers revived but not under modern Capcom

Honestly, I don’t think modern Capcom as a whole is an issue. It’s just their fighting division that needs work. If Capcom gave the game the same amount of love to a fighting game as they did with Monster Hunter World, Remake 2, or DMC5, I’m sure it’ll be well-received. That’s really all their fighting game division needs. Since the producer of Monster Hunter World is now the leader of that division, the same quality could easily be replicated now that he’s at the helm.

Whether it’s Darkstalkers, a new IP (like a Capcom All-Stars that’s Marvel lite) or anything, I just want to see a different game that isn’t Street Fighter. I feel like Capcom won’t ever redeem their (fighting games) rep if they don’t take any chances.


@Doctrine_Dark I did say a few posts ago that the reason the fighting game division isn’t doing well is because they lack faith in themselves.

Honestly, Darkstalkers would work out so much better now than it would’ve when it first came out. The emphasis on story the games had would be explored in a new game since storylines are a intergrated part of games nowadays, people having a better understanding of game mechanics so that they can now re-create the gameplay easily.

I could see Rival Schools and Space Gladiator acting as their 3D fighting games in contrast to SF and DS being their 2.5D games.

I’m definitely for a Capcom All Star, that’s way overdue.


Capcom just needs to start having fun with their fighting games again. I understand the value of Esports, but all of their fighting games don’t need to be developed with that in mind. They just gotta focus on making fun games packed with content right from the get go. The competitive scene will follow regardless.


I miss the dislike button.


The old SRK was a bit better, even if it was around for 2 weeks after I joined.

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You were asking why I said so, then you edited your comment. I’m going to explain anyway.
The idea that we shouldn’t even want a new Darkstalkers game from “current Capcom” because SFV had the misfortune of being made in the middle of financial problems for the company and Marvel Infinite had the misfortune of having to do with Marvel and Disney meddling is asinine and doesn’t make any sense to me, and it makes me mad every time I see it thrown around.

I believe that a new Darkstalkers game with an adequate budget and with no external interferences would likely turn out to be good, especially since the full roster is actually small (the main cast without counting palette swaps and Anita is 18 characters, two more than SFV’s initial release which was said to be really, really small) and it wouldn’t be hard to deliver a game with the entire cast in it.


If was for me the like one will die too LOL

@Phantom_Miria I also think that certain characters like Lillth, Victor and Pyron wouldn’t make it in anyway and some characters stories (Rikou, Anakaris) have concluded so you could just fill in the remainder with new concepts.

Same here, I hate that logic of making Infinite a scapegoat while glorifying DBZF sounds like something from r/Kappa. Hopefully it’ll die in a few months time.

I think it’d turn out great and would get a giant competitive scene.

Tbh we really need one

Also ,for u


Whoa, seriously? I didn’t notice that. Good eye!

Well said, with Capcom fighters, SF is the mostly safe bet due to it’s generations of popularity, the real test comes when something a bit more obscure is put out there. If there’s enough budget, quality and love put behind it, people will flock towards it and give them props.


Genocide CUTTA!!!


Nah, totally disagree with your assessment.

Give me the female boss.


No doubt about that lol