The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t mind that Cody may have too many colours, I love the crap out of that design. So many elements are an inverse of his prison days;

-Hair combed and slicked back

-While not gushing with excitement, he cares enough to make jokes, have charm and find joy in making Abigail’s life miserable

-He’s clean cut and cares about his appearance and actually looks like he’s having fun having a sense of style. Gone are the stubble, messy hair and simple two-colour outfit, now he’s dapper, has pinstripes as maybe a subtle callback, but it’s filled with more colours, thus maybe representing his life is now so much more full?

I dunno, either way, I’m glad they did that. I played Cody in SF4, so it wasn’t like Q, where it had been ages since I’d seen him, yet seeing that first shot of him had me so excited. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to deviate from the mould.


Definitely, his re-design is now why I’m more interested in him. Couldn’t give two cares about him back then.

I’m back, and yeah, I’m ready for EVO)
As for SFVI, I do think it will go further into the lore. Bison is an amazing boss, but stretching him is not the way, it’s time a new villain already. This is what we currently have when it comes to bosses:
SFI - Sagat (who isn’t even a villain)
SFA - Bison
SFII - Bison
SFIV - Seth (only for Bison to return and humilate him)
SFV - Bison (and possibly G for the 2nd story mode)
SFIII - Gill (who hasn’t proven himself as a new boss yet, he has only been throwing fights)

Many people were definitely not ready to accept Gill as a new boss, SFIIi took place way after SFII and they had no idea why Bison was missing. What Capcom are doing now is correcting the mistake Old Capcom (SFIII developers) made, they’re smoothly bridging events to it. The ASF ending showing Bison’s death was a nice moment, and if he does possess Ed in the 2nd SFV story, I imagine Story Costume Bison facing off against Necalli and Necalli devouring his spirit in the dramatic scene, thus finally making Necalli an epic boss who might also return in SFVI as he’s the most popular SFV newcomer.

Hopefully Capcom announce the next story on EVO where Sagat will also be playable.


As much as I prefer Bison, I feel that a SF6 should be Gill’s time to shine (maybe a tiny redesign would help his favor). If Necalli is actually the one to defeat him then he’ll finally be useful.

I’m hoping that by the next week, we’ll get a G reveal. Sagat+2nd story announcement at EVO would cause too much hype for most of the people here.

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Urien’s time as the boss is post-3S.

Bison’s time as the boss is forever.

Gill who?


@Daemos This guy:
Didn’t know the Illuminati were out here helping little fish find their dads. #StayWoke


About Cody’s design:
That’s my problem with speak about design, people think a design is legit or not as soon they like it lol
Reality is design is a more complex thing than that, and a solid “rule” of stylization is essential for it

As said i like Cody new appearance, but he’s still “wrong”
SFV keeping having “wrong” pieces, keep damage the overall design structure and keep an overall amateurish vibe that is sad to see in a SF chapter

Yeah, I agree there were some choices done that made SF3 harder to swallow for some folks. I initially avoided it because it felt so sudden to get rid of everyone and not explain what happened. I got into the game really late and ended up loving it, but yeah, there definitely were some issues that’re now being worked on.

Despite the 3 titles in the SF3 series, I do think that Gill had a lot more potential and still could offer some story details. SF6 does not need Bison. Yes, he’s fantastic, but if we mine the well too many times, it’ll dilute the brand.

I’m all for that since I like the character, but I do want Gill to continue to get some development. We’re in a new era of storytelling, so whatever past shortcomings came from Gill need not eliminate him forever. Both brothers have a connection and rivalry, keeping Gill around can nicely foster things in Urien’s plot. Heck, having Gill go through a phase where the prodigal son he is, is brought to his lowest point and we get to see what both brothers are made of when roles are switched and altered. Urien always wanted to lead, let’s see how that happens with him in charge, with Gill brought to his lowest points, we can see what kind of man he is and just how ugly he can get when he’s not showing off a falsely benevolent messianic persona.

I think if we keep pushing forward we could get some awesome stuff. With a move to post SF3, we don’t have to deal with confusing timeline placement and we get to see things move forward, we get to get new contenders and factions and plot elements.

I really want to see SF shine. If we wait a while and then bring Bison back, that’ll be all the sweeter, but if his shadow constantly hangs over the series, it’ll never grow.

It’d be like if X-men only ever fought Magneto, or Spider-man just fought the Green Goblin and Scorpion. We’d get no Sentinels, Apocalypse, no Venom, not Doc Ock or Kraven.

Bison had a heck of a send off for 5, let’s savour that moment a bit more before hitting the undo button.


Tbh Gill design works as it is
Maybe they could just enrich it by having fire/ice aura on hands/forearms slighty visible even when not used, but aside that he’s exactly designed for the concept he’s supposed to express.

As much many seem dislike the fact he’s semi-naked (Gief is’n much different lol) the point is exactly him imposing himself as the human physical apex to the point of suggest he’s truly somehow divine/beyond human as he want to sell
Everything in his design was there to express what they wanted as designers, tbh fuck change to try to sell it to the audience.
If anything slap him there overpowered as fuck and let the hate of the audience grow, it will improve his effectiveness as Boss/villain figure lol

It surely worked for Joffrey in GoT lol

Daemos stop being butthurt at Gill pls

Urien is a mad and cruel Julius Caesar
Urien is SF’s Souther from HokutoNoKen (who was a wannabe Caesar himself)
Urien in SFV is Demetrios from Cestus manga, and with my username mean something
Urien is badass as fuck and the true rep of Greece/Pankration when ALL i want from SF chars is rep nations and martial arts first


Urien is NOT Boss material
Urien start limited, he start conceptually defeated
He’s an eternal second, a bitter loser at core
He’s about tryhard show-off he THE apex, while being angry as fuck knowing he’s not
His whole character is about be mad as fuck about know deep inside he’s inferior to his brother

Get Urien as Boss is know you’re getting the second choice, wich is weak ass as when we got Seth in SF4
A boss that never pretended to stay, just a filler waiting to be dispatched

Capcom was way more ambitious in SF3 with Gill, to the point of hint you don’t even see his true power in the whole SF3 arc

Problem is “maybe” (sure?) you want a filler boss easy to remove as soon they plan to return having Bison, but as much i like him (easily my fav SF Boss), no thanks

The Bison card will get weaker and weaker, and less effective as long they keep play it, and have his ass kicked
THIS TIME Bison is truly so much more powerful than last 4 timez! Getdefeatedrepeat

Overusing him will just ruin the char, let him adapt to a story that move past his days as Boss (and one day past Gill’s days too) will be just the correct way to go

Maybe through Ed’s body he can get a last extra life as the Boss, but looking very different to feel a new treat
But aside that let him be like Soul Calibur Cervantes, badass as ever but not forced to become the parody of himself each new chapter

As Ryu fan i appreciated him being side-lined in SF3
And even his post-Sf3 evolution feel destined to be more personal and “smaller”, defeat Akuma and become a true Master (that will forever live as a disciple of the world), not necessary the world’s hero again

I don’t think so. Urien isn’t worthy enough to be one to be fair, considering Gill is his superior and he was a boss in SFIII, meaning if SFVI is a sequel, it won’t make sense for Urien to be one. Gill def needs a lot more development. It was great to see Bison return despite his deaths, but this time is different, people will be annoyed rather than happy if he comes back yet again. This reminds me of Heihachi in Tekken, who died like four times and had plot armor as an iconic character, but eventually had to be wiped out for real for the story to progress and move on to the next saga.


Random added perspective that most likely missed about Gill

Yes he’s Gemini/Saga, a Zeus/Apollo, a Jesus, a norse god, a dragonball fusion of 2 indu deites and more

But there’s also a much much more grounded (and sinister) root in his concept design as a sinister cult leader that sell himself as a benevolent saviour but hide a cruel genocide soul

Most will ignore it but while SF3 was a 1997 game, in 1995 in Tokio this happened

All by the hands of a cult that was like this, with a leader that mixed western and eastern religion/mysticism, tried to sold himself as a new Jesus, had Apocalypse-related trips and so on

[QUOTE]After this, a monastic order was established, and many lay followers joined. Asahara gained credibility by appearing on TV and on magazine covers. He gradually attained a following of believers and began being invited to lecture-meeting at universities. Asahara also wrote several religious books, including Beyond Life and Death, Declaring Myself the Christ, and Supreme Initiation.

The doctrine of Aum Shinrikyo is based on the Vajrayana scriptures, the Bible, and other texts. In 1992 Asahara published Declaring Myself the Christ, within which he declared himself “Christ”, Japan’s only fully enlightened master, and identified with the “Lamb of God”.

His purported mission was to take others’ sins upon himself, and he claimed he could transfer spiritual power to his followers. He saw dark conspiracies everywhere, promulgated by the Jews, the Freemasons, the Dutch, the British Royal Family, and rival Japanese religions.

He outlined a doomsday prophecy, which included a third World War, and described a final conflict culminating in a nuclear “Armageddon”, borrowing the term from the Book of Revelation 16:16.

Asahara often preached the necessity of Armageddon for “human relief”. He eventually declared, “Put tantra Vajrayana into practice in accordance with the doctrines of Mahamudra,” and he led a series of terrorist attacks using a secret organization hidden from ordinary believers.[/QUOTE]

Even if average audience feel the cult/good guy card is weak material for a villain, for japanese audience a cult leader with fake face and mass-killing plans was actually a much much fresh wound than Bison trying to be a cartoon Hitler


I thought that the Christian extremist groups in Japan inspiring Gill was a common thing.

I always hoped that Urien’s ending in 3S was Canon but Gill survived so now we have Urien leading one side of the Illuminati while Gill resurfaces and the remaining members (and Kolin) go to Gill. Would love to see all-out infighting within the Illuminati. All while Chun/Necro/Alex/whoever are attacking them.


Tbh direct Urien-Gill confrontation lost interest to me, SF3 (and ASF to some extent) made just feel they’re on different levels

But on other hand see Gill rise in the shadow as the real deal letting the puppet-Boss dance will be a repetition imho, will remember me so much the SF4 Seth-Bison situation

Idk where they can go from there honestly
After they hold-back on Gill’s true power for the whole SF3 arc, getting another chapter with him holding back will feel too long
Probably will prefer see Gill truly go all in destroying shit left and right, get defeat and let SF go beyond him too in SF7

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He doesn’t exactly have to be undercover after Urien blew up the tower. TBF realizing his brother is “ruining” his precious organization should make him go all out angry and destroying everything, all while keeping up his nice facade.
So now it’s “Heroes” vs Urien vs Gill

I do wonder if they haven’t forgotten about Ibuki having the G project, 3S didn’t follow up on it so I’m hoping that the heroes use it in order to get a idea of where and when to strike against them, even if their plans are already in motion by this point.

I made the mistake of looking at my Darkstalkers art book again today.

Now I’m desperately hoping for an EVO reveal after Ono’s teasing, and I know I will be disappointed. :frowning:


I want a female boss, its about damn time


Closest we got is Juri and Kolin but, yeah, we’re really overdue

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No thanks lol
SF ever been a pretty physical universe, female boss does’nt fit much SF aesthetic
If they do it i will just take it as they’re just trying hard to look “modern”

SF4 Juri is probably the closest the series naturally got, and i’m ok with that

Yeah, they don’t punch and go all out but they’re smarter and use their legs :wink::wink::wink:. Longer reach+more lethal, us boys still got a lot to learn.:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

On a serious note, I disagree alot with your statement.

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If such an announcement happened, I would cry tears of joy.

I know it won’t happen, though.

Honestly, as hyped as I am to see G, I feel like Capcom needs to come with a harder punch when it comes to Evo announcements. We see what Capcom is capable of when it comes to bringing their A game to an event (E3 2018). All that’s left is for them to knock it outta the park with their fighting game announcements.

Evo 2017 was pretty dry for Capcom compared to the opposition. ASW had DBFZ hype and announced Cross Tag Battle. Bamco announced Geese for Tekken 7. Capcom revealed Abigail for SFV :smirk:

With all of the attention other companies seem to be getting, it’d be nice for Capcom to steal the thunder with some unexpected announcements. They have a great opportunity to do this at Evo. Do I think they’ll do more than the bare minimum (G and possibly a Sagat trailer?) there? Most likely not. I’d love to be wrong.